Can't Find My Way No Matter What :(

I'm getting very discouraged that i can't seem to find my way. I was a weight watcher for many years, lost weight from Jan till May then had surgery and gained it back. Now it seems no matter what i do, i can't drop a single pound after a week and give up. I used to have all the willpower in the world but now as i get older, just seem to be too depressed to find it again. I'm the heaviest i've been in YEARS now and feel so uncomfortable and sick of being the fat girl in the group :( Anyone else feel this way and any tips on how to overcome it? Last thing i want to do is gain more over the holidays. I know my diary isn't the best but i've eaten SO many fruits and veggies in the past year i want to die!!!

Really feel like this is it for me, 200's the rest of my life :(


  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    Keep your head high, Girl! Not losing weight after a week isn't a big deal, especially if you're losing inches or lifting weights. Working out can make you retain water even in muscle fibers... it protects them as they heal. Up your water intake! I drink no less than 3 liters a day and stick to no less than 1200 calories per day! Water in equals water out! That's the key.... especially in the first 2-3 weeks of your journey! YOU CAN DO THIS! and together... we will get through it! Focus, focus, focus! I know it's hard not to get discouraged. We all do. Just keep it up and your body has no other option but to change! :wink:
  • bs1981
    bs1981 Posts: 36
    Keep your head up it happens... Maybe see a doctor to check for any medical reasons making it harder. I had a real hard time but since I cut my calories to about 1400 a day on non workout day and 200 more on workout day, its been working. I am worried... I have a major surgery in two weeks... and am worried about gain in the downtime. You will do it!!
  • gusgrace06
    I understand, when I left the army I gained 60 pounds in a year and now I'm having trouble losing wieght. It's so frustrating, I've been working out for several weeks and keeping my calorie intake under 1800, I have seen nothing but weight gain.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Ditto - maybe see your regular doctor. Could be a medical reason. You might also be depressed and they can help with that too. It is hard to get up and work out when you just don't care. Good luck and don't give up. You obviously want to be here.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Try just exercsing for a couple of weeks without worrying about eating better - but track everything you eat. I've always found exercising more motivating because it's easier to see the results of your efforts (i.e. able to run farther than last time, lasted lnger on the ellipitcal, lifted a heavier weight, etc...). After a couple weeks look through your diary and see where you could easily cut out something. Make small changes over time and in the long run you will find your way.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I have been in a downward spiral for the past couple of months dealing with health issues and other crap ... I am no longer making excuses to eat .. instead I am looking at each choice and asking myself whether this is going to make me feel better or feel worse ... Don't worry so much about the number on the scale - just make decisions that will make you healthier and help you to feel better. That temporary high from eating just made me more and more depressed ... time to start facing my issues and make better choices... if I can do it then I know that you can too .... Good luck and no matter what -- don't give up on yourself -- you are worth it
  • purpletrillium
    Hang in there. I lost 8 pounds in about 5 weeks, but nothing for the first 2-3 weeks. Your body is readjusting. I haven't seen much inches lost, but my pants fit looser. Read the success stories on here, it will inspire you!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You eat too little.
    Your body probably wont let go of its only reliable source of energy.
    try something different and join the group!

    Feed the furnace burn the fat!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    Today is my 130th day in a row here, and there were countless starts before that. I've lost 0.2 lbs. Uggghhhhh. I'm not giving up, I cannot and will not stay this way, so I just keep plugging along. Feel free to friend me, we'll do it together, no matter how long it takes!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    At least you are TRYING! Many of us spend years just complaining about being the "fat girl", myself included.... and watched the scale go higher. One of these days things will 'click' and you'll be back on track!
  • radicalmom
    radicalmom Posts: 54 Member
    This is such good advice. I would like to add, we are *not* our weight. It is only part of us the outside part. Keep physical stay as active as you can, which indeed if you have back problems must be very difficult. Hang in there...find ways to by good to yourself that don't involve food. Indulge in a massage, hot bath with yummy bath products, go to a concert, special musical or theatre performance that focuses around the holidays. :flowerforyou:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yes, starting was the hardest for me. I began this lifestyle July 2010. Before then, I just felt so fat and hopeless! I thought I had let it go too far and then I would never lose the weight or drop more than a size or two. And for the longest time, I thought, 'why even bother? The only time I felt good was when I was eating something bad; so, why would I give that up?"

    Finally, after the 4th of July weekend in 2010, I had that "ah ha!" moment. I just finally felt that enough was enough! And I think that is key! You can think about how you want to lose weight and get healthy all day and night. But, until you get to that "enough!" moment, you will keep failing. Get your head on straight first and foremost! When your mind is ready, your body will follow! It's not easy and it's a long road. But, I can assure you that it gets better and you will feel 100x better than you do today!

    I've lost 40lbs so far. Going from a size 16 to a size 10 or 8. But, I did it slowly. Make small changes to start with. Jumping right in and dropping calories to a ridiculous amount and swearing off all the foods that you love can be very overwhelming and set you up for failure. Try and make goals to hit each week... "this week I will not drink any soda... this week, I will eat more whole foods, this week I will eat X amount of calories." If you slowly adapt healthier habits, it wont seem so overwhelming.

