Want to start strength training...Advice

Hello everyone. I have been here on MFP since Jan. and have only lost 23 lbs. I do cardio six days a week, mostly running on the treadmill and swimming . I would like to start some strength training. I am at home with my kids so i need to do something in my home. I do own a weight set but I dont know how much or how long to workout. Any advice on what I could do? Any advice is appreciated.

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  • tiffaniball06
    go to walmart and buy some DVD like biggest loser that actually moves the intensity up as you progress Also i find alot of great exercises in magazines like health. I do streangth training two days a week intensly and this month i lost almost 5 inches
  • MikeRay
    MikeRay Posts: 47
    Are you want to add lean muscle mass, bulk up, and what kind of equipment do you have to work with?
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Subscribe to SHAPE magazine and you'll get some great moves and advice.
  • spoiled12976
    I am just trying to add some strength training to help burn calories. I would love to tone up but I have lots of fat on top that i need to lose first. I have a weight set that has 5 to 50 lbs. in the set. Thanks for trying to help :)
  • alpeters3789
    Jillian Michaels has some great dvds. I would say start out with a lower weight. If you want to tone, less weight and more reps is what you should do. But make sure you choose a weight level so that by the last rep its no longer easy to lift (you dont want to strain but you want to be challenged).

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi, it is good that you are starting to lift. Don't worry about your fat layer, trust me, when you build muscle you will start to burn more fat. Like the other poster stated, you want to be challenged doing high reps low weight. And a great magazine is Shape to show you moves to target different areas.
  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    You said you had weights.. dumbbells I presume? Initially there are were a few key moves I learned - machines in clubs are variations of these.
    A good animated illustration can be found here

    Start lighter at 12-16 reps because you will hurt/ache your first week :) then go heavier to 8 reps.
    Ensure you cycle your muscles. My wife does workouts like chest-back, Legs-Back, Arms-core, 3 days a week is do-able even with young kids:) and your muscles get a week to recover.

    Also eat a snack (15-30min) pre-workout for energy (bar, cereal, juice) AND have a post workout recovery snack. I used fat free chocolate milk ...hmmmm. Your body needs the protein to repair and grow muscles, and some carbs so you don't bonk and get steamrolled by your kids.Plus take 1 week per month off resistance training. These simple steps ensure you don't waste your valuable time with futile workouts - I did for years :(

    'Go heavy or go home' - Jillian Michaels
    Muscle burns calories more than fat - so grow some!
  • spoiled12976
    Thank you everyone for your advice. I now have somewhere to start. I will find what works for me and do it :)