Landon66 Member


  • Give your muscles at least a day to recover. The soreness is from muscle tissue breaking down. The good thing is that when it rebuilds itself, it will be stronger and have more endurance afterwards. Your body does need recovery time and if you do full body workouts (legs, arms, abs....) I would suggest 3 times a week. If…
  • Did good yesterday. As for today...not that great so far. Feeling sick this morning so I skipped my am workout, so I'll have to find time to squeeze it in tonight. Throws my whole day off though and I just don't feel right unless I get in a workout when I get up. Weigh-in in just two short days, and unless my body is…
  • Try changing up your workout. I ran and did nothing else for the first few weeks and got to a small stand still. The next week I hit the elliptical, bike and started lifting weights again and amazingly 2 lbs gone next weigh-in. Your body will get use to the same movement or exercise done over a time period, but if you…
  • Go with what is working for you. I have tried eating my extra calories, and unless I go with a lot of high fat/sodium/bad stuff, I feel to stuffed at the end of the day. I do try to eat some of them, but I usually can't eat them all. If your body doesn't react negatively to the deficit then it seems to me that it is not…
  • This weekend reminded me why I don't eat out very often...too full, bloated and the grease makes me feel horrible. But it did remind me why I am changing my lifestyle and eating better, so I guess that's one good thing about it. I didn't lose or gain this weekend, so I guess it wasn't horrible, but just wasn't feeling…
  • Had an OK weekend. Didn't get to do much since it was cold and raining all weekend. Had planned on taking the boat out, but the little one wouldn't have liked the cold...I can fish almost any time though! So I went to the gym and hit the weights no cardio, but I'll be doing that in the am tomorrow, so didn't want to overdo…
  • Home with my sick 4 y/o most of the day and didn't wake up early to workout like normal, so not able to get to the gym. Did OK on calories. Tried to work at the house and got some stuff accomplished, but didn't get ahead by any means. Down one pound. Not as much as I hoped, but that is one more. I'll be taping tomorrow to…
  • Loved going down to the coast. Anc and Valdez were both fun. Anchorage because of stuff to do and Valdez...well, is there anything to do besides fish there?? That's where my wife fell in love with fishing--Thank goodness! We are planning on making a few visits over the next few years if we can't get back there to live. I'd…
  • Did OK on the weights this morning, no cardio cause I'll be sore enough as it is. Burned out on my abs and I can tell I'm going to be cussing myself when I try to get out of bed in the morning! All upper body for the rest and couldn't lift my arms afterwards, so they aren't going to feel good either. Did pretty good on…
  • INCHES...measure yourself. I have come to a grinding halt on the scales, but I was pleasantly surprised when I measured last time. Lost at least 1/2 in everywhere, 1 in the waist and 1 1/2 in the chest! I'm starting to notice that my weight lifted is more, and my runs are longer. I was starting to think it was time to up…
  • Did good this morning. Played basketball and ran, so burned off a lot of calories and got my heart going good to start the day. Still not getting on the scale for two more mornings. Landon
  • Great day for me to make up for the weekend. Another good workout and I think I can start forgetting my diet the last two days. Took my HRM on it's first workout, and I was dissapointed to see how much lower it was than the machine, but glad to know I'm getting a more accurate reading so I don't overestimate on my calories…
  • Just did mine Friday although in the AF we only have the 1 1/2 mi run. I've been in the gym or on the track a lot in the past couple of months and it paid off huge. Not where I want to be, but I'm moving in the right direction. I'm good on p/u and s/u, but my waist needs to get smaller and I need to run faster. Did the run…
  • Just went and bought a Polar F6 HRM. I don't think I've put it down since I got home, just trying to figure everything out on it. If anyone has any tips for me, to use it to it's full potential, let me know. Like any little quirks it may have. I can't get my computer to read it through the mic, so I'll probably have to…
  • Scales showed 1 lb lighter today, but I'm going to hold off till it shows it a couple days in a row. Hit just under my calories and drank plenty of water yesterday. Skipped my workout last night because of the fires that have started in my shins. They are feeling better today, but can tell I'm going to be on the elliptical…
  • Going to find a place that does the gait analysis to find out if it's the shoes--probably time for a new pair either way. I've logged quite a few miles in my current pair. Great website too. Thanks for the find! I'd surely be happy with the massages. Now to try and sweet talk the wife...I may be getting her a new pair of…
  • Did 5 miles for the first time in years! Not all at a run, but I'm getting there...slowly. Didn't get on the scale this AM, so not sure if there's a change. Anyone got a cure or remedy for shin splints? They are starting up again. Don't want to be banished to the bike for two months again. Did good at logging everything…
  • OK. You've got another guy on here now. 10 seems to be the norm, but as you all know, us guys turn everything into a competition or a challenge. I was looking at the calendar today and was wondering how long till I get to 200 even (for the first time in about 10 yrs!) . I've got 15 to go, so that's my goal. The good thing…
  • I did the "bod pod" as well. Was pleased with the reading since it said lower than the charts, but like you said, it's the most accurate besides the "dunk tank". I don't put much faith in the charts and scales since they show me WAY above what the bod pod did because of my build. The more muscle you have, the farther off…
  • I have really been aggressive in my efforts before, but this site has given me a few more tools and in about three weeks I've seen more loss than in the previous three months. It is a great site, and I plan on being on here a lot. Got a little time to sit down and post/read the message boards and there is a ton of support…
    in New guy Comment by Landon66 January 2009
  • I've been on here a couple of weeks, but haven't had the time to post. Just introducing myself. Landon
    in New guy Comment by Landon66 January 2009