piercedee Member


  • I know it has been said many times before but people who curl in the squat rack. The gym I go to has 2 squat racks. One was being used by someone who wasn't squatting, but was doing more Olympic style lifts, but the other was being used by 4 guys curling the bar. Having to wait for them to finish so that I could squat was…
  • Applesauce with milk and cinnamon. It is something I grew up with and I guess I got it from my mom... Also hot Cheetos and cream cheese.
  • LMAO - literally just lost 5 pounds reading this... Imagine what I could lose if I read the book :) Plus don't forget the ab workout from laughing so hard! This made my Friday
  • When I was doing it and couldn't jump (injuries) I did a TON of the punches... She does recommend them for cardio with lower body injuries. When those get too easy just add weights. Also you can check out the level 2 cardio where there are some moving plank variations and if you do the "easy" version there is no jumping.
  • I do good until I am in pain... which typically derails my routine and exercise plans and then the food situation goes down hill as well. Also, when I try to be too restrictive. I would love to lose 2 pounds per week (or even 1.5) until I get to my next mini-goal but last time I tried that it set me back 3 pounds (and a…
  • I feel your pain! I had knee surgery a few years ago and some days my knee still hates me. For squats and lunges (and almost all of the jumping related stuff) I did the modified version and went down to the point where my knee said "STOP". Try to listen to your body and remember you can always do punches for cardio :)…
  • And let us know how it goes!
  • Do it!! I know one time I was forced to run outside (all the treadmills at the gym were in use) I actually had a better pace and felt more refreshed (less like death) after my run. Your body will learn your treadmill pace and while you may start out a little faster it will be ok. You may find that you really can't regulate…
  • Depending on where you are maybe try running outside. Or I know sometimes when I am stuck on a treadmill I use my towel to cover the screen and play silly tricks on myself like if I want to check I have to wait through the song I am on and the next one. I know some days were easier for me than others and on the tough days…
  • You can do it! Be realistic with your goals. I know that in theory I could lose 2 pounds a week. I would be miserable though. So I aim for 1 and get a bunch more calories to eat each day. For a while I packed Easter Candy in my lunch on purpose. It fit my calorie goal and I really wanted jelly beans. I also set up mini…
  • I am 5'5" AND A HALF :) Starting weight was 230 and a size 14 Currently about 217 and a size 12 My goal weight ATM is 175 The smallest I have been as an adult was 150 and I was a size 4 (waist) and 6 if it wasn't a skirt and had to fit my legs. I am normally pretty muscular and when I look back at 150 I feel like I am not…
  • Have you thought about trying C25K? It starts out with short runs with walking mixed in and can get you back running. Also eating at a deficit is all you technically need but if you like working out find something... One quote I love is "no matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch"
  • I have been in a similar boat (on the family side at least... I have different health issues but I do have asthma as well). I told my family to stop with any comment about my weight. Even when my grandma would say "you look so much better" I would hear "you used to be fat and not good enough but you are getting better". I…
  • Whatever you want to call it why can I only log my 4.5 mph as "very, very brisk walk"? I am definitely either running or jogging (based on feet leaving the ground) but MFP says I must be walking if I am that slow. Really? It seems as though the calorie burn is higher based on walking vs.running (maybe I am wrong here - I…
  • I figured out my plan... I am going to finish 30DS (I have 15 days left from when I had to stop doing both 30DS and C25K) and start C210K. I am only doing 30DS during the week and I still have Yoga on Mondays and every other Wednesday. I am going to spread week 2 of C210K out over the 3 weeks of 30DS (on Fridays) just to…
  • I will finish C25K today!
  • I am there and it does feel amazing. I know that having support on here totally helped. I have learned through this process that I really am not a runner, I am a weight lifter who can run too. I am 1.6 pounds from my first weight based mini goal, I will finish my first fitness goal on Friday (complete C25K) and then it is…
  • I get it. I just want to get through these last 4 runs. Sometimes it is easy and feels good and that is about all that keeps me going. Yesterday I had IT band issues, and blisters, and my head was not in the right place.
  • I am here and finishing week 8 today. One more week in my plan then finishing 30DS and ?????
  • Running isn't my strong suit either. I had to put off finishing 30DS since my body was not ok with the double days, so I will finish my last 15 days of that then I was thinking about adding running back in. Not quite sure yet. I am interested to see everyone elses plans.
  • I love running outdoors (well as much as I love running, but that is a whole other story), but I tend to not have a consistent pace. I tend to do my C25K on a treadmill to try and maintain a consistent pace otherwise I will start out at a sub-12 minute mile and slow down from there until I can barely keep from walking. I…
  • Awesome! I will be there in a week :)
  • I need sleep to be healthy so I should sleep instead of working out (when I am getting about 8 hours anyway). Luckily this time I haven't been hearing excuses go through my head. When all the treadmills were full at the hotel last week I went for a run outside!
  • I finished week 6 today. A little late thanks to traveling but I got it done and that 22 minutes straight wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be. You all can do this!
  • I only got two in this week with travelling and my mom coming to town. But I finished level 1 of 30ds. I plan on doing all 4 runs next week to get back on track. The run I did yesterday was the first I didn't do on a treadmill and I was surprised at how good it felt.
  • There will always be those days and those people (half the time I do it to myself). Is your workout time selfish? - NO you DESERVE time for yourself (and it is better for any family you have in the long run). The longer you take off the harder it is to get back into the routine.
  • I'm here! It would be easier to check in on the boards if the APP on my phone would let me. Oh well. I am starting week 6 tomorrow. I am travelling later this week for work so there will be one day that I am on the treadmill at the hotel, but it should be interesting since I live at ~4500 ft above sea level and I am…
  • Ask people who look like they know what they are doing. Try not to interrupt in the middle of someones workout but many regulars were first timers too once and are totally willing to help explain something.
  • If you set your self up for 0.5-1 lb per week and exceed it awesome, but if you meet it it is still good. This is what I do since like you I would get disappointed when i wouldn't lose that 2lb/week I was aiming for so this way if I meet it then I am happy and if I get more that is awesome!