

  • Low fat cottage cheese or greek yogurt - both are high in protein, low in cals and pair up great with fruit.
  • Protein always helps curb my appetite. I take lunch meat and low fat cheese layer them on top of each other, throw a squirt of mustard down the middle and roll it up like a fruit roll up. It a sandwich with out the bread so it's lower in calories and keeps me full for a while.
  • You didn't do anything wrong! Everyone's weight fluctuates throughout the day - sodium intake, water, digesting food, even working out can temp. increase your weight (muscles swell after exercise) - weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh - pref in the morning before you eat and be patient - if you stick with…
  • You didn't do anything wrong! Everyone's weight fluctuates throughout the day - sodium intake, water, digesting food, even working out can temp. increase your weight (muscles swell after exercise) - weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh - pref in the morning before you eat and be patient - if you stick with…
  • Walking for Weightloss with Debbie Rocker is another walking dvd you might want to check out (I bought it at Target but you can find it on line too) that I like better than Leslie's walking dvds (hers are okay but I wasn't very challenged for long). W4WL is a higher calorie burn and better cardio workout.
  • Congrats! What a great accomplishment!
  • If it is just a plateau 4 weeks isn't that uncommon. It's the body's way of practicing for maintaining your weight. Keep doing what you're doing, maybe mix up or increase your cardio work outs and increasing strength training to help break through it.
  • Best of luck - you've come to a great place for motivation and help reaching your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support!
  • Too funny - I just noticed myself doing the same thing an hour ago when I was jogging on my mini trampoline and caught my reflection in a mirror. Didn't even realize i was doing it:)
  • Best of luck on your journey - you've come to a great place for support and motivation! Feel free to add me as a friend for support:)
  • Everything you eat that has calories goes in your log - even if it's just a few calories like a piece of gum. At the end of the day it all adds up and just a few calories here or there can be the difference b/w staying with in you calorie goal or going over and really slowing your progress.
  • RICE - rest,ice,compression,elevation and have a Dr check it out -- depending on the injury you could just make things worse continuing/switching workouts!
  • Its on there - under the cardio section not the strength training part.
  • If your goal is to lose weight or fit in a smaller size than inches is what I'd focus on. I see so many people get discouraged as they diligently watch the scale go up and down a pound or two and the fact is a lot of things like fluid retention, strength training, high sodium diet, etc. can temporarily add on a few pounds.…
  • I had something similar happen last weekend - I've been cutting back on sugar and have basically completely cut out fast food but last Saturday had a fast food burger and fries then came home and had a big piece of left over birthday cake (triple chocolate) and spend all of Saturday night with a pounding headache and sick…
  • Def. water weight. My weight will fluctuate throughout the day by a pound or two. Weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh and try not to do it every day or you'll make yourself crazy! Taking your measurements once or twice a month can help too because it will show your progress when the scales playing tricks…
    in Oh oh.. Comment by amyfly November 2010
  • Congratulations! You have an amazing attitude - I just had to comment:) I plateaued 4 times before hitting my goal weight. It's hard but with your attitude I have no doubt you'll be at your goal in no time! Keep it up:)
  • This isn't a strength training routine but my husband did teach me one move that is really effective on a bunch of upper body muscles at once - its incredibly simple - start with a low weight dumbbell (I started using cans of soup) hold one in each hand and standing straight, shoulders back, abs in, raise your arms from…
  • Welcome! This site is great for keeping you on track and helping you reach your goals - if you can make yourself log in everyday the people and tools on here will help with the rest:) Best of luck - you can do it - feel free to add me for support!
  • Sounds silly but when i'm having a hard time controlling my eating when I'm not hungry I go put on something tight - usually a pair of jeans that pinches too tight around my waist - it's kind of a ridiculous idea but the constant reminder of how bad they fit kills the urge to keep eating every time:) You can also try…
  • Welcome to MFP - best of luck! You've definitely come to the right place for support. This site is amazing.
  • Don't let a pound or two throw you off - so many things can affect (effect? I never know!) your weight throughout the day. Water weight, a heavy sodium meal, even food still being digested, etc. Esp. during TTM! I can go up two pounds in the course of a few hours. Weighing yourself on the same scale at the same time and…
    in Confusion Comment by amyfly October 2010
  • It's hard - it just takes time to get used to healthier eating:( I used to love fast food and eat it all the time but basically cut it out a few months ago and actually felt sick this weekend after eating a fast food burger. Stock up on fruits and veggies and lean meats and try experimenting with different cooking…
  • You can do it! It is a long road but so worth it when you reach your goal:) You've come to a great place for motivation and support. Feel free to add me as a friend for support - i lost 60 pds over the past couple years (lots of failing and starting again the first year) and just finally reached my goal last month - I was…
  • Measurements is a good idea - and make sure you are eating at least a portion of your exercise calories - it sounds crazy but I was also on 1200 cals and the weeks I ate most of my exercise calories are the weeks i saw the biggest difference in weight loss. Good luck!!
  • Interesting - thanks!!
  • Sorry - read your post wrong if you saw my earlier reply:) If your not hungry don't force it.
  • Hang in there! It's tough when medication (or lack of) throws everything out of whack but it sounds like from what everyone else has posted that it'll get better in a week or two. In the meantime just do what you can - you started with 5 or 10 mins of exercise before and look how far that got you. One thing I've learned…
  • Good luck sticking with it! That's the hardest part but I find logging on MFP everyday really helps - feel free to add me as a friend if you want motivation/support. You can do this:) I also hated exercise when I joined here (total couch potato) - I started with walking 5 mins once or twice a day. Hated it, but figured I…
  • Congrats! Isn't it the best feeling?