
Over the past 14 days, I've lost 1 pound... that's it... 1 stinking pound! Last week, I only lost .2. Over the past 2 days, I've eaten like a pig! I got on the scale this morning and I've lost .8 over the past 48 hours. Explanations, please??


  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    hi.. i did not look at your food diary but maybe you are NOT eating enough of teh right stuff.. you actually have to eat to lose.. its a concept most people can't grasp.. try eating protien every 2 hours..keep carbs low. and watch fats. have some but dont go crazy.. stick to natural foods. fruit and veggie but not too much fruit the sugar goes up fast with that.. maybe your body was holding on during the last few weeks and released when you ate because it was satisfied.. are you following any particular diet plan?
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    For me it takes about every 10 days before I see a loss and always on the morning after I go over my calories... Weird but I will take it :)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    don't sweat the small stuff. it's natural for your body to lose at its own rhythm - nothing to be done about that except keep on doing what your doing! you could try switching up the food you eat or trying out to workouts to 'shock' your body into losing faster, but your body might just need to slow down for whatever reason.

    make sure you are eating *enough*, because you could permanently stop weight loss if you don't.

    i had luck with adding and extra 4 servings of water daily when i was on a 12 week long plateau, so you could give that a go.

    bottom line: screw the scale and stay the course - you *will* get there eventually! best of luck!
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    I'm just trying to stay at my recommended calories - no particular diet plan. Eating fruits & veggies and meats. I have been really hungry for the past few days and really loaded up the last 2 days. I weigh everyday (I am aware that the body fluctuates and I only have one official weigh-in a week). It keeps me accountable to see that scale every morning.

    Oh, and I've been dizzy on & off the past week or so. So you think it's too few calories?
  • Julesfame
    Julesfame Posts: 32 Member
    Probably too few calories. Don't weigh yourself everyday . . . . you may get discouraged. Get your cardio and strength training in and remember to eat back your exercise calories. Also you have to succumb to the fact that this will not happen overnight. You did not gain all your weight overnight, so give yourself a break.
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    I took a look at your diary, and after learning this yesterday, you are not eating enough to fuel your body and keep your metabolism going. You have excessive calories left at the end of the day. When you work out you use up calories, in order for your body to fuction properly and not think it is starving, you need to replenish what you used up! Kind of like a tank of gas, and the illustration of running on empty!

    Also most times sodium levels help you to retain water.

    Hope this helps!
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    You probably already know my answer... but I would try cutting out all added sugar for a while. I know this is a big thing to ask... I used to be a huge sugar addict!

    Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology has a video posted on YouTube explaining what our body does with sugar. I'd heard that sugar was bad before, but never had it explained to me or had research shown to me, so this video was very informative.

    I found that once I understood what sugar (fructose) does to my body, I no longer craved it. I did a detox from it and now my biggest splurge is 85% cocoa chocolate bars where sugar is ingredient #4 out of 5. In just two weeks, 5 pounds have peeled away for good. (It took me nearly 4 months to get the first 5 to come off).

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I definitely think it could be too few calories. If you are exercising eat those calories too. You have earned them :)
  • horsechick6
    It has been great to read all your responses to "confused"... I have been having the same sort of trouble and now I have lots of great ideas to work with. I have not been eating my "earned" exercise calories. I think maybe my poor body thinks I'm starving it!! So, here's to a new week and hopefully more weight loss.