Guttless Gutters 01/13/09

BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
I binged with a late night snack last night. Wifey's fault, I was working and she brought me a snack.

I got in a good workout this morning, my arms are sore and shakey. At this rate I might need to apply for a gun owners permit. :laugh: :laugh:

Its week 2 and still have been able to fight off temptations. I really need more fruit and veggies in my diet though.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
:drinker: (its H2O in them cups):bigsmile:


    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I binged with a late night snack last night. Wifey's fault, I was working and she brought me a snack.

    I got in a good workout this morning, my arms are sore and shakey. At this rate I might need to apply for a gun owners permit. :laugh: :laugh:

    Its week 2 and still have been able to fight off temptations. I really need more fruit and veggies in my diet though.

    I hope everyone else is doing well.
    :drinker: (its H2O in them cups):bigsmile:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I binged with a late night snack last night. Wifey's fault, I was working and she brought me a snack.

    I got in a good workout this morning, my arms are sore and shakey. At this rate I might need to apply for a gun owners permit. :laugh: :laugh:

    Reminds me of that old musical, "Shannie get your guns". :bigsmile: :love:

    Damage assessment from the weekend......up two pounds! :explode: I'm gonna reach my ten on Valentine's Day....oh yes......oh yes I shall........:devil:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    We all do it, don't get down on yourself, what's done is done, only you can decide where it goes from here! You can do it!
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Before...great job on the workout...keep up the good work...and tell those temptations to take a hike! will have those two pounds back off in no show 'em girl!

    As for me...well, yesterday was good, stayed within my calories, drank my water, went to strength class and then spent 45 mins on wii fit last night.

    Today I have time for a long cardio session...elliptical here I come...:laugh:

    Terrific Tuesday wishes to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Before...great job on the workout...keep up the good work...and tell those temptations to take a hike! will have those two pounds back off in no show 'em girl!

    As for me...well, yesterday was good, stayed within my calories, drank my water, went to strength class and then spent 45 mins on wii fit last night.

    Today I have time for a long cardio session...elliptical here I come...:laugh:

    Terrific Tuesday wishes to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Kick-butt, lady!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    The elliptical is great exercise, but holy cow(!) it's boring!!! :laugh:

    Can't wait to be running outside again!! :drinker:
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    I had a great day yesterday, stayed within my calories and did an hour cardio, drank all my water and then some. Tonight I need some good stretching so after Pilates I believe I'll be doing some Yoga. My meals are planned already and logged, except lunch. Another vendor lunch, they can be challenging. I believe we're going to an Italian restaurant so minestrone soup sounds good so not too concerned there except that dang bread they bring. This stuff is AMAZING! Hot out of the oven with a little balsamic, olive oil and garlic! I shall only have one piece! :grumble:

    Congratulations to you all on your successes. We WILL reach our Valentine goals, I just know it! :drinker:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Before...great job on the workout...keep up the good work...and tell those temptations to take a hike! will have those two pounds back off in no show 'em girl!

    As for me...well, yesterday was good, stayed within my calories, drank my water, went to strength class and then spent 45 mins on wii fit last night.

    Today I have time for a long cardio session...elliptical here I come...:laugh:

    Terrific Tuesday wishes to everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Kick-butt, lady!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    The elliptical is great exercise, but holy cow(!) it's boring!!! :laugh:

    Can't wait to be running outside again!! :drinker:

    :laugh: Yes, at times...that's why I make sure to get one with a tv...:laugh:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    I had a great day yesterday, stayed within my calories and did an hour cardio, drank all my water and then some. Tonight I need some good stretching so after Pilates I believe I'll be doing some Yoga. My meals are planned already and logged, except lunch. Another vendor lunch, they can be challenging. I believe we're going to an Italian restaurant so minestrone soup sounds good so not too concerned there except that dang bread they bring. This stuff is AMAZING! Hot out of the oven with a little balsamic, olive oil and garlic! I shall only have one piece! :grumble:

    Congratulations to you all on your successes. We WILL reach our Valentine goals, I just know it! :drinker:

    :drinker: Woohoo for a great yesterday!!! YES, we WILL reach our :heart: Day goals!!!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Good morning GG's!:smooched:

