MelissaW1978 Member


  • #4 is very flattering for your body shape...the belted higher waistline is perfect for you!
  • I have the same problem...I'm also from the south. I get one small sweet tea from Wendy's's 100 cals. I used to drink much more...this is an improvement for me. I sip on it all day. I figure 100 cals isn't so bad....I would love to give it up though. I don't really have any other major vices either.…
  • I had the same experience. I went on vacation for a week and gained 4 pounds...and I thought I was not doing terribly bad...I logged my food and exercise and on some days, I didn't seem to go over. I've been on here for 300 days now and I think that you are right...that your body is re-programmed to eat less now and it…
  • I do Ripped in 30 and call it Circuit Training. I love Ripped in 30. It's been great for me.
  • Maggie for a girl. Rocco for a boy. Our daughter's name is Maggie (which everyone loves her name) and we got talked out of Rocco for our little boy. We regret it so much now. We named him Connor because my mom didn't like the name Rocco. We really wish we'd stuck with it though. He's totally cool enough to pull off a cool…
  • I'm also 5'7. At my heaviest about 1.5 years ago, I was 157. Today I'm 135. 20 pounds does make a great difference. You look amazing! I feel like I have plateaued too. I guess our bodies don't want us to go much smaller than this. I would love to see how 130 looks on me so I guess I'll keep it up a little bit longer.…
  • I like the American Eagle Boyfriend jeans too! I also like Miss Me:-)
  • I saw him in Vegas and it was one of the best, most unique concert experiences ever. He doesn't even have a band with him. Just Garth, his guitar and a stool. he had on a sweatshirt, timberland boots and a baseball cap. He took requests from the audience for songs from his previous albums and from other artists. It was…
  • Rocco.....He is so cute!
  • I'm on Day 3 of Week 2. It's challenging, but do-able (unlike Insanity was for me). I don't think I'm gonna see a big decrease in pounds, but I think I will be able to see more muscle definition. It is tough on my knees and wrists, but I plan to finish it anyway.
  • I have completed week 1 and am two workouts into week 2. It's tough and makes me sore, but I LOVE it so far. I've already gotten down to my goal weight and I don't expect to lose much if any with the workout, but I do think that I'm gonna show some muscle definition and new tone after 4 weeks.
  • Great job! I'm just finishing up Week 1 of the Shred. I've been working out a long time so I don't think I'm gonna have phenomenal results, but hopefully I'll be able to see a little change. I am hoping for some muscle definition, which I can definitely see in you.
  • I would take some "before" pics from every angle. The mirror and "before" photos are your best friends. They will push you to your you to say "no" to dessert, get you out of bed in the morning to exercise before work. You may not like your reflection now, but as you head towards your goal, "before" photos…
  • I love to talk to anyone about my weight loss and and how it's helped me. If it bothers you too badly, just get a new license. I think the attention from others would keep me motivated to keep my weight off, though, so I think I'd stick with my old license. I was just thinking about how my driver's license…
  • Yep, I think he was just looking for an excuse to talk to you. I would just try to take it as a compliment.
  • I really hate to see a Mommy's shopping cart full of soft pet peeve is to see a bunch of Mountain Dew in a cart that I know kids will consume. It's so bad for their teeth, makes them hyper and sets them up to be overweight.....I could go on and on about this topic.
  • If I did this, I would probably just ballpark it by saying I only ate 3/4 of the meal. I'm not very precise with my tracking at times. I'm still managing to lose/maintain though so it is working for the most part.
  • Once I'm done eating for the day, I hit the "complete" button and go brush my teeth. After that I only drink water and eat nothing. Also I have an upstairs and I try not to go downstairs (where the kitchen is located) once I brush my teeth. These are my tricks and they seem to work well for me. Good luck:-)
  • I used to do Weight Watchers and you could save points up for a big day of eating...but you had to use them by the end of the week. I lost weight really good on that plan so there must be a way to do it correctly.
  • I took it after I had my second child and lost my weight really quickly. The bad things that make me not want to do it again are: the heart palpitations (I could literally see my heart beating out of my chest) and the sleep deprivation. Even if I slept for 8 hours, I would feel tired because it wasn't a good deep sleep. I…
  • Congratulations on your amazing transformation!!! Keep up the great work!
  • I love Tae Bo. I've been using Tae Bo dvds on and off for the past 13 years or so. They are fast paced, difficult (but not nearly as bad as Insanity), and effective. I think they are great for upper body torso definition.
  • I'm 5'7 and currently around 138. About a year ago I was at a high of 157. I've moved my goals to maintenance and I'll be happy if I can stay in the 130s. I don't think I could maintain anything under 135. I have a pretty muscular build and I've never had a "skinny" look.
  • It was too intense for me. I would dread working out so much because it was so hard ... I would find excuses not to exercise at all. I should have stuck with it longer, but I gave up on it after about 2 weeks. It was hard on my shoulder also (I have an old shoulder injury that flares up from time to time). I don't think my…
  • Congrats! That is fantastic!!!
  • Not sure how to join, but I would love to!
  • You look fantastic! I'm so happy for you!!!
  • I say face because the body can always improve with exercise.
  • I agree! It's only one day a year...why not enjoy it:-) I plan to have a little of everything, but I will use some common sense and not eat 2500 calories in one day. But, I will definitely be exceeding the 1300 calories that this site gives me:-)
  • Pumpkin pie isn't so bad if you skip the crust!!! I plan to indulge on at least one slice. Thanksgiving is just one day a year. I say " have a little of everything" and get back on track on Friday!