

  • I was probably at 265 or 267, but when I started MFP I was at 260. So I know for sure that I've lost 50 pounds, but more likely around 55 pounds since May 2010.
  • Though I don't always weight myself every day, I try to. I find that it keeps me in check. This whole weight loss thing is basically simple math. And yes, sometimes the math (According to the scale) doesn't work out for me due to water retention. But when I see the numbers go up I can actually, logically say "That's not…
  • I walk home from work almost every day. This gives me a great 40 minute work out.
  • I find planning out my food and exercise first thing in the morning helps to keep me on track. This especially helps if I'm going out for a special occasion - then I know how much room I have for special treats like dessert and drinks. This has worked best for me and now makes me more aware on the days when I don't track…
  • Fantastic results - you definitely put forward a great effort. Keep going strong!!
  • These sorts of anecdotes are probably the most inspiring for me. Thank you for sharing and congratulations!
  • My initial observation is that you take up way less 'doorway' space! I can totally see the weight loss in your shoulders and hips. Very very impressive. When I look in the mirror I don't see a single thing. The only way I know that I've lost is by trying on clothing. When I find myself fitting into a skirt that didn't fit…
  • My 'pig-out' days are the ones where I don't exercise. So I don't actually 'pig-out', I just eat my regular food portions etc. I know that giving my body rest time is important but it sometimes makes me feel guilty - so in my head that's my 'pig-out'.
  • I felt just like you a couple of months ago. I had lost 15 pounds and I was mentally exhausted. The scaled wasn't moving and it all felt like so much work. What got me through that period was reminding myself that I am worth it. That I am important. That I'm tired of putting other things and other people first. And then I…
  • It's funny actually because even at 29 pounds lost, no one at work really notices because they see you every day. My boss says that she didn't even realize that I had gained weight. But when someone does notice, it's an amazing feeling for certain. Congratulations on the 17 pounds!
  • I haven't really thought about my weight loss in that way ... and you're right. It's very motivating! Thank you! And congratulations on your weight loss thus far!
  • When I graduated from University and got into Grad school I realized that I could accomplish these sort of challenging goals. How come I couldn't put the same sort of effort into weight loss. If I could go back to school at the age of 30 and graduate at the top of my class, then I could easily accomplish this goal of…
  • This sounds totally... gross. But my goal each day is to have clear urine.... (unless I take my vitamins). When I'm peeing clear, I know that I'm fully hydrated. So, I drink water with that goal in mind. It works for me!!
  • I too am looking forward to breaking the 200lbs mark. You're an inspiration! Thank you.
  • I too love love love the EA fitness program. I use it as an addon to my daily activity. I walk for 50 minutes 4-5 times a week (walk home from work) and then follow the 30 day challenge, which adds on an extra 20 - 25 minute workout. I really like the upper body work outs and have noticed some toning in my upper body. I…
  • I too am new here. And so far so good. I find the tools and the community completely motivating! I know I will succeed with my goals... and you will too!