30 Day shred variations with no jumping?


I did the 30 say shred a few times last year and loved it. My problem now is that ive moved into a room at the very top of a shared house, so I can't do lots of star jumps etc or even really jogging on the spot because it is so noisey!
Has anyone else had this problem and adapted it for themselves with no jumping? Or does anyone know of a work out vid with little or no jumping? I also dont want it to have to be tooo basic, although I am pretty unfit right now so I do need to buold myself back into it all....

Would be really grateful for any suggestions?


  • mamatotwo15
    mamatotwo15 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem with living above other people/ noisy, I do squats and raise my arms like a jumping jack and jog on the spot but be aware of my steps if that makes sense,
  • MelanieSkittle
    MelanieSkittle Posts: 43 Member
    I have this problem too. I just started 30DS today, but instead of jumping jacks I just did the arm part while taking side steps back and forth. And instead of butt kicks I did knee raises. That way I made less stomping noises for my poor downstairs neighbors. I also did it mid afternoon so hopefully no one was sleeping.
  • piercedee
    piercedee Posts: 59 Member
    When I was doing it and couldn't jump (injuries) I did a TON of the punches... She does recommend them for cardio with lower body injuries. When those get too easy just add weights. Also you can check out the level 2 cardio where there are some moving plank variations and if you do the "easy" version there is no jumping.
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member
    I'm doing 30DS now, and though I'm in a basement workout room, I HATE high impact exercises and refuse to do them. So I high step and windmill. The point is to keep your heart rate up, not jar your head off your neck (or other things that like to bounce around too much when doing jacks) So just keep moving to keep your pulse up. I"m sure Jillian would be appalled, lol. But I'm getting great results, so who cares. :)
  • tigerlily100392
    tigerlily100392 Posts: 8 Member
    I haven't looked at this in ages, thanks for the replies, all good suggestions!