Zero Thanksgiving worry.

Warning: This is a bit of a rant. I don't mean any offense- just want to share some feelings/thoughts.

Thanksgiving comes ONCE a year. Just once. One time. I keep seeing all these posts about how to 'survive' thanksgiving and I can't help but ask myself, why? Why the worry? Why the stress? What is wrong with enjoying family and friends? What is wrong with expressing gratitude for the good things you have in this life? What is wrong with eating delicious food?

One day is not going to make or break anyone's diet (or life style change or whatever). Worst case scenario: You gain a few pounds, which you can lose in a couple of weeks. More likely scenario: you have a good time and your weight loss slows down a tiny bit.

Diet's are about the big picture. They are about maintaining a chronic, long-term, calorie deficit. An occasional calorie surplus is not going to hurt as long as the rest of the week, month, year evens out to a negative calorie balance.

So I intend to enjoy my thanksgiving. I'm not even going to bother counting calories. And I'm going to have that second piece of pie if I want it.

On Friday, I'll get back on track.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    couldn't have said it better myself!!!

    Have a happy Thanksgiving!
  • mom2lyla
    mom2lyla Posts: 123 Member
    Warning: This is a bit of a rant. I don't mean any offense- just want to share some feelings/thoughts.

    Thanksgiving comes ONCE a year. Just once. One time. I keep seeing all these posts about how to 'survive' thanksgiving and I can't help but ask myself, why? Why the worry? Why the stress? What is wrong with enjoying family and friends? What is wrong with expressing gratitude for the good things you have in this life? What is wrong with eating delicious food?

    One day is not going to make or break anyone's diet (or life style change or whatever). Worst case scenario: You gain a few pounds, which you can lose in a couple of weeks. More likely scenario: you have a good time and your weight loss slows down a tiny bit.

    Diet's are about the big picture. They are about maintaining a chronic, long-term, calorie deficit. An occasional calorie surplus is not going to hurt as long as the rest of the week, month, year evens out to a negative calorie balance.

    So I intend to enjoy my thanksgiving. I'm not even going to bother counting calories. And I'm going to have that second piece of pie if I want it.

    On Friday, I'll get back on track.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  • Well said! the How to Survive the Holiday's posts are getting kind of old. It's one day... enjoy it!
  • MelissaW1978
    MelissaW1978 Posts: 37 Member
    I agree! It's only one day a year...why not enjoy it:-) I plan to have a little of everything, but I will use some common sense and not eat 2500 calories in one day. But, I will definitely be exceeding the 1300 calories that this site gives me:-)
  • bedinky1207
    bedinky1207 Posts: 53 Member
    I plan on not being part of the pigging out statistic tomorrow. My unhealthy relationship with food is what got me overweight in the first place. I've worked super hard to change my ways. Thanksgiving is not about the food. Society has turned it into about the food. I'm focusing on my family and friends this year and what I'm Thankful for, like having my Husband home this year instead of spending Thanksgiving praying for his safety while he is off to war.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    You have to eat 3500 calories to equal 1 lb of weight gain. Thats something to remember. I know Thanksgiving food is really good, and not always the most healthy but geeze ~ like you said its one day. I'd rather relax and enjoy time with my family than spend the day upset over what I "can" and "cant" eat.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    :smile: Perfection!!! This morning I was telling a friend that if ONE day totally deletes my sucess over the last 4 months, I have FAAARRR more issues than Thanksgiving:happy: ... it really WILL be OK! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day all! :heart: :heart:
  • EMc4452
    EMc4452 Posts: 187 Member
    Totally agree! I even notice that the less I worry about it, the better choices I make naturally without even thinking! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    I think the no-worry thing is great - especially this year, when we're staying at home and cooking all our own food. For me, though, the key idea is how you define "delicious." Over the years I've come to prefer fresh (or frozen) green beans to green bean casserole, and honestly I can't bake a pumpkin pie to save my life and the store-bought ones just aren't that delicious anyway. This year, my focus is on cooking and eating mindfully and gratefully, to be aware of abundance - not just in the amount of food, but in the quality, and the time I get to take in preparing it. Which, usually, is like 30 minutes tops. So this will be a treat in a lot of ways.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Well said
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I agree completely. I am not worried nor am I stressing about it at all. :happy:

    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! :flowerforyou:
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I agree! My goal is to stop eating when I'm full but I'm not going to worry about what I eat! Like you said, Friday, I'll jump back on the band wagon.
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
  • maxsdad9
    maxsdad9 Posts: 25 Member
    I plan on eating what I want as well. However, I will log my calories as this is a habit that I never want to give up. It pays off in the long run. Have a Great Thanksgiving. I am grateful for MFP!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Holidays like Thanksgiving are a huge test to our lifestyle changes and not everyone has the same degree of control. Eating a whole lot in one day could act as a trigger for future binges. Also, your worst case scenario is also relative. Personally, if I gain a couple of pounds, it will take me well over a MONTH to take them off so I'm not willing to throw that away when I'm SO close to my goal. My thanksgiving would be actually be ruined if I spent the whole next day feeling crappy about what I ate, so I will do my best and stick to green stuff and avoid the bread and crackers.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I am not worried about it. I am looking forward to it, it is my favorite holiday of the year. I am going to the gym in the morning first tho :)
  • upinthecosmos
    upinthecosmos Posts: 149 Member
    I think some people can splurge on a day or at a meal & get right back to following their plan with no issues while others simply can't & that's where the difference is. Some people just can't do it. I know in the past if I veered off my routine even a little then it was like I was out in the wild and scavenging all I could, lucky if I ever found my way back on the path. Now a days I have come to a better understanding and I don't see what I'm doing as a diet, rather than a lifestyle, so I can veer off path for a day or a meal and not be phased by it. I also find that because it's a lifestyle I still make good choices for the most part so while I may want a 2nd piece of pie I would probably not eat it and I wouldn't miss it either. It's all about how you work, what works for you, and how badly you want to lose the weight I guess. So to those of you that need to follow rules for the holidays, good luck to you... you can definitely do it! To those of you that can give yourself freedom to enjoy, good luck to you also... cause we all need a little luck, you never know when you may not find your way back:-)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Agreed! I'm not counting calories, logging in my diary, checking my portions.........I'm just enjoying!! Friday......I'm back on track!
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Here, here! I will have that extra piece of pumpkin pie cuz I'll be running a Turkey Trot in the morning! :drinker: