Hostile reply posts?



  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I have noticed that to.
    Some people on here think it is their right to speak their minds & forget that this site is to encourage each other on our weight loss journey.
    Most comments are encouraging, but some are downright rude.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    When I read those, I think: Man, they really need a cookie :).

    luvs this
  • Derameth
    Derameth Posts: 58 Member
    If someone wants an opinion, I'm going to say it. That's just the way it goes......

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I agree that if someone asks for an opinion, I also will be giving one, however, opinions are like *kitten*...everybody has one. So if you don't want your feelings hurt, 1. Ignore the moronic replies, 2. If the reply is rude, consider the source and think how miserable that persons life must be and they are just taking it out on you and 3. Don't ask for opinions that might be very different from what you are looking for.

    As for giving an opinion and that's the way it goes, sometimes one has to use some diplomacy, if someone chooses to deliberately be rude and hurt someone's feelings...shame on them...Nuff said BUT if someone wants to argue with me about this, or give a rude reply.....*opens the door* Come on in....I'll take you on, I am not afraid of your miserably rude commentary...*lol*
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It's easy to be rude online when you don't have to look someone in the eye. takes integrity to be polite when you really don't have to be ;) Take the good with the bad and don't let it get you down!

    Well put! And very true.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    While absolutely I agree there are rude people on this site, I have noticed on the internet in general compared to in RL, people seem very liable to read things the wrong way, and take offence where none is intended. I have been told I am being rude or nary several times when I haven't at all, so much depends on the way the person reading chooses to interpret.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    There are those said-replies where you can definitely tell through the chosen word-usage, who is just plain nasty...

    I find for the majority though, its easy for people to automatically ASSUME someone is being nasty, when clearly there was nothing posted nastily to begin with - when in fact, it was probably the most civil collection of replies I had ever seen. I would love it if we had the ability to have an AUDIO-REPLY option - so you could actually HEAR the person's reply so you can hear with your own ears, their message... hearing it, and seeing it can be construed so differently!

    This happens ALOT on the threads where the OP will post "Why cant I lose weight? I exercise, I eat the right kinds of foods, I drink plenty of fluids", etc... and then when you actually see their food logs, you find nothing but junk food, fast food, and the types of foods that are definitely the problem causing the no-weight-loss... you try to bring that up in a non-threatening way and suggest they consider eating foods that are fresher, perhaps cooking your meals instead of relying on high-sodium, fatty fast food options... then the OP goes
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    While absolutely I agree there are rude people on this site, I have noticed on the internet in general compared to in RL, people seem very liable to read things the wrong way, and take offence where none is intended. I have been told I am being rude or nary several times when I haven't at all, so much depends on the way the person reading chooses to interpret.

  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    If someone wants an opinion, I'm going to say it. That's just the way it goes......

    In my experience a lot of people dont ask for opinions -- they simply get attacked. Not to mention, there are polite ways of phrasing things, which will get ones point across just as clearly as being hostile and rude.
    I agree, BUT, I'm not rude. Some people just appear hostile....

  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Some people get off on being rude and snarky.

    Don't forget you can always click on the little arrow under their name/profile pic and select "ignore user"!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I think because people have such strong and widely differing opinions about what brings about effective weight loss and health improvement, tempers are likely to flare when people don't agree. Weight loss and health are pretty personal topics and personal topics tend to breed defensiveness!
  • bbkohn
    bbkohn Posts: 29
    I've noticed so many people being out right mean with their replies. Like they know all the secrets to weight loss and everyone else who doesnt agree with them is just wrong
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I've noticed it. I have had questions I would like to ask to get feedback from other people in my situation but I haven't because I would rather not deal with those people, and I've noticed its the same miserable people and they seem to live in the message boards.
    Every one needs a hobby but it's sad that those douches choose to make belittling strangers theirs.
    It's better to be kind than smart..... Even if its a question that has been sticky noted, or asked a million times, or even if the poster can't spell worth a darn.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    If someone wants an opinion, I'm going to say it. That's just the way it goes......

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I agree that if someone asks for an opinion, I also will be giving one, however, opinions are like *kitten*...everybody has one. So if you don't want your feelings hurt, 1. Ignore the moronic replies, 2. If the reply is rude, consider the source and think how miserable that persons life must be and they are just taking it out on you and 3. Don't ask for opinions that might be very different from what you are looking for.

    As for giving an opinion and that's the way it goes, sometimes one has to use some diplomacy, if someone chooses to deliberately be rude and hurt someone's feelings...shame on them...Nuff said BUT if someone wants to argue with me about this, or give a rude reply.....*opens the door* Come on in....I'll take you on, I am not afraid of your miserably rude commentary...*lol*

    This is brilliant! Ignore it or challenge it. My theory, and opinions are just that, theories about life, is that rudeness is objective. Not everyone sees things the same way, and what some consider rude, someone else might consider helpful. Perspective is a *****, and if you can only see from your own then you are sure to get a lashing at some point.
  • Rain_Howard
    Observer the average age of most of the people being rude. It's quite enlightening. I am a very liberal user of the new and wonderful ignore feature. It can be your friend.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Even if its a question that has been sticky noted, or asked a million times, or even if the poster can't spell worth a darn.

    Datz ok, hukt on fonix wirkt fir mee! LOL
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    It happens all over message boards on the internet. It's a fact of life. Some people and I'm not saying on here but......some people just want the attention, even if it's negative attention. I just ignore the rude ones and go on to reading the rest. It's easier for people to say things on the net and not face to face with "real people". Just know it's not you and it's their attitude that have to live with. See how I just ended that sentence with a preposition. Now some people will be ready to call me out on that. But since this isnt a letter to the President, I dont sweat too much over grammar or the such. LOL Have a great day and BE Happy!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    A lot of people want you to see things their way or no way at all. Thank goodness for the ignore button.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I've noticed an excessive of whiney posts lately. It's really a shame so many take the internet serious.

    I've noticed this too.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    It's the internet.

    There's always someone looking for a "fight."
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    A lot of people want you to see things their way or no way at all. Thank goodness for the ignore button.

    No argument here, I see people like that all the time.