50 pounds in a year...

This is a pretty big goal for myself. I've never really set a real goal for myself before but I feel like I have to now in order to really succeed.. I want to lose 50 pounds in the year 2012. This is a little hard for me because I have a bad back. I've had two spinal fusions (about 5 years ago) but I have nerve damage from it and daily back pain. Its going to take a little while to strengthen my back up in order to do some more intense exercise but I want to do this. I have to do this.

Has anyone else lose this much or more in one year? I'm look for any words of wisdom, tips, inspiration... I am 21 years old and I am sick of living a life full of pain. I want to feel like I'm in my early 20's, not my 70s!

- alex :)


  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    i have, It's a lot of work. Though at the moment I have fallen off the wagon...
    Best ones are drink a ton of water. Measure your foods. Don't graze like me....
    Never eat strictly protein always have some kind of fibre in there! some people debate this but dont eat a hour before bed. Alot of people say dont eat past 8. i work odd hours and eat at 10pm every night.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I lost 90 pounds in 6 months, then threw out my back and SLOWLY lost 6 more. I started at 246.2 in March of this year, and weigh around 150 by aug..now Im just maintaining and getting used to my "new" body!

    You can do it!! :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey hun,
    I'm sure this is doable!
    I have lost 34 pounds since April this year..

    Aiming to get to my goal next year... I actually have no idea at what weight that will be.
    I wanna reach 150pounds before reassessing (so 30 more)... thinking 120 might be a bit too thin for me. but thinking 130-150 might be just right... will reassess when I get there...
    I also wanna have muscles and if that means weighing a bit more so be it.. what I REALLY want though isa flat stomach!
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I lost 90 pounds in 6 months, then threw out my back and SLOWLY lost 6 more. I started at 246.2 in March of this year, and weigh around 150 by aug..now Im just maintaining and getting used to my "new" body!

    You can do it!! :)

    Great job but if you don't mind my asking.... HOW THE HECK did you lose 90lbs in 6 months? That's CRAZY fast!!!
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    Can you do a recumbant bike or a seated elliptical? I'm trying to think of ways you can work out. Ask your MD and/or a physical therapist. Stick with it--you can do it!! We all can if we see it through. Good luck! Oh and track every bite, remembering-if you put it in your mouth, you have to work it back off again!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    You can do it. I just want to point out, people that lose weight fast, tend to gain it back just as fast when they stop what they are doing. A person usually needs to keep up what their doing after they reach their goals to give the body time to adjust. (read about keeping weight off after losing it, this is why it is so important to make lifestyle changes and never diet)

    As for me I had a very similar goal as you. I'm trying to lose 40 lbs this year with my ultimate goal 75 lbs. Over 110 lbs since I started MFP. (I reset my goals as I lose 10 - 20 lbs)

    The closer you get to your goal weight, the harder and longer it will take to lose 5-10 lbs. This is because you don't have the added weight to help you burn calories, so the same routine won't work as well.

    Just remember, everyone hits plateaus and that means time off your schedule of 1 lbs a week. Plateaus can last anywhere from 1 - 4 weeks, maybe even more.

    The most important thing is too not look back if you fall of the wagon. If you fall, get right back on the wagon. Many people fail, but it's the ones who give up that won't succeed.

    Good Luck! This site is great for support and info. I believe in your success!
  • bbkohn
    bbkohn Posts: 29
    I started my journey in late january and now, almost 12 months later i'm down 49lbs. It was rough but so worth it. You can do it if you're willing to work for it
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I have only lost 28 lbs in 9 mo. I think the slower it comes off the better chances of staying off. I will never go back to that weight again. Good luck to you all. Feel free to add me as a friend as I need all the help I can get.
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    I am 22 and have so many health problems and I want to lose 50 pounds in 2012 also. Add me and let's do it together!!! So many people have done it and I know we can too. I want to get healthy so badly. I'm tired of feeling like I'm 80.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    good for you! slow and steady. That will be hard, but not impossible, with constant pain, I am sorry you have that to deal with! It is doable, because I really think that weight loss is more about what you eat. I have exercised for 2 years, 120 min of cardio and 30 min strength training a week and only lost 20 pounds the first year. changed the way I eat, and in the last 6.5 months, lost 65 pounds. Without a doubt, I feel better and sleep better when I exercise regularly. but I know that the diet is the key. my aunt has quite advanced MS and is confined to a wheel chair and unable to exercise hardly at all. She has lost more than 25 pounds in one year with a healthy diet. good luck to you!
  • adios
    adios Posts: 2 Member
    This is my goal as well. I have set this goal before and then procrastinated thinking that I would have to be more strict later on. Funny how that has never worked for me. I have lost 25 lbs using MFP and then gained 10lbs back. I have not been consistent. I can get very down on myself and hide from reality while slipping in extra meals here and there. On really bad days I stop reporting thinking that I will start again tomorrow.

