Why is diet pop "so bad"??

JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
I know that the aspartame in diet pop is bad, but is that the only reason that diet pop is so bad? I love Diet Coke with Splenda (which replaces the aspartame). What's the big deal about not drinking diet pop?



  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    I think it might be the caffiene
  • armywife1986
    All of that hype about artificial sweeteners, which I'm sure there is SOME truth to, but I'd be surprised if I consume anything that doesn't have chemicals in it, lol. Even water is treated with chemicals.

    Any pop is supposed to be bad b/c it eats away at your bones.. something about the phosphoric acid I think? Not sure how it GETS to the bones, ya know? LOL
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Two words: Metabolic syndrome

    Google it.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I drink 2 bottle of Diet Dr Pepper daily. Along with water and unsweetened iced tea. That won't kill me as fast as sugar soda will considering I am Diabetic. I get so sick of people who get on the aspartame nazi band wagon.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    Carbonation breaks down calcium in the body, and caffeine basically makes you pee out calcium, so the combination of carbonation and caffeine can lead to tooth decay and eventually osteoporosis. Carbonation also increases the absorption of alcohol in your bloodstream, FYI.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    too much of anything is bad. Drink it in moderation and you're good to go
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    And by the way, Sucralose (Splenda) is just as bad if not worse than aspartame.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Carbonation breaks down calcium in the body, and caffeine basically makes you pee out calcium, so the combination of carbonation and caffeine can lead to tooth decay and eventually osteoporosis. Carbonation also increases the absorption of alcohol in your bloodstream, FYI.
    Bartender perhaps? I work as a waitress and my bartender let me in on this. I do not drink at all, but it's a fun fact to know!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think it depends where you are on your weight loss journey. If you are just getting started and finding it really hard to cut out the things you are used to having, then it's a good half way step.

    Too much of anything is usually not a good thing - as other people have said, it isn't good for your teeth and bones - I joined Weight Watchers about 10 years ago and drank heaps of Diet Coke and my teeth really did get damaged.
    I'm personally not a fan of artificial sweeteners, either.

    I guess my position is that if it is a "sometimes food" and a an alternative to full sugar drinks, at least you are taking in less calories. In the long run it isn't giving your body any useful nutrients and is just prolonging the habit of needing to take in something sweet. If you love it, drink it, but work towards cutting it down then consider stopping altogether.
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    eh, i drink diet i just try to drink it in moderation. usually no more than 1 a day and sometimes not even that.
  • zler
    zler Posts: 2 Member
    well as long as you understand that when the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). and maybe when it was served to you it was cold, but who is to say how long it sat in a HOT truck transporting across the nation and already chemically changed before you got your nice cold beverage.

    Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of dmgs as cyanide and arsenic- DEADLY POISONS!!! Unfortunately, it just takes longer to quietly kill, but it is killing people and causing all kinds of neurological problems.> Aspartame changes the brain's chemistry. It is the reason for severe seizures. This drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. Imagine what this drug does to patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease. This drug also causes Birth Defects.

    just sayin.....
    do ya still want to drink it?
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    well as long as you understand that when the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). and maybe when it was served to you it was cold, but who is to say how long it sat in a HOT truck transporting across the nation and already chemically changed before you got your nice cold beverage.

    Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of dmgs as cyanide and arsenic- DEADLY POISONS!!! Unfortunately, it just takes longer to quietly kill, but it is killing people and causing all kinds of neurological problems.> Aspartame changes the brain's chemistry. It is the reason for severe seizures. This drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. Imagine what this drug does to patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease. This drug also causes Birth Defects.

    just sayin.....
    do ya still want to drink it?

