

  • I have upped my calories to a flat 2350, 20 carb 40 proteins and 40 fats. I am coming home soon so workouts are getting a littlle less intense as pre redeployment is taking more time out of each day. I plan to hit 600-850 calories burned a day. Does this sound right? Or do you think that 2350 is too much/little with a…
  • go with a polar ft 4 or 7 amazon or ebay for under your 75 they are small and accurate, most gym equip will support them etc
  • also biggest thing is I try and stick to a set calorie day, am deployed to OEF, food is available at chow hall 3x a day so I try and build meals in am and do stick to them as planned.
  • Thanks, exercise consists of r elliptical, stationary bike, stairmaster, treadmill, resistance training via trx, light weight weight training, push ups and situps.. May increase by a few hundred to about 23-2350 for tues and see what happens
  • polar ft4 ft7 / or ft model in your budget. I went with ft60 main reasons are service, warranty, and most gym equip use polar electronics so your hr will display on machine try ebay got my ft60 for under 90 shipped
  • I split upper and lower body training, and do various activities for cardio( treadmill/elliptical/stepper/ bike) so I do not do/ work same muscles the same way everyday. Legs get workout everyday via cardio, but I rotate high / ow intensity and machines used.
    in need help Comment by mlh29 January 2012
  • I use body fortress.. it is cheap, works well , comes in multiple flavors, and can be purchased at any walmart. Good luck
  • keep the strap wet, keep it tight to body. If batteries are dead or getting there it will not give accurate readings. Also .. strange ? How tall are you/ your husband? I ask as the hr strap to wrist computer is to be less than 3 feet apart. I have found that with my ft60 arm positions do make a diff.. for example one of…
  • may also try tart cherries, or tart cheery juice. Many associate gout with fatty foods etc.. can also be caused by an increase of greens, beans, fish etc.. ( healthy foods) Euric acid is found in many foods and is what causes it.
  • go with a polar brand. Most gym equipment is equipped with polar electronis so you can get a read out form you chest strap.. ft4, ft7.ft40.ft60 are all good. Look at the polar website and see what suits you best Check ebayand amazon for really good deals. I recently bought a ft60 for under 97 shipped on ebay Good luck
  • 13 lbs is good, however prior to here I was on a lower calorie intake , low carb high protein, cardio 2 hrs a day for 6 months didnt lose anything. Have be a been on meds etc that caused weight gain and have a somewhat stressful job.. My diary is open. I am getting 200 plus grams of protein a day .. on a very limited…
  • I have been playing the cal/ exercise games here as well. I would like to say that if your calories are changing by your exercise than you are probably adding the exercise to your daily activity set. ex sedentary but saying active a s you hit the gym.. This will fool the calculators here.. best to set your lifestyle and…
  • I think I am misunderstood.. I eat a flat 2200-2250 a day. which up until 3 days ago was at a 40/40/20 ratio of carbs,protein,fats. With the foods available I am usually under my goal by around 100 calories as I will max out protein or carbs first . My maintain is 2410,, So I am at a deficit of about 160-210 everyday. I do…
  • I went with the ft 60 .. looked at the ft7 and that is what I will get my wife. I used ebay.. through a reputa ble power seller as I had ebay gift cards. I ended up getting the ft 60 for 97 shipped. amazon was like 140 ish I see the ft 7 listed there for under 60 . It pays to shop around. The real world diff in price…
  • i am kind of anal when it comes to research before I spend money. I recently was in the market for a new hrm. I narrowed it down to the ft7 or ft60 polar. If price is a concern go with the ft 7 I would suggest watching ebay.. I got my ft 60 brand new from a power seller for 97 shipped. I have watched the ft7 sell for…
  • I not by choice am taking most of my meals in the form of met rx protein meal replacements.. I would say if available take a good mens multi vitamin. Eat lean meats, chicken, tuna, fish , eggs. Shoot for about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight If your goal is not size .. you may either want higher reps with…
  • thanks for the replies. A few things, I am trying to lose weight.. biggest issue is it is not coming off. I may have been over training/ under eating. Been on the higher calorie intake for a few weeks.. was under 1500 cal for a long time. I realize I am getting a ton of protein, most in a shake.. most foods here are not…
  • overall. I started out in sept at 212 , the heaviest of my life ever, this was after basically starving myself for 6 months, cardio everyday. weight just kept increasing.. goal lose weight to a goal of 165-172 overall just better health. Not looking for a 6 pack, or huge muscle mass... had it yrs ago and it just isnt me…
  • current 188-191 depends on water intake/ time of day.. 68 inches 32 yrs old
  • sorry ft 7 and ft60 are what I am looking at
  • ALCON, Thank you for the replies, just trying to eat better since starting MFP. I am finding it harder to eat the goals I have set now. I used to eat around 1100 a day and not eat the exercise cal back. Been trying to cut back on calories expended and stick as close to 2000-2200 a day intake . I am trying to expend 800 a…
  • I have been using it for about 8 months. It seems about the same as others, just cheaper to buy. I buy online, get it sent home for free and save alot compared to the store price. I got 5 jugs for under 60 about 2 months ago. The cookies and cream is more like weak chocolate but not bad. It gets pretty decent reviews…
  • I am deployed active duty mil. If I had a choice i would be eating a lot more variety etc. Right now I have protein powders, some fresh veggies, eggs, and fresh almonda avail. I am waiting on tuna, and some more items to be sent. The diet / values were recommended a respected member here so that is why I am trying to…
  • looking into refining my diet etc. Now I have a couple of questions. How are you guys tracking fat/protein /carbs etc. It shows in my food as being under for the day with my current habits on protein/carbs/fat but my calorie intake is under by like 1200 for the day.. ex 2200 cal allowed 3400 180 cardbs allowed 240, same…
  • ok in reading these posts, I need to increase calories of decrease my exercise effort. Would it be better to eat more to counter the calorie deficit? Or would it be better to drop cardio down (cutting daily deficit) and remain eating about the same / little more to eat the calories back? Also if it is a general concensus…
  • also forgot to mention dropping weight if you are still over doesnt really matte in the equation they use.. if you are over the screening weight you are over, as long as you tape out you are good. You could be 220 with the waist and neck measurements 0r 181 with same measurements and it would give you the same result..
  • ad military.. the tape test is rather unreliable. It is doubtful that you will increase your neck in that amount of time. I would suggest cardio to lose your waist. With the measurements listed you are over by around 1-2% giving you a 24% limit. The bf limit goes on age so if you are younger you need to stay under 22%.…