farberry Member


  • Courgette spaghetti! Had it last night with lentil bolognese - swapping pasta for courgette saved me 200+ cals and I was still full from the protein in the sauce. That's a really important thing - spend your calories on protein as that is what will fill you up. I often have a protein shake as a 100cal snack that keeps me…
  • If you're planning to put it in fruit smoothies you could get away with an unflavoured one? Pulsin do great plant based unflavoured powders
  • I did cartwheels on Saturday!
  • Gingerbread Porridge! I use some sweetener, a pinch each of ground ginger and mixed spice, then once it's cooked stir through half a teaspoon of treacle (I think that's molasses in the US). Sometimes I add a few sultanas at the start as they get super plump and juicy as it cooks, and add some natural sweetness.
  • If you don't want to use a powder, add high protein greek yoghurt or even better silken tofu. Really high protein, neutral taste, and it blends totally smooth and creamy. (silken is different to the block tofu you'd use for stir frys etc)
  • Did you do any resistance training or weights? Your stomach looks incredible!!
  • They just taste different. Also brown sugar is what makes cookies and brownies soft and chewy. Generally white sugar is used in cakes as it's lighter and drier, meaning your sponge will rise higher and be fluffier instead of a dense brownie-like cake.
  • I tried this purely for the weight loss element. Day 3 I woke up (had taken a lax the night before) and had never felt so ill in my entire life! Ate 4 bananas and stopped the cleanse there. I might try it again in the future though, just to see if I can. I find these sort of things good for learning self control - if I…
  • Hi I'm on 1200 cals too. Not good at posting on the forum regularly but everyone on this thread is welcome to add me as a friend! Then we can see how other people spend their 1200. Best of luck!
  • Make amazing creamy vegan pasta sauce! Blend half an avocado with half a clove of raw garlic (more if you want it strong), fresh basil, seasoning, and if needed thin it down with a bit of the starchy pasta cooking water. Then toss with cooked wholewheat spaghetti. I normally add olives, sundried tomatoes, fresh veg, some…
  • Actually the health agencies responsible for the RDA-style packaging in the UK WANTED to implement a much clearer 'traffic light' system (I know Sainsbury's have taken this up). But the food manufacturers negotiated down to the percentage of RDA thing which really doesn't mean much to many people, including me. Back to the…
  • To everyone saying 'don't waste food!!' - eating food we don't need is also wasting food. It's just made into poo. Well done for beating cheesecake! Don't know if I could have!
  • I did weight train but it's so discouraging when the only advice is NROL or Stronglifts that BOTH NEED A BIG BARBELL. I don't have access to them with the uni gym membership I have! If someone could give me a good dumbbell routine that will actually work I'd be all for going back to it, as I did quite enjoy it. I need to…
  • My go-to dinner is any and all veg in my fridge roasted, or made into ratatouille with a can of chopped tomatoes. Sometimes I'll chuck some kidney beans in for protein. If I'm especially hungry I serve with roasted/mashed/baked starchy veg like sweet potato, butternut squash, or cauliflower. Normally have the most enormous…
  • If your boyfriend feels emasculated by the thought of you becoming a bit stronger then that is really weird. Attraction based partially on the fact that he's physically stronger than you? Scary....
  • Not just insulting strong women! Insulting all women! Female does NOT equal weak thank you very much malavika413.... This thread is all so weird.
  • Hello! I'm a 21 year old student in final year, also reaching the end of her weight-loss journey, now focusing on getting stronger. I'll add you!
  • When I first started out I could barely move for 2 days after a work out, and actually the one thing that helped was doing other exercise. As in, my arms and shoulders were killing me, but I put on an ab workout video from youtube and completing that warmed everything up and stretched it out without putting direct load on…
  • It sounds like you've tried your best with this person, so instead of trying to pin down a specific reason you might just have to leave it, and as the above poster said, learn to deal with her behaviours so they don't upset you. Sometimes people just don't like you for no reason! Happens to all of us unfortunately.
  • Hey your transformation looks amazing!! Your back looks especially great. And I'm sorry you're still finding things hard having lost the weight - but at least now you can work on other aspects of your life with a fit, healthy body? Your paragraph about women smacks of a fedora wearing 'nice-guy', I hope this isn't the case…
  • I remember being around 14 years old (I was a very fat kid) and seeing my skinny friends sit on a chair with their legs crossed, and tucking the foot that's in the air under the other leg. So a sort of double cross. I remember trying it at the time but didn't have a hope as my thighs were too big. Now I can sit like that!…
  • Absolutely not a thong...
  • Agreeing with the above, lots of high volume/low calorie food to fill you up. Find a low calorie dressing you like, and when you're hungry get a massive bowl of lettuce, add a tomato, a soft-boiled egg if you have the calorie space and a couple of tablespoons of low-cal dressing. It will make you feel stuffed! Depending on…
  • Make your porridge with water, and pretty runny. I can have 30 grams of oats like this and it fills me up easily till lunch. Also if you make your porridge on the hob the temptation to have another bowl may be reduced as washing up pans is such a hassle. I don't eat cereal any more, so that's how I avoid that issue!
  • 10. tattoos, abs, jawline. sea cucumber
  • Ok going on a total add binge from this thread. If you've got this far add me too!
  • I love a bit of fuscle! It's what my friends and I call it when a guy looks kinda broad and bulky but you can't tell if it's muscle or fat in clothes. Or when naked/shirtless there's obviously muscle under there, but it's softened with a layer of fat. So if a guy tenses, you can see his arms/legs get bigger, but when…