messed up while on vacation

I haven't logged since last week, just returned from beach vacation, and weighed this morning and gained everything i lost except for .6 lbs, I know it was my choice, but feeling very discouraged this morning. If this has happened to anyone, any words of advice would be so appreciated. I have been on the program about 3 weeks and had lost 4.4 lbs


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today is a new day my dear, and you can choose to get back on track. Don't beat yourself up too much, but jsut remember how you feel right now next time you want to cheat, so maybe you can talk yourself out of it. After all, it isn't called a weight loss breeze, t's called a weight loss journey!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    did the same thing in july....all i can say is let it go......START OVER today and keep on keeping on .....
    no going back so there is no sense in harping what is done.....learn from it and work harder next time...
    good luck and know it can be done...
  • freedMan
    freedMan Posts: 68
    Chances are that your weight gain is mostly water weight from extra sodium intake in your diet over vacation. Drink lots of water this week, maintain your exercise/diet and you'll be right back to where you want to be!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I went to NY for a weekend...and came back and scale said I gained 3 pounds....I didnt sweat it, because while on vacation, you tend to eat out more and eat unhealthy, and those foods are high in salt, which causes us to retain water, thus the scale tips higher when we come back

    Just get back on track, drink tons of water, start working out again...and you should go back to your weight prior to vacation in a week or two

    Hope you enjoyed your vacation.....Personally I dont stress myself too much about eating when I am on vacation, so I always expect a couple pounds weight gain

    Dont stress too much, just keep moving forward.....dont give up or quit, that would be worst than the 4lb weight gain
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Usually I find that when that happens, I will quickly lose at least a part of the "vacation gain" within just a few days of getting back on track. Not to be gross, but sometimes some "quality bathroom time" will do wonders. Don't get discouraged....:flowerforyou:
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Hey, the first step is admitting that you got off track. No just hop right back on track! Today is a new day. Do NOT beat yourself up about it. It's done, it's in the past, and you can't do anything about the past. But you can make a brighter future, so start today! Best of luck to you, and keep your chin up! This has to be a lifestyle change, so make it something you can stick with, and just do it. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one step at a time. You can you can! :flowerforyou:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Did you enjoy your vacation?

    Good, now get back to work, simple. :bigsmile:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Don't worry about it. You can't expect that for the rest of your life you will never pig out on vacation or at parties or at birthdays (all I ate this weekend was cake!) etc. There will always be some back and forth on your weight. It's frustrating to have it at the beginning and be almost all of your progress thus far, but just know it's a temporary fluctuation and your overall new healthy lifestyle will have you back down in no time. Also, when you reach your goal weight - make sure you reach a goal range, because odds are you will naturally float around a 5-10 lb range when you're done, and not just sit at that magic # weight you finally reach.
  • kayleigh333
    I agree with the extra sodium causing water retention theory.

    My parents came to visit a week ago and we ate out several times over the weekend. When I weighed myself the next day I had put on two pounds, but after three days of healthy eating the two pounds had come off again, plus an extra 0.8.

    Just remember that you can't do anything now about your eating over the vacation, but you're in total control over what you choose to do next, so make a good decision. Just concentrate on how good you must have felt after losing that four pounds! :)
  • SilverRoxy
    I'm in your same boat here! But I was only away for the weekend. As everyone said, we just need to get back on track...drink lots of water, etc. I'm going away again this weekend and I have to keep in mind how I feel today to prevent this again next Monday.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I always lose on vacations because we go to the beach and ride bikes all day and I eat fish for dinner but I gain after I come home probably because I feel good that I haven't gained and get a little loose with my plan. I have had crazy weekends where I am eating out every meal and by Monday I have packed on 4 pounds. If you get back on track and exercise and drink a lot of water and give it a few days I think you will find most or all will have dropped off. My biggest challenge while away or eating out is the sodium content in the food and so I can gain weight overnight but it is usually water. I think that could be what happened to you. Just get back up on that horse that threw you and you will be fine.:flowerforyou:
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I agree, a few pounds gained over a vacation are often just extra water weight from eating higher sodium foods and not drinking enough water. They usually come off for me within the week. I don't even record the weight gain unless it sticks around for more than a week. Vacations are hard on weight loss. As a suggestion for the future, I just came back from 3 weeks away from home (2 of which were vacation), and what I did was keep a notebook where I recorded what I ate and any exercise I got (swimming, walking, etc.). I wasn't tracking calories, but I wanted to make sure I was thinking about what I ate and I could look back at the end and see if I made good choices. I ate whatever I wanted, but with control. After that time, I was up 1 pound, and am already (within a week of getting back) down 1 pound from where I was before vacation! You can enjoy your vacation (even the food) and not lose control. But don't sweat a few pounds if they come off fairly quickly.
  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    :noway: Lesson learned!

    I think we've all been there and it's like a bucket of cold water in the face when you step on the scale and see what the result of "slipping" is. I learned that lesson a few weeks ago and that was just over a weekend away! I am currently on 2 weeks of vacation; the first week I spent with my kids at a resort, I booked a room that had a full kitchenette and brought all of our own groceries. We did end up eating out one night and I thought I had chosen a healthy meal; however, when I put it into food tracker, I found out it was really high calorie :explode: We also spent a day at Canada's wonderland; I thought this might be difficult, but I made sure I ate a good breakfast before we left and then we hunted around until we found a restaurant within the park that had healthy options.....we ended up at Mr. Sub which met my calorie intake for lunch. I made sure that I combined exercise into each day, even if it was only 20 minutes.
    This week I am just at home with the kids, so it shouldn't be hard to maintain.
    I also have a camping trip planned for the last week of August; this shouldn't be tricky, however, I am going with 2 other friends and their kids........the challenge will be in the snacking and planning my days around any alcohol intake. I am currently training for a half marathon, so my consumption of alcoholic beverages will be low...but they still add up!!

    Long story short.........plan your exercise before you take your vacation....also look into the food options or option to bring your own.

    All is not lost.....just keep pushing forward.
  • tiffaniball06
    Iam toatally with you i just came of a two week trip and lets just say that the diet and exercise went down the toilet. I have to weigh in tomorrow. Im so dredding it. anyway I just figured it all starts back today and It will be a year before i have to stare the vacation food monster down again. Hoping to be really fit and have lots more will power the next time