Guttless Gutters 01/12/09



    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member

    WTG, B4!! Sounds like it's taking this time around! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Tons of exercise this weekend, but tons of eating/drinking too. :embarassed:

    I'll jump on the scale later this week to *kitten* the damage. :embarassed:

    Good job to everyone who stayed on track!! :heart:

    I'll bet U did better than U think. Weigh tommorrow.
  • wildkat318
    wildkat318 Posts: 326 Member
    I had an amazing weekend of workouts, it feels SO good! I did indulget but was able to stay within my calories due to the calories burned. Looking forward to upping my workouts this week too, VERY motivated! I have already drank 1/2 my water so I'm good to go. I am going to lunch with a friend today and we always go to a Mexican restaurant. That's gonna be a tough one but I'll browse around the database and see what might be the least amount of calories.

    Have a good week everyone! :tongue:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'll have to go look up what I'm down from a week ago. I know I'm DOWN, I just don't know how much b/c I was all swelled up like a balloon.

    Good job, Before! You're doin' good! How'd the soda weaning go this weekend?

    1 a day as planned except once. Drinking water on the weekend is harder than expected. It is easy at work.

    Thanks for the kudos everyone. I am making better choices but room for improvement.
    We'll B looking fine by Valentine.


    That's great! 1 a day is MUCH better compared to what you were drinking previously! Good for you!
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member

    We'll B looking fine by Valentine.


    THIS Valentine's???????? embarrassed.gif

    Knock it off lady. :angry:
    Its week 1.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'll have to go look up what I'm down from a week ago. I know I'm DOWN, I just don't know how much b/c I was all swelled up like a balloon.

    Good job, Before! You're doin' good! How'd the soda weaning go this weekend?

    1 a day as planned except once. Drinking water on the weekend is harder than expected. It is easy at work.

    Thanks for the kudos everyone. I am making better choices but room for improvement.
    We'll B looking fine by Valentine.


    That's great! 1 a day is MUCH better compared to what you were drinking previously! Good for you!

    Thanks 3B.
    Keep up the good work.
  • gynuwyne
    gynuwyne Posts: 132
    1 pound down 5 to go.
    I did my first Zumba class on Saturday. It was a blast! I love the music and the dance moves.
    Sunday i did my walk/run program. Since i started my walk/run program I have noticed stronger legs (obviously) but also the fat on the back of my hips/waist that I could grab in a handful, is GONE!
    No more hip fat. :happy:

    My butt's getting smaller too, not so happy about that. I like my curves. Oh well. Guess I'll have to keep toning what I have left.
  • saerah12
    saerah12 Posts: 19 Member
    I had lost some weight, but then gained it back this weekend-I think that some of it is water weight to. Anyhow, as of today, 10lbs to go still.:ohwell:
  • Okay, I'm a week behind, but I'm in. The weight on my ticker is from last week so I guess I'm even. (I haven't weighed myself yet this week, because I do it on Tuesday morning. I'll update the ticker tomorrow.) I had a crappy weekend because it was my 30th birthday (which I think is explanation enough). Birthday dinner one night and a party the next! It could've been worse but still not good. It's time to really hit the bricks!!

    I think 10 lbs is a reasonable goal in 5 weeks (which I think is why everyone is going with that number).

    My personal goal is portion control!!! I make dinner every night for my fiance. I can eat the same things, I just have to keep in mind to eat much less of it!! Fill up on a salad before hand and I should be good!

    Good luck every one!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    Sounds like most of us struggle with the weekends.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well I have done cardio for 8 days in a row and FINALLY show a loss of a pound - whew I was getting worried. I went almost a month without losing but I didn't give up. I realized I wasn't eating enough and the cardio kicked my butt in gear....but my right Hip is KILLING me!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Yay, Chrissy! that's always a relief!

    I think the weekends are harder b/c our minds are reeling with work. Even though I'm a stay at home mom, the weekends are harder for me b/c my husband is home, snacking during the football games, cracking open a beer whenever he wants & there I am...doing pushups in the middle of the living room. :grumble: I fell asleep on the couch during the boys' nap yesterday & I actually woke up to a plate of jalapeno poppers on my lap. :noway: WTH?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Yay, Chrissy! that's always a relief!

    I think the weekends are harder b/c our minds are reeling with work. Even though I'm a stay at home mom, the weekends are harder for me b/c my husband is home, snacking during the football games, cracking open a beer whenever he wants & there I am...doing pushups in the middle of the living room. :grumble: I fell asleep on the couch during the boys' nap yesterday & I actually woke up to a plate of jalapeno poppers on my lap. :noway: WTH?

    Now THAT'S just cruel! :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Isn't he horrible?! I told him I'd have one with him when he made them...he decided I looked cold & thought the warm plate would help.:grumble: I don't believe him.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Isn't he horrible?! I told him I'd have one with him when he made them...he decided I looked cold & thought the warm plate would help.:grumble: I don't believe him.

    Something tells me he will come out on the short end of that little joke. smiley-scared004.gif
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    LOL Carl. I've known my husband since I was 14 & he was 16. This is NOTHING compared to some other crap he's done to me...all in good fun of course. :tongue:
  • Landon66
    Landon66 Posts: 28 Member
    Great day for me to make up for the weekend. Another good workout and I think I can start forgetting my diet the last two days.
    Took my HRM on it's first workout, and I was dissapointed to see how much lower it was than the machine, but glad to know I'm getting a more accurate reading so I don't overestimate on my calories now.
    Avoiding the scale like the plague until Friday, so I can give an update then.
    Hope everyone else is keeping their head up and looking toward their goals.
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