    WELL SAID also.. aspartame is addictive and also has properties that sabotage weight loss... so they keep you hooked and drinking the "DIET" stuff that does NOTHING to help you lose and just makes you sick in the long run.. of course the argument that in small quantities it wont do anything but.. it is in everything.. and who does eat or drink anything in small quantities.. like you maybe have a diet soda once a month.. then fine.. but who does that.. and dont get me started on splenda... THAT is another poison!! do some real research and dont just take for granted what "THEY" tell you.. because they lie.. the bottom line for them is the dollar NOT your health! go back to basics and if it does not come from nature.. DONT drink it.. stick to water and teas.. make home made iced tea so you have a nice drink with some antioxidants.. anything processed will have chemicals.. and yess. it is hard to not have them all day long but if you are conscious bout what you eat and drink you can seriously lower your intake.. stay on top of it.. it is YOUR body.. and the only one to care for it is you... Stevia is a very good form of natural sweetener.. i also use honey or agave nectar.. there are plenty of alternatives.. we just have to take the time to make the changes and imput them into our lives..
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    And by the way, Sucralose (Splenda) is just as bad if not worse than aspartame.

    TRUE TRUE TRUE>> they fill us with poisons and we blindly accept because we TRUST! open the eyes.. and do the research..
    simply.. keep it simple.. did God make it? did it come from nature? that is what i try to stick to...
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Pretty sure it either blocks absorption of nutrients or causes your body to release them. I read it somewhere.

    Plus you'll crave more sweets.

    Either way, water is a better choice.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I decided to cut out the diet sodas (and all artificial sugars) to see for myself if doing so would help eliminate/reduce sugar cravings. And for me - it has helped tremendously. So, I'm off the diet soda bandwagon. If I want something sweet I add some lemon juice and/or lime juice to my water along with some stevia. And if I want it "fizzy" I add some Mendota sparkling water to it.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I don't think it's bad as long as you drink it in moderation. It's got caffeine and sodium in it, so you want to make sure you don't overdo it. I found that when I drink diet pop, I crave sugar and carbs.

    Now, when I want a little extra sweet to my unsweetened iced tea, I add a packet of splenda. If they don't have splenda, I'll add 1 sugar packet to about 24 ounces of tea. It is enough to satisfy a sugar craving for sure.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    i've been drinking diet soda for about a year. I am not actually a sweet craver. I crave chili. Should I just blame my soda now?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It's not the devil. But it can keep you in a mode of being greatly oriented towards sweets, which can be a problem.

    I used to drink a lot of diet soda. I stopped for a weird reason-my job requires me to spend a lot of time with clients, and I got sick of watching people belching through lunch meetings because of all the soda. Yes, I thought it looked atrocious and so I stopped all soda cold turkey, lest I become one of the disgusting habitual belchers.

    But you know what stopped when I stopped the soda, totally unexpectedly? UTIs and suspected UTIs! I got them a lot.(figured it was all the traveling.) I also had several instances in which I thought I had a UTI (blood in the urine, pain, urgency, etc.) and the doctor could find no cause for it at all--urine samples were totally clear except for the blood. The doc concluded that I had a senstive bladder and the chemicals in the diet sodas were irritating my bladder enough to cause all those symptoms! So that was a nice side effect of stopping the soda!
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    Aspartame for most people is fine. However, for me it causes headaches and migraines. I haven't really given splenda or equal a chance, because I just try to avoid all artificial sweeteners. I have heard that aspartame and probably the others too, keep the insulin craving chemicals going, and can confuse or block hormones needed for metabolism. It can actually hinder weight loss, but I think at the outset you are fine. If you get to a plateau, think about calling it quits. I have been a soda drink almost since birth-the full sugar kind. I finally stopped this fall (with a few slip ups at christmas time). Truly I don't miss it. But it was hard the first month or so. Tea can be an alternative, but even that you need to watch out for. It too can block nutrients from being absorbed. Water is the best way to go for most of the day with unsweet tea or milk as treats or small parts of your meal.

    Good luck with whatever you choose. Drinking diet soda isn't the end of the world.
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    I decided to cut out the diet sodas (and all artificial sugars) to see for myself if doing so would help eliminate/reduce sugar cravings. And for me - it has helped tremendously. So, I'm off the diet soda bandwagon. If I want something sweet I add some lemon juice and/or lime juice to my water along with some stevia. And if I want it "fizzy" I add some Mendota sparkling water to it.

    GOOD JOB your body will be much happier for it.. it does make a huge difference.. you are made of water. your body needs water adn anything else really isnt good for it.. especially loaded with chems.. so the more natural the better.. in the summer i suck down home made iced tea.. LOVE IT.. and i can't be without my huge water bottle at all. ifi forget it i feel lost..