

  • quite funny that the runner-models in the two pics both look lean and without an inch of cellulite on them!
  • agree mindfulness could be the thing for you! train yourself to bring your attention to the present moment e.g. your breath, how your body feels, what you can see, smell and hear. get you out of your head so much. lots of health benefits!
  • I think you're right, it definitely requires discipline. But lots of people find it a more sustainable plan than calorie counting.
    in PASTA! Comment by hanky1 April 2012
  • If you read the evidence you'll see that a lot of people have success with this approach e.g. Stubbs, J., Pallister, C., Whybrow, S., Avery, A. and Lavin, J. 2011. Weight outcomes audit for 34,271 adults referred to a primary care/ commercial weight management partnership scheme. Obesity Facts 4(2): 113-120. This paper…
    in PASTA! Comment by hanky1 April 2012
  • Slimming World does not encourage you to eat more calories than your body can burn in a day. It encourages people to learn how to eat in moderation, and to eat a balanced diet, without being tied to food scales and calorie counting. You should probably learn more about the diet before you make too many judgements about it.…
    in PASTA! Comment by hanky1 April 2012
  • Slimming World is a good plan as it encourages individuals to fill up on energy dense, satisfying foods and limits consumption of less energy dense foods. Slimming World works well for lots of people and has quite a bit of evidence behind it i believe (see…
    in PASTA! Comment by hanky1 April 2012
  • i was on amoxicillin for 5 days due to an infected tooth and i gained a couple of pounds, despite being on a soup-heavy diet! the next week i had lost it again :)
  • M&S do loads of low calorie stuff that keeps you full. I like their jerk chicken flatbreads, which only have about 300 calories!
  • I'm set on sedentary. I only log workouts and cycling around town. sometimes walking if it's a decent distance. I would never record cleaning or daily activities. for me it's psychological - knowing that i log physical activity makes me more likely to do it in the first place (e.g. more likely to cycle instead of jumping…
  • I like tortilla wraps with salad and protein in e.g. chicken, tuna, or cheese. What about couscous with chickpeas and beans (you could prepare it the night before and it can then be had hot or cold). Pasta and rice salads are also tasty and you could pack them full of protein.
  • It might be useful to sit down and think about what you value and are working towards in your life. Not what other people value, what YOU value. Wanting to be a good father, being loving towards your wife, being hardworking, looking after yourself etc..? Then think about how much you are working towards them now, and how…
  • i would have thought that a detox may not be the best thing for you as the restriction may end up triggering more bingeing? it may be best to just start eating healthily again and trying to eat things you enjoy in moderation. know it's easier said than done though!
  • I track my weight on a graph, which is good at showing me my general trend and not getting annoyed at individual results..
  • I don't think it matters which you do. I like to start each day on a clean slate so I would probably log it under the previous day.
  • yep i think they're a great snack. i weigh out a portion and take to work with me. otherwise would end up eating the whole packet! they are definitely good for filling you up, even in small amounts.
    in ALMONDS Comment by hanky1 March 2012
  • yummy with ryvitas! like the idea of trying with crumpets. get the little pots and you have portion control sorted.
  • This is true. Wine is a killer but so yum :) I don't know, I think you either have a night where you don't worry about the diet (i think one of these every now and again is ok and shouldn't harm weight loss too much..unless it is followed by hangover food all the next day, if you're anything like me!), or you have a night…
  • I think the only thing that can help is willpower! I too find my social life often 'ruins' my diet, but I know that it is up to me how I play things. I can go out and have healthy options, I just need to put my mind to it! And put a bit more time in at the gym! Basically I know that no one forces me to put food in my…
  • branflakes do me no good at all!
    in bloated Comment by hanky1 February 2012
  • you should probably change your activity level to a higher level rather than counting these as exercise calories..?
  • better to look smaller than you weigh than bigger! don't really see how it's much of a problem tbh!
  • haven't read all the other posts and imagine others have said the same but other than generally encouraging her to carry on being healthy, there is nothing else you should do. her goals may be different to yours. she may be happy with the weight she's lost, even though she isn't as slim as you want to be. i will be happy…
  • I was getting stomach pains a while ago and really bloated, and eventually put it down to eating bran flakes and sultana bran! I think it is a bit IBS-like. Once I stopped eating them the stomach pains and bloating disappeared. So it could well be related to what you're eating and how much/what type of fibre. but i would…
  • Could you work some other kind of exercise into your routine? even a walk or something can give you some valuable extra calories for snackage! in the evenings i find a low calorie hot chocolate and a little chocolate bar like a rocky robin or choc alpen bar-light can satisfy cravings and add up to only about 150-200…
  • http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world/ http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=3436791&page=27 these are two forums that i found useful when following the plan. lots of info about syn values etc and people who'll be willing to answer your questions hope that helps
  • mine's open, although it's not been that great lately!
  • I love butternut squash! You don't need to remove the skin or seeds, just chop it up and roast them all in together. The seeds come out all tasty and crunchy and the skin is nice too. Makes life a lot easier!
  • Re. the sleep - try what the other posters said in terms of having a regular bedtime and improving your 'sleep hygiene' in general e.g. making your room a relaxing environment, having some wind-down time before bed e.g. hot bath, making sure your avoid caffeine and eating late. Try not to get to stressed about your sleep…
  • I make mine with semi-skimmed milk and add a teaspoon of honey, or half a banana. A few almonds stirred in are good for a protein boost.