can't figure it out

Ok so according to my scale i have lost 5 pounds however there is no difference in my stomach hips or thighs. Whats going on?


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    could be a whole host of things, could be water weight, or waste, or even visceral fat, or bone density, or muscle mass... etc. any number of reasons that a 5 lb swing wouldn't show outwardly. That's why we always preach against using the scale as anything more than one of a number of tools.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    5 lbs isn't a lot of weight. I mean, don't take that the wrong way, it's hard to lose 5 lbs and good job for doing it. But for a 150 lb person, 5 lbs is only 3% of total weight. So you're probably not going to see a huge visible difference until you get to about 10 lbs, and it will be more apparent if you're also doing body-shaping and toning exercises as well.
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    I gain five pounds at the T.O.M. alone, so it is most likely water weight of some sort. If you just started, that is probably what it is. But I agree about everything he said as well. Your muscles could have changed. I take measurments of a lot more than just what they list :) I do my thigh, calf, arm, as well
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    many factors.. water weight. time of month, waste build up.. keep up the workouts.. dont go by scale so much.. go by inches.. keep on keeping on !!