

  • Pizza is the one thing I crave like crazy and have tried several different approaches to factor it into my diet. I have tried the cauliflower crust, which is pretty good, but pretty time consuming. I usually buy a refrigerated whole wheat pizza dough from the bakery section at the grocery store. I roll it really thin and…
  • I noticed the most difference in my butt and thighs with a combination of squats, lunges, and deadlifts. Here is a good link for deadlifts with dumbbells. Good luck!
  • I LOVE cottage cheese. I eat Hood Low-fat cottage cheese and I usually just eat it plain as a morning or afternoon snack. I like to put it on salads with a little drizzle of balsamic vinegar. I sometimes pair it with pasta for some extra protein and creaminess. I do not like the "no salt added" or "fat free" and for some…
  • I like "Beanitos" because they are made from beans, not potatoes, so they are much more filling and have the crunch and salt factor that is so appealing about potato chips. I usually eat them with salsa or with some hummus. yum!
  • I used to suffer from plantar fasciitis also and I found that spinning/cycling was the only exercise that I could do without causing pain (like running or walking). I've been spinning for a year and a half and have not had any flare ups since. If you're looking to be active without the foot pain, I suggest taking a…
  • A website that allows you to calculate the calories and nutrients of a homemade juice. Then if you want to, you can create a new food and enter in the calories. Hope that helps!
  • I also watched the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" as inspiration to continue juicing. However, I did not do the fast. For the past three weeks, I have replaced breakfast and lunch with a vegetable juice for most days of the week and throughout the day I consume a serving of nuts, at least three servings of fruit,…
  • Thank you all for the great advice! I was able to order a really great salad with dressing on the side and a cup of black bean soup. I feel good about my choices and feel confident with making good decisions at restaurants.
  • Rosemary, lemon, and olive oil are my favorite combinations with fish, especially Salmon. I have this recipe about once a week I love it so much!
  • I struggle with this too and I've tried different things to help with these cravings and loss of motivation. I've found it helpful to make a promise to myself that for every workout I miss during this week prior to my period, that I must do it during the next week. By making this promise to myself and sticking to it, I…
  • I also make chicken salad out of leftover grilled chicken from dinner made at the beginning of the week. I don't like mayo so I use a yogurt honey mustard dressing's lower calories and fat than mayo and has a zesty flavor. Load it with lots of celery, onion, walnuts, and sometimes craisins. If you put enough…
  • I recently found Blue Diamond Nut-Thins which are made from almonds and rice. They're similar to wheat-thins but one serving is 16 crackers and since they're made from almonds, they tend to fill me up and satisfy me for a longer period of time. I sometimes pair them with laughing cow cheese wedges and it feels like I'm…
  • I am also a snacker and I tend to be drawn toward salty snacks. Recently I incorporated low-fat cottage cheese as a morning or afternoon snack and it seems to have satisfied my cravings. It's packed with 14 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, and 90 calories. It's also good with pineapple as a snack or with a salad. Hope this…
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