How do you stay motivated when the scale shows no results??

FluffyKangaroo Posts: 41 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I've been working so hard and in the beginning of my weight loss journey I was happy with my results but now although I'm still doing the same amount, I seem to not be losing as much anymore. How can I stay motivated and inspired to continue working so hard??


    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    Have you taken any other measurements apart from your weight ?? Are your clothes looser , these are also part of weight loss not just the numbers on the scales !
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Stay off the scale for a while. That way, in a few weeks, you'll likely see a change.
  • kordell70
    kordell70 Posts: 49 Member
    Several studies have shown those who weigh themselves daily versus weekly or otherwise tend to lose or maintain weight better than those who do not. However, you should note that weights will fluctuate daily depending on your sodium to potassium intake (which can result in excess water being temporarily held), also not getting enough nutrient for your body can cause your body to slow itself down thereby lowering your BMR. I would encourage you to have a journal to track your weight week over week. Since your goal is to "lose" weight then you will need a quantitative measure to see if you are meeting your goal. If you find you are not, then you should study your exercise and food nutrient plans from the previous week. You may find that while you were below your caloric intake that your sodium intake was too high each day and your body has been unable to rid itself of the excess salt and thus holding onto water. Also, if you notice you are more tired check to see if you are getting all your proper nutrients. Many times people focus on the length of time they worked out, however, if due to a lack of nutrients you are more tired one particular week you may not be exercising with as much intensity and therefore not burning as much calories. In addition, make sure you are measuring your food carefully to make sure your caloric amounts are accurate. Being off by as little as 50 calories a day can result in a 5.2 pounds difference at the end of the year on where you think your weight should be.

    So I guess your motivation should be researching your eating, exercising and nutrient habits and seeing if you can solve the puzzle. Look to check your daily potassium, many people are low in this.
  • Sobeone
    Sobeone Posts: 72
    What I'm going to do personally is only weigh myself once a week, this I believe will help me with this prob.
  • JustJessLynn
    measurements, look in the mirror, i hang my "goal jeans" on a hanger on my refrigerator door so I will have to physically move them every time I start to think about eating something. little things.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    yep above all never weigh yourself everyday, trust me its far too depressing. My scale and I have had disagreements about this but I think it tends to lie to me in the evenings so I would also suggest weighing in in the morning ^_^.


  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Eat more, and take the stairs.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I've been working so hard and in the beginning of my weight loss journey I was happy with my results but now although I'm still doing the same amount, I seem to not be losing as much anymore. How can I stay motivated and inspired to continue working so hard??

    Just keep on with it, we all go through plateaus and when you are on the road to progression it is hard when you hit that stony will get through it, believe me.

    You can try `jiggling` things around change up hitting carbs for a few days with low protein, change your exercise routine, add different things in your day (foods or exercise)

    Find what works for you, inspire yourself x
  • jennybennypenny
    jennybennypenny Posts: 90 Member

    But really, how are your clothes fitting? I've been at kind of a plateau weight wise, but my clothes are definitely fitting differently/better.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I agree with the previous posters - you can't go by the # on the scale alone. This is the exact reason why I bought a scale that also shows me the % of body fat, water, and muscle. My weight has been the same for the past 4 days, but my body fat % has dropped by 0.7 .
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been working so hard and in the beginning of my weight loss journey I was happy with my results but now although I'm still doing the same amount, I seem to not be losing as much anymore. How can I stay motivated and inspired to continue working so hard??

    Make fitness goals. My scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks, but in that time I reached my goal of running 20 miles in September. Sometimes you just have to be satisfied knowing you are stronger and healthier than you were the day before. :-)
  • michellechawner
    measurements and the way clothes are fitting.

    I haven't weighed in in 3 months. I started getting too attached and obsessive about the scale. But I feel AMAZING, and I may have put back on 2-3 pounds, but I've felt better than I have in a long time!
  • wistera
    wistera Posts: 22 Member
    Just be reasonable: if you're eating under maintenance (and being truthful about calories, and logging/weighing everything!) it will eventually come off. Your body's HAS to pull it from somewhere; it's not magic! So if you just keep on keeping on, you'll eventually find the scale on the downward trend again. :)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I take pictures and see the results I couldn't care less what the scale says
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    So far in this year long journy, I seem to always have one pair of pants that are a little too tight. When I am feeling really big and crappy (just this morning, actually) I put them on and ususally they are a little closer to being comfortalble.

    Today I got to wear my "snug pants" tod work becasue they FIT, but I have only lost 2 pounds in a month...the mirror and your clothes become a better gage than the scales. I only have 10 more to go and I have started working out quite a bit more so I think the last 10 could take awhile. I don't want to go below my calorie goals so far that I flip out and quit!
  • amisbest
    amisbest Posts: 38 Member
    Everybody slows down and has a battle with daily weight loss eventually. Some days you might even gain weight, even though you had a "perfect day". I look at it this way. Daily fluctuations are normal and the work you did on one day may not show up for 2 days later ...but it does. Calorie deficits always result in weight loss. So my advice is to keep your resolve every day. Your results are down the road. Promise! :smile:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Any progress is still progress. Would you rather be gaining weight?
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    I've been working so hard and in the beginning of my weight loss journey I was happy with my results but now although I'm still doing the same amount, I seem to not be losing as much anymore. How can I stay motivated and inspired to continue working so hard??

    Stop weighing yourself and keep working. Focus on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and how much more FIT you're getting...NOT on how many pounds you are (or aren't) losing.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I track my weight daily AM and PM so that I can spot trends as far as what works and what doesn't. I find that the numbers don't bother me as I know that as long as I do the same things that have been working I should see progress.

    I am a numbers guy .. so I like to see the numbers and then I can adjust my program (whether that be what I eat or what I do for exercise).

    Different things work for different people So just do what works for you.
  • itsjoma
    itsjoma Posts: 2 Member
    It has been helpful for me to look back over the journey and remember that it all happened a few ounces at a time, and it has taken time. Keep your eye on the prize!
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