not enough calories earlier in day, question!!

dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
So, I have a question. I have days at work where things get crazy and I am running around trying to stay on top of things, which is unavoidable for me some days. On these types of days, I don't end up eating enough calories before I get home from work. I never know whether it is better to go ahead and eat a lot of calories late in the day like that, or just eat the normal 400-600 calories for dinner and start over the next day. Obviously, I know the solution is to have some ready snacks (e.g. nuts, protein bar, etc) to grab on these days and I am working on that. However, there are going to be days when I did not plan well enough and this happens occasionally. I feel I am going to gain weight if I eat most my calories after 6pm, but is is worse to do this than to go under on calories for the day?


  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
  • sidhe31
    sidhe31 Posts: 96
    I'm curious as well. Often my schedule doesn't allow me time to eat until late in the day. I really don't like eating the bulk of my calories in the evening but I know if I eat lightly, I'll be ravenous in the morning, or worse yet, past the point of wanting to eat.
  • bbkohn
    bbkohn Posts: 29
    There have been multiple studies that you can look up that state that WHEN you eat your calories doesn't really have that much of an effect on your weightloss just as long as you're eating to your calorie goals everyday, the weight will come off.
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    I think there have also been studies showing that having a lot of the calories in the hours before bed is not a good thing also, so there seem to be some mixed opinions on this.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I think there have also been studies showing that having a lot of the calories in the hours before bed is not a good thing also, so there seem to be some mixed opinions on this.

    Meal timing is basically irrelevant to body composition outside of how it effects performance and assuming you aren't fasting for days on end.

    Eating at night is not going to do anything bad to you. Hit your end of day totals however you please. I will regularly eat 2k+ calories and go to bed. Sometimes I'll eat IN bed for efficiency sake. Granted this statement provides you nothing but anecdote.

    Lastly, for some people, eating at night causes discomfort, and for some people -- undereating during the day causes them to OVER-eat at night. Clearly the individual needs to be aware of these behaviors.

    Assuming you are capable of hitting your daily intake goals, then do it in whichever manner is most convenient for you.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    This. I typically eat 50% or more of my daily calories after 3 or 4 pm just because I prefer it & I have no issues. The only meal timing I pay attention to is around my workouts to make sure I have enough energy before hand without a full stomach, & proper recovery nutrition after.

    If I had reflux or something I might avoid eating right before bed, but I don't. I actually find that eating something substantial shortly before bed keeps me from waking up hungry in the mornings & making poor choices.