Just Joined!

Hey guys,

Just joined this website and looking forward into a healthier lifestyle among people who want to do the same. I'm 27 yr. old female who just wants to get more toned, especially my stomach and thighs. I've always been athletic. Swimmer for 20+ years. I love to play soccer, go surfing...any sports, I'll do it. I love the adrenaline, meeting new people and just trying to stay into shape. I am currently weighing in at 150lbs, even though I don't look like my weight, I want to concentrate on getting my stomach into top shape. I'm aiming for late March 2011.

Any feedback is always welcome!!!!!

Hope to talk to all of you soon.



  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Best of luck - you've come to a great place for motivation and help reaching your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support!
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    heyyyy and welcome to mfp

    im a mum and the same as you im looking to lose the tummy !
