cathy6566 Member


  • I do "try" to eat 5 to 6 meals a day... I don't alway make it though. I was on a diet something like this once. I ate a breaskfast which was a protein, carb, fruit. same with lunch and supper. now for my three snack was a "Good" Carb and a Protein. Plus I would work out big time. I did great, then I had a health issue…
  • it's funny you talk about this today... In the past two weeks I've seen changes, and lost inches, but only 1 pound... so I was like GRRR!!! so I did some googling this morning. this is what I found, which I did always know but it would be nice to see the numbers go down along with loosing inches.... Hang in there, we will…
    in Scales Comment by cathy6566 October 2011
  • this is what I found when I googled it: A complete delicious meal in just 10 minutes, Birds Eye Voila! frozen meals contain delicious Birds Eye vegetables picked at the height of freshness with tender
  • I also plan my exercises the for the week... So I know for sure I get them in, so there are no excuses.... Sometimes life works better when you plan things out. I do understand sometimes things come up, but you just have to work around those things. :)
  • I do the same thing, I plan for the day to make sure it all fits.... Pre-Workout Snacks Great Value - Creamy Peanut Butter, 1 tablespoon Quaker - Caramel Corn Rice Cake, 1 rice cake Banana - Large (8" - 8-7/8") (136g), 0.5 Large Banana Post-Workout Snack & Breakfast Yoplait - Strawberry Smoothie, 1 container Body Fortress™…
  • thanks for posting... I will now go by the packing, or the recipe I will be using from the different websites.
  • I use Whey Protein. I put a scoop in my Strawberrie Smoothies, I drink one right after my work outs in the morning.... Its so refreshing, and makes me feel great the rest of the day. I do think mixing protein and fruit is a very good and smart idea.
  • @ rachielyon, thank you for the info you gave on running.... :) I would love to run, and have tried many of times, and well lets just say it's not good. I'm going to try The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan.... It looks like I can do that and someday be able to finally run. Thanks again so much. :)
  • I have TMJ also... and today and the past couple weeks are like GRRR!!! good luck, I've had it for at least 10 years. If you do find anybody or anything that will help please let me know, I've been to specailist and everything. They say it's just part of my life. :(
  • I try to pre add my meals before I eat them. that way I know if I can afford what I'm craving or not. Like today I would like Chinese take out, so I added what I would like, then added in what I'm going to have for my supper and my evening snack. That way I know I'm good to go. Then when I hit my total, I really have to…
  • I bought a book, which I've never used yet, gonna start this week. It's called "Busting your Butt and Gutt" written by Marty Tuley. It wasn't very expensive, it was only $14.95, I've looked at it tons of times, but now I think I'm ready for it. Good luck!!!!
    in ABS Comment by cathy6566 October 2011
  • sounds yummy!!! gonna be looking for some healthy soups, it's getting pretty cold out. thanks so much for posting
  • I've gone to gyms for years, and byself is really the best way to go. Now, after years of expensive memeberships. I started making payments on my own gym equipment. I do enjoy it much better, cause I can do my exercises in between doing my laundary, or while my floors are drying after mopping, its more of a convenience.