fasting diet works....



  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member

    Ohhhh this made me giggle, thank you!!!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Erm, I actually am a nutritionist.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    IF'ing is fine. So is not IF'ing. Eat in a way that allows you to hit your calorie and macro targets, allows the most enjoyable lifestyle, is easiest to adhere to, and helps the most with gym performance.


    This is the reason why MFP Rule #1 is: Don't argue with Sarah.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    IF'ing is fine. So is not IF'ing. Eat in a way that allows you to hit your calorie and macro targets, allows the most enjoyable lifestyle, is easiest to adhere to, and helps the most with gym performance.


    This is the reason why MFP Rule #1 is: Don't argue with Sarah.

    The corollary to this is "Well, you can, but you've lost before you've begun and your attempts look petty and childish."
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    Fasting = 8 hours of sleep. get 8 hrs of sleep a night! I'm jealous!! :grumble:

    Ideally... I would and that's about what people should get...

    In reality... not even close, I dream of sleeping :( I get about 5 hours, 6 on a good night. I have a 2yo that still won't stay in his bed and a 7yo that is an early riser while DH and I are night owls.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I'm always tempted to try extended fasting myself but with my history of eating disorders, I end up thinking it's probably a terrible idea.

    That being said, it's all about who you are and what you want to do. I generally eat while at work, and occasionally at home. That means I have an eating "window" of a nine hour shift. Does that count?

    If it does count... I've seen no significant different between this and other eating patterns I've had when it comes to the weight loss.

    I also don't trust the OP as they can't write intelligible sentences.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Fasting = 8 hours of sleep. get 8 hrs of sleep a night! I'm jealous!! :grumble:

    Ideally... I would and that's about what people should get...

    In reality... not even close, I dream of sleeping :( I get about 5 hours, 6 on a good night. I have a 2yo that still won't stay in his bed and a 7yo that is an early riser while DH and I are night owls.

    Actually, 8 hours is also a belief from the past. They have done studies that show many people are more productive and well rested on a shorter sleep schedule. Of course, it's all a game of averages, but anymore, 8 hours isn't the rule so much as sleeping long enough to naturally hit REM and come out of it.
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    Erm, I actually am a nutritionist.

    Let us have it then! Fasting, good or bad or neutral?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Fasting = 8 hours of sleep. get 8 hrs of sleep a night! I'm jealous!! :grumble:

    Ideally... I would and that's about what people should get...

    In reality... not even close, I dream of sleeping :( I get about 5 hours, 6 on a good night. I have a 2yo that still won't stay in his bed and a 7yo that is an early riser while DH and I are night owls.

    I suggest you go to sleep earlier.

    That's how I resolved my "not enough sleep" problems.
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    Fasting = 8 hours of sleep. get 8 hrs of sleep a night! I'm jealous!! :grumble:

    Ideally... I would and that's about what people should get...

    In reality... not even close, I dream of sleeping :( I get about 5 hours, 6 on a good night. I have a 2yo that still won't stay in his bed and a 7yo that is an early riser while DH and I are night owls.

    Actually, 8 hours is also a belief from the past. They have done studies that show many people are more productive and well rested on a shorter sleep schedule. Of course, it's all a game of averages, but anymore, 8 hours isn't the rule so much as sleeping long enough to naturally hit REM and come out of it.

    I know that, hence the 'about' in my sentence. I feel great at 7 hours, more than that is just a bonus.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Details from the start would have been nice.....

    Either way, I don't understand what good fasting does for the long term benefits of health. It's not healthy to not eat. Your body needs food to fuel it and learning how to eat with balance and control is a big portion of a lifestyle change.

    There's absolutely nothing unhealthy about not eating for 16 hours. Our bodies are quite capable of surviving off fat stores, which many people have. In fact, we store fat so we can use it during times of food shortage. We aren't storing it because of it's looks. :drinker:
    THIS. Basically I've been eating almost this way for the past few years and done well with no health issues.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    Ideally... I would and that's about what people should get...

    In reality... not even close, I dream of sleeping :( I get about 5 hours, 6 on a good night. I have a 2yo that still won't stay in his bed and a 7yo that is an early riser while DH and I are night owls.

    I suggest you go to sleep earlier.

    That's how I resolved my "not enough sleep" problems.

    Thanks for the suggestion. :)

    Oh I know what I NEED to do, the doing is the hard part. From the time I was born I was a night owl (1 - drove my parents nuts, 2 - I wonder if there is a scientific explanation for that one... think I must research this in the future). Unfortunately, my children and job don't allow me to be. The problem now is that my schedule has me tired enough that I should be able to sleep earlier, but I often have a hard time falling asleep. Working on that through meditation and it's getting better... someday, I will get enough sleep...

    But anyhow, that doesn't have much to do with this thread and is an entirely different conversation on it's own. :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Erm, I actually am a nutritionist.

    Let us have it then! Fasting, good or bad or neutral?

    Neutral, like Sarauk said.

    Ironically, the only dietitian I spoke to about it was against it, deeming it easier to eat regularly and avoid peaks and troughs.

    The only things I'm against is promoting unproven effects of fasting,

    and one individual using my license fee to promote his own teaser trailer, and then conveniently waiting until January to release the details on how to do the diet by selling a book. Plus promoting it to the masses, and leaving it until the second to last page to brush over who it is not appropriate for.

    I think the common occurrence, and little known effects of binge eating should be taken into consideration when thinking of IFing for the masses.
    For the individual, neutral. It's just another method.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I guess I fast from 10pm to 8am. Does that count. :smile:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I am doing IF, LeanGains protocol.
    66 Days in.

    I have increased my calories weekly from what I was doing before.
    My weight at start of IF was ~182
    Weight on 10/6 (2 months in for me) - ~175 lbs.

    I like it a lot.
    I finally feel like I am starting to burn the fat on my lower abs/lower back.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Ok, so it works for them, and that is great. That doesn't mean that I have to agree with fasting in any form. From what I have been taught from my nutritionsit these years working with her it's never a good idea to fast. Eating small meals throughout the day to hit a calorie goal without fasting, in my opinion, is a much better idea than fasting.
    Philosophies will differ from nutritionist to nutritionist. Better to consult registered dietician (nutritionists can get certified online if they want whereas an RD goes through college majors in it and gets a license) on matters of fasting. You don't have to agree with it, but you can find PEER REVIEWED clinical studies that support that short term fasting is fine to do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    You don't have to agree with it, but you can find PEER REVIEWED clinical studies that support that short term fasting is fine to do.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    To the 'nutritionist' on this thread (note: not a dietitian then....)

    I see from your profile that you're in Lincoln.

    So for your info, this is what the NHS says about the currently available research on 5:2 / IF....

    It probably really is time to update your CPD.

    She isn't a nutritionist. She's worked with a nutritionist. This qualifies her to tell all you people, who have managed to be more successful than losing 2 of 32 pounds since joining in January of 2013, that they're doing everything wrong.

    Oh cool!!! That means because I work with dietitians that trumps it? Fabulous!! :drinker:

    so if I work with Brain surgeons then I can perform brain surgery...????
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    so if I work with Brain surgeons then I can perform brain surgery...????

    Me first, Me first, Me first, Me first, :laugh: :laugh: :explode:
  • IF'ing is fine. So is not IF'ing. Eat in a way that allows you to hit your calorie and macro targets, allows the most enjoyable lifestyle, is easiest to adhere to, and helps the most with gym performance.

    Sara ruins everything with her perfect body and logic pfft she must be a witch...;p