Have you done Insanity..what do you think???



  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
  • leemarie324
    leemarie324 Posts: 63 Member
    i am about to finish week 4 of insanity and i am hooked..it is the best workout i have ever done, it is hard to keep up but u work at your own pace and build up your resistance.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's one of the best cardio workouts you can get at home without a treadmill. A lot of people talk about jumping jacks, mountain climbers, sports drills, etc. Insanity has all of that in one package. I highly recommend the program. I used to hate and dread the program, but I now like it and respect it a lot.
  • primal_p90x
    if you body has a strong foundation from doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and plyo training, you will enjoy Insanity.

    Whatever you do, do not pause the workout. Just take those few seconds to find your focus and continue.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I started doing random Insanity workouts yesterday, so today is my second day, But I am going to officially start it on Monday. I am on My Christmas break now and traveling, so since I would not be able to do my usual walking jogging, I decided to start Insanity. Yes I am definitely developing that Love/hate relationship with Shaun T, but I feel great after completing a workout.
  • Strobins05
    I absolutely LOVE insanity. Next week is my last week and I've had some really good results! Improved on the fit test lots, much more endurance, loosing inches and weight. (about 14 lbs so far and about 10 inches all over) Its all about pushing yourself and doing what you can do with the correct form. Once I finish this round I'll be starting a P90X Insanity 9 week Hybrid :) You can friend me if you'd like!!
    Awesome Job!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I did it and earned my t-shirt (pic in ticker).

    YES it is intense and NO it is not impossible. I did it August-September of this year and lost about 11 lbs and 5 inches. Also went from about a size 12-14 to a 10-12. I was also running 3 days a week training for a 5K so I can't attribute ALL of my results to Insanity but I will say that as a result of the program I am a lot stronger than I was before. It is by far the hardest workout I have ever done and I still incorporate the videos into my routine now because nothing else gives me that type of cardio workout. My cardio performance is better than it has ever been and I can do things that I once thought were impossible.

    Insanity is a great workout and you will surprise yourself every week at what you are able to accomplish. Don't give up. If you need to take breaks during the workout then take a break but don't quit. You will get better each week. Another advice I would give is to make sure you are eating enough. I didn't follow their nutrition plan but I did up my calories and changed my settings to the recommended 40/40/20 for carb/protein/fat. In the second month of the program I also started incorporating strength training twice a week because I didn't want to lose too much muscle mass doing so much cardio alone with Insanity and Running.

    At first I dreaded it everyday and literally cursed at the TV but I have so much more respect for it and even now when I do one of the videos I feel a great sense of accomplishment when it's over.

    Good luck with the program!
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I did a round of P90X and lost 30lbs then I did a round of Insanity and lost 10lbs. It builds up your strength and endurance.

    -It's soooo intense. It is ineffective though unless you keeping pushing all the way through, so keep up.

    - Carefull with the impact on your joints. My knees were bothering me a bit. (I have borrowed it to my god sister and she complaimed of major knee pain.)

    - Eat enough calories in or you will die

    - Stretch afterwards, don't skip it because it's "boring." You will regret it when you awake the next morning!

    EnJoy! : )
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Not sure if it was mentioned already or not - but make sure you take before pictures too! you will be amazed at how your body transforms!

    All this talk about Insanity is making me want to do the program all over again...
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Absolutely love Insanity! My wife and I did it together a few months ago and had great results! We are actually going to start another round on 12/26/11. Anyone wanting to go through it with us is welcome to join our MFP group. It definitely helps to have a team around you to support you through the roller coaster ride of pain, emotions and achievement that you will experience...

  • MelissaW1978
    MelissaW1978 Posts: 37 Member
    It was too intense for me. I would dread working out so much because it was so hard ... I would find excuses not to exercise at all. I should have stuck with it longer, but I gave up on it after about 2 weeks. It was hard on my shoulder also (I have an old shoulder injury that flares up from time to time). I don't think my body likes for me to do push-ups:-)
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    You'll feel like dying. It's great! :happy:

    THIS. Seriously though, I love Insanity- best workout ever. WATCH YOUR FORM.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I loved it, and it really got my metabolism going; however, I started to feel like I was becoming "skinny-fat" and have switched to P90x and lifting heavier (at least for me, lol), as I really love the weight work. I still incorporate some of the Insanity cardio, but have had to decrease the time, as I'm still losing weight and hadn't planned on it......
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    This is for advance. If you had done of cardio work out in moderate/high intensity, you will love it otherwise I suggest Turbo Fire.
    The work out only can be effective if you can perform most of the work out.
    Intensity use large muscle and fast pace and it's only 40 minutes in the 1st month. You can burn lots of calorie in a short period
    I like the feeling that I push myself to the limit.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Glad I found this Thread my husband got insanity and we decided to do it together. We start it tonight. Am nervous but excited. I did 30 day shred in Oct. Almost finished it before the wedding but then took a month off and got bronchitis so just getting back on the wagon. It looks hard but I think I can do it :)
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I have done it a few times (the first time as the 60 day program and the other types as a hybrid with P90X and running) and have to say it is one of the best cardio workouts I have ever done! I gained a lot of definition by just using my own body weight. This workout strengthened my core and also helped me get the abs I have now. I love it! I am on P90X 2 now but think i am going to sub one of the Insanity Max workouts in my routine because I miss them!