Needing some HELPFUL advice please...

So I'm looking for some feedback here. I have been bouncing in between the same 3.5lbs for the last... oh forever. (Back up to 152 from 149 a week or two ago) I am trying to get to my goal of 140lbs. I have been having trouble staying on track with my eating. I do great all day and then crash hard at night and eat tons of snacks. I just can't seem to get through the evenings. I've been trying to stay as close to 1200 calories a day. Now I am thinking that the problem is that that is just too low of a number for me-- That if I were to up my calorie intake I wouldn't run into this problem at night. But I changed the figures in my goals and to lose only 1lb a week my calories go up to 1360 a day... doesn't seem like a big jump. Suggestions? Do I up my calorie intake? How do I get through the night time munchies? (since I know you all will ask about my activity-- I was regularly doing Jillian Michals R30 but have seem to fallen off the band wagon and can't seem to get back on.) Oh and I am 5'10" incase that question arises too.


  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd set it to loose .5lbs per week. Your supposed to when your right near your goal so my dietitian says, as your body will break down your muscles if your not taking enough food in. If you can hit the -.5lbs target daily you'll feel much better than you do going over all the time, and if you have a day where yiou eat lower calories you'll be really pleased too x
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I think this is good advice. ^^
    There is no point having an unrealistically low calorie goal and then bingeing every night.
    It sounds to me like a better idea to have a smaller calorie deficit and find the daily calorie allowance that you can stick to.
    This way you will lose weight slower but more steadily and not have the frustration of going up and down and feeling bad every day.
    And remember that if you exercise, you get to eat more - maybe that will help you get motivated to workout :wink:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Good advice above. And make sure you're going by net calories.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Also, if you're hungry at night, plan for it. Make sure you have some cals left over for a snack after dinner. And then have ONE snack. :)
  • hanky1
    hanky1 Posts: 39
    Could you work some other kind of exercise into your routine? even a walk or something can give you some valuable extra calories for snackage! in the evenings i find a low calorie hot chocolate and a little chocolate bar like a rocky robin or choc alpen bar-light can satisfy cravings and add up to only about 150-200 calories. although sometimes it is hard.. can you eat a more bulky/proteinous meal in the evenings then you might feel too full for snacking..? my weight loss has been a bit shaky too lately, but i know when i do these things it helps..
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I'd set it to loose .5lbs per week. Your supposed to when your right near your goal so my dietitian says, as your body will break down your muscles if your not taking enough food in. If you can hit the -.5lbs target daily you'll feel much better than you do going over all the time, and if you have a day where yiou eat lower calories you'll be really pleased too x
