radicalmom Member


  • Welcome Marla and Becca. I have a question for all of you....do you think as nurses we are more likely to overeat or eat emotionally than other careers? I wonder if anyone has done a study. I think I will look. I think, (this is a generalization) we are not always the best at self care. So bravo to all of us using MFP to…
  • Welcome Aurora! You do have a full plate. Taking good care of yourself is a great step. It is hard to not be drawn into bad habits.
  • You are so right about similiar stresses. I found fitness and eating well almost impossible when I worked nights. I either ate crap or very little and then binged and exercise was tough. I think it is wonderful that you have lost 15! Way to go! Anyone else work nights that has some good ideas?
  • Wow. If my lifestyle was always like last weekend, I don't think it would be very good for my fitness or my health. I enjoyed ate a litttel of everything in moderation. Except....cookies....those are my weakness..especially right out of the oven.
  • Oops I meant good job on not smoking!
  • Hi Amy, Good shop on not smoking! That is probably the very best thing you can do for your health. You would have to gain 50 pounds to have it have the same cardiovascular effect. It is hard to see that when you are young. I smoked for 15 years and found it very hard to quit. I was so worried about weight gain. In the end…
  • Wow, Tiffany 57 pounds? That is really amazing! What have your challenges been lately?
  • This is such good advice. I would like to add, we are *not* our weight. It is only part of us the outside part. Keep physical stay as active as you can, which indeed if you have back problems must be very difficult. Hang in there...find ways to by good to yourself that don't involve food. Indulge in a massage, hot bath…
  • Hi Jo. Nice to meet you! I am an advanced practice nurse, I work with Oncology patients in Seattle, Washington. How is this working out for you? I am noticing how much and when I eat...it has been interesting. I find I have triggers to overeating, stress and fatigue.
  • I love John's method....anyone! can do a marathon!!!
  • Find Out If You're A Jogger or a Runner From Runner's World.com http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,71...
  • Cyrstal light, strawberry lemonade is my fav! Unsweetened ice tea with lemon Talking rain flavored water. My favorite alternative to alcohol is limonata. Cascade Ice
  • Absolutely! Doing something, anything every day or most days, is better than not doing anything at all. Black and white thinking...all or nothing...leads us to feeling bad. I think it is one of the many reasons that many overeat. Change your life out of self love not because you are not fit enough, weigh too much, blah,…
  • So very well said!! Good work losing 20 pounds. My goodness that is a lot of weight!
  • There are some excellent books out there about binge eating. I have found them to be a great resource. Also, if I get too deeply in deprivation mode it can get me eating when I am not physically hungry. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the great advice