    I haven't been doing THAT great......have had "toofer" problems the last few days, but the good news is that I haven't eaten that much at all. Who wants to eat when you have a toothache anyway?:ohwell:

    Gonna refocus and get on with the fun starting today.:bigsmile:

    Great job everyone.....even you too, Shannon. {snicker} I kid.:heart:
  • lpadilla75
    I went over my calories by 33...not too bad. I really need to step up my efforts on water. I've been slacking off.
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Good morning GG's!:smooched:

    I haven't been doing THAT great......have had "toofer" problems the last few days, but the good news is that I haven't eaten that much at all. Who wants to eat when you have a toothache anyway?:ohwell:

    Gonna refocus and get on with the fun starting today.:bigsmile:

    Great job everyone.....even you too, Shannon. {snicker} I kid.:heart:

    :cry: Aww...poor Soupy...:cry: feel better girlie! :flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I went over my calories by 33...not too bad. I really need to step up my efforts on water. I've been slacking off.

    33 calories isn't bad at all! :smokin: Good job! :drinker:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Good morning GG's!:smooched:

    I haven't been doing THAT great......have had "toofer" problems the last few days, but the good news is that I haven't eaten that much at all. Who wants to eat when you have a toothache anyway?:ohwell:

    Gonna refocus and get on with the fun starting today.:bigsmile:

    Great job everyone.....even you too, Shannon. {snicker} I kid.:heart:

    :cry: Aww...poor Soupy...:cry: feel better girlie! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Theresa.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Your'e the best.:smooched:
  • lpadilla75
    I went over my calories by 33...not too bad. I really need to step up my efforts on water. I've been slacking off.

    33 calories isn't bad at all! :smokin: Good job! :drinker:

    Thanks...Now if only I can up my water. Water just taste boring these days. I might look into caffine free hot herbal tea.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I went over my calories by 33...not too bad. I really need to step up my efforts on water. I've been slacking off.

    33 calories isn't bad at all! :smokin: Good job! :drinker:

    Thanks...Now if only I can up my water. Water just taste boring these days. I might look into caffine free hot herbal tea.

    Try O water. It is a flavored unsweetened water with electrolytes. (No fake sweetners in it.) I like it a lot and I don't feel like I am just drinking water.

    I did good yesterday. Did bootcamp and was under my calories and drank all my water. Taking a day off today.
  • lpadilla75
    SherryRH~ Thanks for the tip!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I did a maintain yesterday. Drank my water and didn't workout (except for the 4 mile walk with the dog) I made it my rest day. Tonight.......90 minutes TaeBo and 2 mile walk with the dog. So far so good on calories......:drinker: I have everything logged except dinner. I have 600 calories left for dinner. (I'm only logging 55 minutes of the TaeBo....hoping to make up for yesterday a little bit....I don't do that often and when I do, I make sure I don't take the deficit up too much...not good but that 30 minutes is only 200 calories or it should be ok) :bigsmile: :glasses: And I'm halfway through the water already today :drinker: to lunch :smooched:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Soooo....if I sell all of my children, does that count as a loss in weight?! OMGoodness they are rotten today!:mad:

    Seriously, though...I am down a tiny bit more this morning so I am still moving in the right direction & I'm not stalling so WOO! A little here & there & I'm happy. I sill think I can meet my goal by Valentine's day! 5# to go! YAY! The awesome thing about THAT is WHEN I make that goal, I only have 5# to go to reach my ultimate goal! YAY!

    Good job everyone!
  • Landon66
    Landon66 Posts: 28 Member
    Did good this morning. Played basketball and ran, so burned off a lot of calories and got my heart going good to start the day.
    Still not getting on the scale for two more mornings.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara...that is awesome!!!!!

    WTG Everyone!

    Yesterday, wasn't good...DH and I went out to dinner w/ friends. It could have been worse, but we did the hibachi thing (got chicken/shrimp/veggies/steamed rice). I didn't eat it all (woohoo!) stomach felt it though. I did not feel good last night:sad: :sad:

    Back on track today...going good w/ the calories, water, and if the little guy would ever fall asleep I would get my workout in. If not it will have to wait until the kiddos are in bed tonight.

    Have a great day all!