
Does anyone else find scales so frustrating? I am going to TRY to not weight myself until mid November, but I know this will be hard. Do many of you just go by how you are feeling? Do you have a pair of pants that are too small and use that as a gauge of your progess? I would like to be able to eliminate the scale mostly, and just do this. I know that once you start working out, the number on the scale can go up due to gaining muscle, but it is hard for me to forget what the number says.

I remember when I USED to be smaller and decently fit. I weight 160 and no one could believe that I weighed that much. I guess cause I looked muscled. I still FELT fat though, and had it in my head to get under 150. When I did that, people were telling me I looked too thin. Jeez, what I wouldnt give to be 160!


  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I find the scale is a helpful tool. But it is not the end all. I also measure key parts of my body before starting a diet/exercise program. If your hips and waist are getting smaller but you have gained a pound or two, that means you are putting on muscle AND losing fat. I put more "weight" into the measurements. Your weight fluctuates too much so don't put all your stock in it.
  • cathy6566
    cathy6566 Posts: 14 Member
    it's funny you talk about this today... In the past two weeks I've seen changes, and lost inches, but only 1 pound... so I was like GRRR!!! so I did some googling this morning. this is what I found, which I did always know but it would be nice to see the numbers go down along with loosing inches.... Hang in there, we will all get there in time. Look at the web site I found:
    Hope this helps