

  • hi.. i did not look at your food diary but maybe you are NOT eating enough of teh right stuff.. you actually have to eat to lose.. its a concept most people can't grasp.. try eating protien every 2 hours..keep carbs low. and watch fats. have some but dont go crazy.. stick to natural foods. fruit and veggie but not too much…
  • i also have 10 minute trainer as well as p90 i thnk though i was supposed to start p90 today i will do 10 minute instead.. good luck
  • i also have this issue. arms and stomach are thinning. thighs stay the same. ugh.. pants are loose eveyrwhere but thighs are snug.. wth?
  • ps.. .pain levels went from off the charts to a 1-3 daily! yay.. stick with it.. be determined to get healthy and you will!! :)
  • yes... dummy moment for me. dealing with low back pain for 13 years.. severely for at least the last 4 before finally goin to the dr.. found out i have a herniation, a bulge, a scoliotic curve. a tilted pelvis and all sorts of issues. possible nerve damage! now if i went lONG ago.. i could have avoided MUCH of the…
  • i have to buy seperates because i have always been 2 different sizes .. my bottom when thin is always a small even if i measure for a medium.. and my bust was always huge. dd ddd. but i got a reduction so now im just tiny but i still get a large for the coverage.. i would go trying stuff on.. before ordering anything.. its…
  • yes. probably the water from the veggies!! sounds yummy though..
  • just noticed what you said about the run.. that could also cause you to retain water.. when your fat cells empty.. your body fills them with water... it takes a few days to metabolize these cells till they are gone for good.. so you may notice a gain or a stall in loss while this happens.. then will drop once taht water is…
  • i am an HCG dieter..and in maintenance we watch our weight.. there are certain foods taht bring you up by A LOT and of course it isnt "caloric gain" as mentioned because that would involve a whole lot of calories in one day.. however.. it does not feel good.. what it is, is that your body will retain water or watever in…
  • many factors.. water weight. time of month, waste build up.. keep up the workouts.. dont go by scale so much.. go by inches.. keep on keeping on !!
  • oh... ok so you think i should bring my value up to .5 a week and then i think that brings me to 1450/day.. thanks.. i think that sounds better.
  • ONLY BY VOLUME THOUGH. i think that is where people are confused.. because as you said. five lbs is five lbs.. like the brainteaser. what weighs more. 100 lbs of gold or 100 lbs of feathers.. either way its the same..
  • ha.. just changes my values. changed to sedintary. changed to lose 1lb a week..was at 2.. and put my excersize at 30 mintes a day.. and it stil lhas me at 1250.. idk. will see.
  • i put in the exact same values on the other site as i put here. and this is what they give me... Women's Calorie Calculator Results These calorie calculator results will help you understand how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, and the number of calories needed per day to achieve your goal weight in a…
  • the other site give me 1800 with NO excersize to lose 1lb a week slowly and maintain .. to maintian my current weight it is liek 2000. and to lose with excersize its 1900 and change.. i just think 1200 is too low for me.. and yes.. i do eat back my excersize cals cuz it puts them in and eat up to my allwed amount..…
  • i even made changes and they still put me at 1200.. and im always hungry.. so i think i may up them.. and see if it changes anything..
  • WOW!!!! AMAZING.... great job.. and now i would not think they were the same person! gooooood job!!
  • ugh.. still lookin for the "Like" button LIKE LIKE LIKE!! awesome.. great adding in the picture.. ! thanks.
  • 1. Do you pre plan your days food, or do you just eat as you go and stay within your limits? I DONT PLAN PER SAY BUT I DO THINK AHEAD.. OF WHAT I HAVE AS TO WHAT I WILL EAT. IM VERY SIMPLE AND EAT LOTS OF THE SAME STUFF. EGGS AND CHICKEN. LOVE BOTH AND COULD EAT THEM ALL DAY EVERY DAY.. I PRETTY MUCH DO 2. What is your…
  • HOLY CRAP! first of all. that stuff is poison! you NEED to change your way of THINKING before anything else can follow.. when you realize that everythign you PUT into your body affects it.. and not in just fat gain/loss.. how it effects the insides.. your organs. the things that make your body work.. you will begin to want…
  • never heard of it. but i do windsor pilates advanced. its pretty good. i love it. and break a sweat in 20 mintue.. pilates works in my opinion
  • it could take up to 3 weeks to noitce weight loss during strenuous workouts.. your body needs time to adjust . losing fat. holding water and gaining muscle... just keep it up and be patient.. this is the reason so many people give up.. you must keep with it.. you WILL see results if you sitck with the good diet and…
  • i am feeling like a fool or im missing somehting but i see it on threads and am cluless.. what does BUMP mean?
  • Pilates. some great core work there... i also do the ab ripper x from p90x. you can find GREAT ab workouts on youtube. just do a search.. easy stuff to follow right at home. mix it up every day so you dont get bored. you tube is great for finding quick clips of differnt exersizes and making your own routine wiithout…
  • i also get hungry very fast. i eat egg snacks.. i hae eggs for breakfast on monday i make mini quiche cups (southbeach) and use them as a snack when i need. i will have a protien shake once a day and cheese sticks as well.. i am always over on my protien.. make sure you DRINK lots of water.. alll day as well... thirst…
  • GOOD JOB your body will be much happier for it.. it does make a huge difference.. you are made of water. your body needs water adn anything else really isnt good for it.. especially loaded with chems.. so the more natural the better.. in the summer i suck down home made iced tea.. LOVE IT.. and i can't be without my huge…
  • TRUE TRUE TRUE>> they fill us with poisons and we blindly accept because we TRUST! open the eyes.. and do the research.. simply.. keep it simple.. did God make it? did it come from nature? that is what i try to stick to...
  • WELL SAID also.. aspartame is addictive and also has properties that sabotage weight loss... so they keep you hooked and drinking the "DIET" stuff that does NOTHING to help you lose and just makes you sick in the long run.. of course the argument that in small quantities it wont do anything but.. it is in everything.. and…
  • never weight more than once a day. and it should be first thing after emptying bladder... i weight every morning at just about the same time. give or take a half hour.. with the same tshirt and undies only.. and never get on again!
  • it is true.. you can lose that much on anydiet that eliminates carbs and the white stuff.. and as shoould be that is WHAT YOU SHOULD DO>. you wont lose anything until you cut the bad stuff out... its that simple.. break the addiction and see results!