Gutless Gutters Challenge 01/06/09

Good morning!


  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Good morning!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Morning Bubbly-Boo! :love:

    I'm in, but I'm not weighing myself every day. i_nono.gif

    Good luck, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Morning Soupy crush.gif

    I'll type my check in for the 3rd time today :angry: :grumble: :wink:

    Weight.........same :drinker:
    Yesterday, I stayed within my alotted calories, did the 52 minute TaeBo (Fatburn Accelorator Amped) workout, and walked the dog 2 miles. th_smalldancingman.gif

    The End.

    :heart: Kellchiepoo :heart:

  • lpadilla75
    Morning! I posted this in the other thread.

    Yesterday I worked out for 1hr 15 min. Based on my HRM I burned 700 calories. (15 min elliptical and 60min cardio class)

    I had a terrible day at work and snacked quite a bit and pretty much needed to burn that many calories to balance things off.

    I’m not going to do that today. I will not let work get to me that I feel the need to snack.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Morning Bubbly-Boo! :love:

    I'm in, but I'm not weighing myself every day. i_nono.gif

    Good luck, everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Morning Shannon :smooched: :smokin: :smooched: :flowerforyou:

    Morning all.......I'll leave it to one post so we don't have to start another one and just say good morning to all of you here 11_2_104.gifsnickeringg.gif
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Morning! I posted this in the other thread.

    Yesterday I worked out for 1hr 15 min. Based on my HRM I burned 700 calories. (15 min elliptical and 60min cardio class)

    I had a terrible day at work and snacked quite a bit and pretty much needed to burn that many calories to balance things off.

    I’m not going to do that today. I will not let work get to me that I feel the need to snack.

    Kick-butt on the workout though!!! :drinker:

    Nice going! :smokin:
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    Weight yesterday
    holy moly!
    good bye new years party snacks, lol
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member

    I didn't step on the scale (going to try only once a week). Yesterday, I stayed w/in my given calories...did 30 minutes of pilates and 30 minutes of BL Cardio Blast. I managed to get in all of my water too...woohoo! WTG everyone:flowerforyou:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I really dont want to weigh in everyday but I can check in everyday. Today I did my bellies booties and biceps class and burned 375 calories. My arms are sore from all the weights, planks and pushups. I actually did 25 pushups today of course they were on my knee. I have to start somewhere. I will do my weight on Wed because that is when I do it for the biggest loser challenge. Yesterday I burned a total of 676 calories between step/interval class and the Wii LOL. I usually dont count the Wii but I wanted to see how much I burned and in 18 minutes I burned 126 calories. Now I have an excuse to play it LOL. I also got in 80 ozs of water yesterday and I am up to 40 ozs already today.

  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Ok. Got a lil distracted.:laugh:

    Imagine that.

    I re-started my faithful calorie watching several days ago and stepped on the scale first thing this morning. Down 1 lb.:bigsmile:

    That's progress, I think, with only 8 lbs left to drop.:ohwell:

    Did Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred,30 minutes of yoga on Wii Fit and 400 crunches.

    I stayed within my calories.:drinker:

    Going to aim for the same today.
  • melilissa_r
    Hi, I would like to join too.

    I will lose 5 lbs by Valentines.

    Yesterday I worked out 30 mins on my treadmill and burned 200 cals.

    I was very good about tracking my food and I will continue to do so.:bigsmile:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Hi, I would like to join too.

    I will lose 5 lbs by Valentines.

    Yesterday I worked out 30 mins on my treadmill and burned 200 cals.

    I was very good about tracking my food and I will continue to do so.:bigsmile:

    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    And WTG on the workout and the calories :drinker: You can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I weighed myself this morning for the first time since before the holidays. I think I had way too many cookies. :ohwell: The scales this morning said 136 and I don't like that. :angry:

    I started logging my calories and my workouts yesterday for the start of the new year and I have been very good about doing it today. I will be working out more too.
  • sarahebeling
    Well -- after reading everyone else's reports on exercise, I am not sure how you all do it!!!

    I am checking in and am happy to report that the scale is down half a pound since yesterday- and I know it is probably water, but still, a smaller number is a smaller number.

    I did a 30 minute exercise video this am before stepping foot out of the door and was pretty proud-- i am NOT an exerciser!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Landon66
    Landon66 Posts: 28 Member
    Did 5 miles for the first time in years! Not all at a run, but I'm getting there...slowly. Didn't get on the scale this AM, so not sure if there's a change.
    Anyone got a cure or remedy for shin splints? They are starting up again. Don't want to be banished to the bike for two months again.
    Did good at logging everything too, so I was proud of myself.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well -- after reading everyone else's reports on exercise, I am not sure how you all do it!!!

    I am checking in and am happy to report that the scale is down half a pound since yesterday- and I know it is probably water, but still, a smaller number is a smaller number.

    I did a 30 minute exercise video this am before stepping foot out of the door and was pretty proud-- i am NOT an exerciser!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    I was so not an exerciser back in August when I started this and now I try to get some form of exercise every day and I love it now. I even did a 5K last week which I cant wait to do another one now. If you stay consistent with it you will like and it and even miss it when you dont do it. I look forward to the gym now.

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Did 5 miles for the first time in years! Not all at a run, but I'm getting there...slowly. Didn't get on the scale this AM, so not sure if there's a change.
    Anyone got a cure or remedy for shin splints? They are starting up again. Don't want to be banished to the bike for two months again.
    Did good at logging everything too, so I was proud of myself.

    Good job on your run, Landon. :flowerforyou:

    Here's some info on treating shin splints:

    Also, make sure you have proper running shoes! :wink:
  • sarahebeling
    way to go!! a 5K!! that is amazing!!! i am going to keep at it, but to be honest, I can't imagine missing working out!! :smile:
  • gynuwyne
    gynuwyne Posts: 132
    Good morning all,

    Last night I did about 75 minutes of indoor roller skating. The exercise calculator says that a little over 700 calories burned (sounds high to me though).

    I was a bit of a clutz yesterday. First, sitting at the table, I leaned back a little bit to look at something and then my chair fell backwards! I knocked my knee on the table, over stretched my shoulder and just laid there a minute. :sad:

    Then after roller skating, I jumped in the shower, slipped and fell out of the tub! :embarassed: Hurting my other shoulder. What next!?

    All is good today though.

    Supposed to do my run/walk program today. I have a doctor apt. so we'll see if I have enough energy afterwards to do it.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    What is this challenge about??? I need something to help me get my motivation back!!!! Not so much exercising, I have no problem there. But I need to start counting calories again, any diet challenges out there??? Thanks!!! :flowerforyou: