

  • Stretching, stretching, and more stretching. I run varsity track at my school and i am no stranger to shin splints. Stretch REALLY well before you run/zumba/power walk/ect. and stay hydrated. Thats all there is to it. And when i do get shin splints I run to a jar of Icy Hot. The stuff works magic and it's cheep/easy to…
  • I'm 5'4 and have lost 51lbs over the past year. As long as I can remember I've been the "chubby kid," I was always a little bit heavier then my skinny brother and my clothes never fit the way they were supposed to. It took a huge emotional toll on me after all of these years and then last year I kinda looked in the mirror…
  • I LOVE doing this. I usually put some instant coffee in with my mix (chocolate and angel food) and then I top it with some fat free ready whip. It tastes AMAZING and only 105 calories for mine.
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you only have one birthday a year, have your pickles and if you want it, get a bowl of ice cream or a slice of your own birthday cake. A year ago I was just like you, really afraid to indulge or go over my calories, but I've learned that this is no race, you have forever to lose this weight and trust me,…
  • Your legs will get bulkier, that's just your new muscles forming. I run track and I have nice, toned, lean, and muscley legs and I love them (they look great in heels). Typically sprinters have more bulk and distance/endurance runners are more lean due to the different muscles that are used in training. Your legs will tone…
  • I basically live off of spaghetti squash! i love it sooooo much! I usually make myself a HUGE bowl for dinner and always feel SO full for only a few hundred calories. I usually steam some mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, a little corn, zucchini, bell peppers) and then, since i'm a vegetarian I add some Beef-less Ground…
  • I never got an allowance as a kid. My parents bought me what ever was essential and I could save birthday/holiday money for anything else. I did, however, have chores but they were never called chores, just things that I was expected to do. i.e.: walk the dog, set/clean up the table, and keep my room reasonably clean.
  • where do you find Artic zero ice cream??
  • There have been multiple studies that you can look up that state that WHEN you eat your calories doesn't really have that much of an effect on your weightloss just as long as you're eating to your calorie goals everyday, the weight will come off.
  • 49.5lbs since late january. I'm ready to just drop that .5 so that I can officially say 50
  • I started my journey in late january and now, almost 12 months later i'm down 49lbs. It was rough but so worth it. You can do it if you're willing to work for it
  • I'm not sure If I'm who you're looking for exactly but I'm 18 and I've lost 49lbs (1lb away from my UGW)
  • bump. I'm 1lb away from my goal and I'm starting to get anxious. I've tried increasing my cals slowly but I'm having trouble getting myself to eat that much
  • I was that fat kid growing up who's mom let her get the second helping of chicken nuggets, and do you know what? I'm GLAD she did. My mom was a chubby child (not extremely over weight, just a little chubby) and my grandmom scolded her for it her whole childhood until my mom developed an ED lost more weight then what is…
  • I personally wouldn't unless you're normally absolutely sedentary. Otherwise I'd just wouldn't count it and if you really did burn a good amount of calories then just enjoy the fact that you might lose a little more this week
  • I dont want the "body-builder abs" but i'd love some light definition.
  • I started out at 1,200 cals a day and lost 48 lbs that way. When I would work out I'd never eat all of my calories back, but if the work out was vigorous and the burn was really high for that day, I'd increase to 1,300-1,350. Now I'm about 4lbs away from my all time goal weight and I've increased my calories to 1,275 and I…
  • i have it and love it! the music is a mix of american and latin
  • I've been told that this one's a myth. there was a study done saying that the time at which you consume your food doesnt play a role in weight loss as long as you're eating the same amt of calories in a day as you would if breakfast was your heaviest meal
  • I think it only really does if you do the EXACT same thing every day
  • I've noticed so many people being out right mean with their replies. Like they know all the secrets to weight loss and everyone else who doesnt agree with them is just wrong
  • I did HCG about a year ago. I bought it from GNC and I lost 20lbs on it. It was hard sometimes to stay on track but I often wasnt extremely hungry, or bingeing out of my mind. I was perfectly fine. The issue came in when i was finished and I didnt know how to live normally without the pills. the way HCG works, you're meant…
  • Getting under your MFP sugar goal is almost impossible. That doesnt mean that you should throw all you know about watching your sugar intake out the window, it just means that more then likely, you're going to be getting more sugar then your goal. Sugars are found in more then just cake, they're in just about every food,…
    in milk! Comment by bbkohn November 2011
  • and i forgot to mention that i dont eat red meat or sea food of any kind
  • I asked my mom to go on the pill when i was 15 and she let me. I didnt have a boyfriend at the time and I didnt go out and have sex right after going on it either. I wanted to go on the pill to regulate my periods because the stress of not knowing when i'd get it was driving me crazy. I also have a lot of friends that went…
  • make your own trail mix!!! that way you know exactly how many calories you're eating and it's good snacky food. :) I usually do peanuts, walnuts, raisins , dark chocolate chips, and sometimes i'll add yogurt covered raisins too.