    We are here to support you if you need it! Feel free to add me as friend if you'd like!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    You have to want it more than you want that quiet time to yourself. I never worked out because I work full time and run a business that is 24/7. When I did have some extra time, that was my time to veg out. Wasn't getting skinnier was just slowly gaining weight.

    To me working out wasn't time for myself, it was work. So I started moving my thinking to that working out was my time, my time to decompress. I can get alot of thinking and mulling over during a spin class, it's amazing. Alot more done than sitting at home trying to unwind.

    Started shedding pounds, started to need new clothes because of sizes dropped. The secret was the exercising and sweating while I was doing it. The harder it was the better.

    But than the scales froze and I got very discouraged and I guy I was dating turned out to be a jerk, a week of oreo shakes. But I still was dropping sizes, went back to my routine and I am looking great. I have to remind myself that weight is like bra sizes, everyone's is different and it doesn't mean a darn thing.

    I drink a bunch of nakeds, eat a bunch of boiled eggs and try to stay within my calorie limit, but I am not perfect. I always eat my exercise calories back by treating myself. If I work out for two hours for a minimum of 600 calories I get a frozen carmel from Panera Bread. I do not deny myself, but if I want something I have to work for it.
  • SkinnySoph88
    Hey Girl-

    I also did Weight Watchers and lost the majority of my weight there, and just started MFP to lost the last few. I completely understand your frustration bc that is EXACTLY HOW I FELT right before I started WW.

    The best advice I can give you as someone who has been there before is *start slow* and *take pride in your accomplishments*!!! Today is Tuesday- you have the whole week ahead of you! Try to make commitments like, "I will walk for 20 minutes every day this week" or "50 minutes 3x this week" if that is more realistic for your schedule. Once you make those little challenges for yourself and you complete them, tell yourself how proud you are and be kind to yourself! If you had a friend who walked but maybe ate poorly one day, you wouldn't put her down, right? No, you'd probably still lift her up. Try to do that for yourself.

    I started walking 5x a week in March, feeling too embarrassed to even go to the gym. Fast forward to now, I am 15 pounds thinner and doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred! If I can do it, so can you!

    Good luck and we are all here for support and encouragement!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    PS: it can take up to 2 weeks for your body to adjust to a new way of living.
    Dont stop after a week!
  • carolkobe
    carolkobe Posts: 18 Member
    Hang in there, you will do this when you are ready! Being depressed makes it sooo hard to get started. Sometimes just trying to find ONE thing that you can do differently can help and once you do that it can sometimes get you jumpstarted:)
    As someone suggested just drinking enough water a day can make a big difference. If you can't handle it plain yet then add a slcie of citrus or a splash of juice until you can and make your goal for the month or week to get enough water in daily.
    Then find the next thing that works for you. For me it was taking one meal and finding several options that I liked and were healthy, low cal and staved off hunger for a few hours. I didn't really do anything other than that for a while then picked the snacks etc...
    By that time I had gotten past the depression and was able to go for it! It does get easier, after the first month in particular when my stomach had shrunk and I didn't feel I needed to eat so much. This is an awesome site and whether you find the drive to push forward today or a few weeks from now we will be here for you.
    You deserve to be healthy and feel good about yourself and when you are ready you will!
    Lots of Luck:)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • brunzella92
    brunzella92 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you everyone! I was hoping i wasn't going to get bashed for what seems like a failed diary. I should probably explain this past few years for me! My father was diagnosed with lung disease 7 years ago, in 2008 had a lung transplant at 62, and pasted away this past Christmas on the 26th. So i decided then to jump back into ww and did great, very slow but did it. I"m on antidepressant Bupropion (does not increase hunger) and have been checked for everything by my MD. No thyroid issues or anything like that. The sad part is that before i moved and bought a house i used to spin FOUR times a week :( I would go to the gym no less than 4-5 times a week to exercise. I loved it, felt awesome and was probably 180 then. Now i sit unmotivated, drinking more at 210. Can't even believe it. I want to really jump in with both feet as i'm coming up on the 1st year of my dad's death and need the distraction. My new gym just got spinning classes back so i'm going to see about that.

    It's like i FORGOT how to eat right :( Not to mention losing my best friend in the whole world, my dad, has crushed my spirit.
  • ashreneeknutson
    I feel the exact same way!!! Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can find a way to keep each other motivated thru this holiday season.
  • Kaylenray
    Hi, (:
    smile darling .
    I know how you feel. Ever since i was in 5th grade i've been over 100lbs. Now I am 216lbs, I HATE it, but unlike you I cant seem to find that willpower.... Can you help? I need help finding motivation, i need help to want to do it as much as i know i need to.

    I do not believe you are meant to be in the 200s the rest of your life hun, not by any means, maybe the exercises you are doing are not as intense as you need them to be. Push yourself, you'll lose the weight, even if not by lbs at first definitely in inches.

    Keep Your Head UP!!!! DONT GIVE UP!!!

    when you lose this weight you have a whole other life ahead of you.

    Write me back (: