

  • CVS Target Petco PetSmart Von's (Pavilions) Savers Hilton HHonors Southwest Airlines
  • Welcome to life sweetheart. I leave my house every morning at 6:45 AM, and most nights get home at 8-9 PM after yoga classes, family, friends, working full time at the office, and part time at my business I run out of my house. Either you find the time, or you quit and give in the towel. Make time for you. And before you…
  • Glad you are safe and healthy now! It's amazing how you can take care of yourself, or think you do, but something so scary can almost kill you. PS - I also working in business telephone systems and services :) We dabble in internet, but mainly voice services :happy:
  • My grandmother won her battle, but died of a sudden heart attack about 9 months later :( Save the boobies!!!
  • ^^ This - that guy's story has made me get off my rump and move more - i didn't even have a lot to lose - but it's inspiring. You def DON'T need surgery to do this - good old fashioned hard work is the key here! I have faith in you that you will do this, one small step at a time. Just take it day by day. When I was bigger…
  • I threw up my first 2 herbalife shakes - never tried shakeology or avocare just because of herbalife bad experiences - get some whey protein, and make your own smoothies - at least then you know whats in them, and i'm pretty sure produce is cheaper than those company who are trying to make a buck off us people looking for…
  • How about doing things the right way? OR you can send me the money you'll spend on the pills, since it's all crap, I'll happily forward my paypal account address. Just another person looking for a quick fix - it's sad that's what society has become. Work hard and you'll get what you want - or just spend a ton of money…
  • you - yeah you, kind person of the internet and OP of the post WTF are you talking about?? You're cray cray, go eat something, you're hangry
  • the first time i did paleo i felt great and dropped 18 pounds without exercise. the second time I did paleo I got incredibly sick and was out on disability for 2 months with pain issues (plus i'm on different meds now, had a lot of stress going on, so it could have been a combination of everything...) Peanuts are…
  • Peppermint, organic Chai, Tazo Passion, pumpkin Chai... those are all in my closet right now, looking for more, found an AWESOME loose tea link from another MFP member - davidstea.com AMAZING flavors, but I haven't tried them yet. Nearest store is 4 hours away from me, but can order online - if you find a store, they will…
  • I was using Dynamize, and i only noticed it was super thick if I doubled up on the powder, but one scoop is fine. I think I got it online at GMC. I also use Garden of Life (because it's gluten free), and I have chocolate and mix it with peanut butter and a banana and almond milk - takes away some of the chalkiness, and…
  • Just me, but i have the same issue and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Stress Reaction syndrome. Took nearly a year of testing, but finally got the right meds and am feeling so much better now (this was over 2 years ago this started, sleeping 16 hour days, and working, and school) Also was able to get a new…
  • My boss' daughter is getting married in 2 months and I plan on wearing my red dress - i only heard about the black/white rule, but I also plan to wear my red dress as it's 2 days after Christmas, and they're Jewish anyways (I'm pretty sure if I was wearing white, there would be an issue, but I don't think she cares what…
  • Fitbit accounts for everything including breathing and just being alive, that is why. My fitbit manual explained all of it, but I have "One", not Zip.
  • ^^ that's what I thought. Ok, so from now on I will eat all ice cream and still lose the weight, right?!?! Psssh, please. I'll keep eating like I normally do, I've lost a total of 44 pounds that way, and THAT'S what works. Just because something worked for you, doesn't mean it works for the majority OP. But I'm glad you…
  • i make my own smoothies, but it's not like slim fast, herbalife, anything like that - just fresh or frozen fruit, milk, and protein powder... i'm on a tight budget and tight time schedule, so it's quick and simple for me to make at night after working late or in the morning before work. Never took diet pills though, the…
  • my thighs still rub together and i weigh about 125. Not like Chaffing bad, but they do still touch.
  • you look so much younger!!! Congrats on your progress!
  • This is what I need to do... but alas, we have no company gym, but I feel the same way you do - always wondering what others with think, yet as work i'm sassy, smart, quick to jump in with both feet and assist... yet I get tired after WALKING a mile. I'm proud of you for just getting out there and doing it!
  • the more you weigh the higher you will lose in the first few weeks... you'll never see a tinier person (say, 140), drop 10 pounds in a week. now someone who is 240, yeah 10 pounds could be possible. 340? Yup, easily doable.
  • 1. How much do you want to lose? 2. What are your calories like every day? 3. How much are you burning with your new workout plan? 4. What size are you now? what size is the dress you want to wear in 10 weeks? 5. Can't help without necessary info - "breathing room" doesn't mean crap, and I'm glad you lose 46 so far, that…
  • The spice cake is better - gives it that real carrot/pumpkin flavor... Now I need to find gluten free mix so I can make this again - been making it the past 8 years, but now have a gluten intolerance :/
  • I barely lost anything on 1200, stalled at 1300, ate 1400 and the pounds came FLYING off. And I didn't have that much to lose either. 1200 really is a bad start point, I hate that MFP puts everyone there it seems... Eat too little and your body will hold onto it because it isn't given enough energy to properly fuel the…
  • My ex (just recently split, after 3 years together) was a different race than me and I got a lot of grief for it. I dated a guy in high school who was Filipino, and didn't receive and slack, but this last one a lot of people learned he was middle eastern and automatically assumed I was dating a terrorist. He was born and…
  • measurements and the way clothes are fitting. I haven't weighed in in 3 months. I started getting too attached and obsessive about the scale. But I feel AMAZING, and I may have put back on 2-3 pounds, but I've felt better than I have in a long time!
  • been on the pill 10 years and no issues!
  • ^^ This is me too. Damn men keep screwing up my dreams. Maybe I should just marry myself (oh wait, I think that's actually been done already...)
  • I was like that the first 2 weeks with my fitbit. I still check it about 3 times a day now, make sure it syncs, see how my friends are doing... More of a motivation, but obsession? not so much.