    But here is the thing. I have close friends in my life who have been very successful over the last few years losing weight. They have all used their own methods, but their success has resulted by sticking to it day after day and getting back to it after letting things slide. They have not been perfect, but they fight to remain focused through the ups and downs.

    So here are my goals. I will report my food everyday. If I miss a day I will not let that be an excuse to stop reporting altogether. I will weigh myself weekly. If I see a trend that I am not losing the weight I will take action and change something.

    And here is the major difference for me this year. I will talk to people about my progress and my mistakes. I always try to keep this stuff to myself. I have proven that I cannot do it alone. I need help. I want help. I want to help others.

    I am tired of the look my doctor gives me when I mention that I am going to lose weight this time. I am tired of not being able to buy clothes in normal stores. I am tired of worrying about my health. I am tired of thinking about my family trying to get by without me because I let myself go. I choose to face myself and my inner critics.

    This is my year to start life long change. I will lose 50lbs. On January 1st, 2013 I will weigh less than 220lbs.

    We can do this.

    Scared but committed.
  • chrymyrs
    I started my diet in Sept. of this year and have already lost 46 lbs., so it can be done. I started out with circuit training and treadmill. You might want to start with the bike. Good luck and add me if you need to!!
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I lost 49 pounds this year, just shy of your 50 pound goal. It was hard, it was rewarding, it was an eye-opener. :D

    I'm not cursed with back problems, but i did have my thyroid removed a couple of years ago, which brings its own challenges in the weight loss/muscle gain arena.

    It can be done. Keep your protein and water intake up, and keep your body moving. Anything you can use that will motivate you, take advantage of. I use a bodymedia fit device, as well as a heartrate monitor. Join fitness challenges, if you are the competitive type.

    Above all, don't get bogged down in the numbers and lose momentum if you stall out or the scale numbers aren't dropping as quickly as you would like. My goal was to be down another 20 pounds by now, and i missed it. But if i had given up, i wouldn't be where i'm at!
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I lost 49 pounds this year, just shy of your 50 pound goal. It was hard, it was rewarding, it was an eye-opener. :D

    I'm not cursed with back problems, but i did have my thyroid removed a couple of years ago, which brings its own challenges in the weight loss/muscle gain arena.

    It can be done. Keep your protein and water intake up, and keep your body moving. Anything you can use that will motivate you, take advantage of. I use a bodymedia fit device, as well as a heartrate monitor. Join fitness challenges, if you are the competitive type.

    Above all, don't get bogged down in the numbers and lose momentum if you stall out or the scale numbers aren't dropping as quickly as you would like. My goal was to be down another 20 pounds by now, and i missed it. But if i had given up, i wouldn't be where i'm at!
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    You can do it. I also have back issues for over 25 years.. no surgery though . Just take it slow and steady. Don't over do it. I've been on MFP since April 30th, 2011 and have lost 50 lbs.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I took off 50 lbs this year! It took a while and it wasn't all easy. But it is very doable.

    You can do it!

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've lost 40 pounds in 11 months, probably would have lost more except that I have had some little heatlh issues along the way which have kept me from exercising regularly. My husband has a bad back also and I know our doctor has always told him to strengthen his core to alleviate some of the back pain. It would probably be good for you to research core strengthening exercises and then find the ones that bother your back the least :) Good luck! I'll send you a friend request!
  • Bullfrog2957
    Bullfrog2957 Posts: 22 Member
    I have only lost 28 lbs in 9 mo. I think the slower it comes off the better chances of staying off. I will never go back to that weight again. Good luck to you all. Feel free to add me as a friend as I need all the help I can get.

    Nice work. The slow journey still gets you there. I tend to agree that when I have crashed in the past, it all comes back. A slow methodical lifestyle change removes some risk of it coming back. Request sent.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I am down 45 pounds this year & started MFP in May. What worked to help me was to take it one step at a time. Concentrating on my calorie count first then stretching myself with a little exercise & upping my water. Then looking at adding more fruit and veggies to up the fiber content. It would have been overload for me to try to take everything in at once. Doing one thing at a time breeds success in that one area & that motivates me to keep going. I hope this helps you in your journey.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Good luck, it can be done.

    I lost 50lbs since August 1st. I do have a bad back but the weight loss helps.