

  • If you are not eating the right things you will stay hungry. I know i have the same problems. Make sure you're not eating empty carbs like whites starchy foods or white suger. try to stay with fiber, whole grains, wheat pastas, and PROTEIN. And every ONCE in awhile it's ok to indulge. Just make sure you work out that day a…
  • I have found the elliptical seems to "help" tighten my flabby tummy also planks. You have to remember clothes, womens clothes in particular are made very differently some are made bigger and some are made for super tiny people. Plus women are also made different. Some have hips some dont. Others are blessed up top and some…
  • i go to a professinal trainer and he told me the same thing and also with belly fat it's just the fact it's the first thing on and last off just watch how much fat you consume especially the bad kind
  • i try to eat half of my workout calories back and i have been losin about a pound and a half a week.
  • you can lose weight without exercise you lose weight because you cut back on calories the exercise just keeps you toned and looking good as you lose the weight. so just eat youre allowed calories and youl be fine
  • we are just starting that so you are an insparation
  • I look at it this way i will take what I can get.
  • Iam toatally with you i just came of a two week trip and lets just say that the diet and exercise went down the toilet. I have to weigh in tomorrow. Im so dredding it. anyway I just figured it all starts back today and It will be a year before i have to stare the vacation food monster down again. Hoping to be really fit…
  • Thats awsome you give women everywhere hope that they can go back to highshsool weight even after babies.
  • this is so true once i really wanted a 500 calorie desert from Dairy queen but thought i was to many calories so i kept munching on small healthy foods to fight that craving and ended up going over 1000 calories and I would have only been over like 300 whith exercise so now if i want real chocolate I just get a small candy…
  • go to walmart and buy some DVD like biggest loser that actually moves the intensity up as you progress Also i find alot of great exercises in magazines like health. I do streangth training two days a week intensly and this month i lost almost 5 inches
  • Just keep going and dont let them shake you. They are just trying to see how far they can push you and your coworker my husband works industrial costruction and one thing i have learned is That they try to scare the new guy just dont let them run over you. stand up take control and they will back down.
  • a couple of days a week when Im on the elliptical i put it at a high intensity and I dont use the moving handle bars i just strictly work it with my legs it has really helped ive lost lots of inches in my legs also I put the tread mill at like a 12 or 14 incline
  • I hit a stump for two years after my sone was born I could not lose the weight. I was doing tons of cardio and keeping my diet between 1200 and 1400 cals. finally I got so frustrated that I went to a trainer. he upped my cals to about 1600 and started doing streanth training two days a week with me. the streangth training…
  • I have been working out for about three months I started seeing small results after about 6 weeks but it has been with in the last couple of weeks that I have started seeing real progress and I am starting to fit back in some of my old jeans. Just keep going and pushing hard you will see more progress!!!
  • I have been working out for about three months I started seeing small results after about 6 weeks but it has been with in the last couple of weeks that I have started seeing real progress and I am starting to fit back in some of my old jeans. Just keep going and pushing hard you will see more progress!!!
  • Yea have diffinately had that problem I have gained as much as 8 lbs but I read an article that said to drink lots of water so thats what I started doing drinking nothing but distilled water and staying away from as much salt as possible and high bad carb foods and I actually lost 1.8 pound this week and its deffinately my…
  • I go to a natural doctor instead of one who practices westeren meds and he told me that splenda isn't that great for you he has me use either raw honey, agave necter, or stevia. the honey and the agave nectar are at walmart. im pretty sure the stevia is too but if not, you can deffinately find it at a health food store
  • I have a two year old little boy so he's very busy and so am i I got a paper from my doctor that has alot of food choices on it with the calorie amount. I put breakfast in myfitness pal journal in the morning and then I keep up with the calories for the rest of the day on paper and then when I get some downtime I put it…