So what do you log for food on pig-out days?



  • bebby
    bebby Posts: 18
    My 'pig-out' days are the ones where I don't exercise. So I don't actually 'pig-out', I just eat my regular food portions etc. I know that giving my body rest time is important but it sometimes makes me feel guilty - so in my head that's my 'pig-out'.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Log it all! Having to look at a day with 3,000 calories and no exercise will make you really think before you do it again. It's a great way to be sure that the weekends do not cost you all of the progress you made during the week :-)

    I agree immensely.... I have "cheat" meals occasionally, but not cheat days anymore. I was finding out that 1-2 days of cheating on the weekends made my progress for the week not mean as much, :sick: and I felt sick and also really bugged me:mad: , because than it made me feel like I was dieting...and I am a firm believer in lifestyle change.:happy: I have succeeded WAY more this way! I hope it helps!! Also, i do log in EVERY bite, taste, drink...and dang, those glasses of wine add up in a scary way! Good luck to you!

    OOPS... Darn it! I just realized I answered from my daughter's profile... mine is Jenn97355!!

    I agree too :) I was kind of slacking off lately, and then this last sunday I had a pizza and realised I was over my calories by 1600. That got me back on track! :laugh:
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I log it as best I can and then don't worry too much.

    I've found that since I've been watching what I eat more closely, days when I think I've pigged out, I've only sort of pigged out. I also usually try to make sure I hit the gym on weekends for a super workout because I EAT my exercise calories. (the debate - eat or don't eat. I've been loosing weight on schedule and I've been eating them.)

    I agree - log everything and try and make up for it with a work out - don't forget dancing counts too - and I have been eating my exercise calories too - but maybe not all of them. Last night I totally pigged out and ate three fajitas (hubby makes the best!) I put it in my calories and then I got on the spinner later. Good luck x
  • KristyF08
    KristyF08 Posts: 89 Member

    Edited to say - I would like to log it all, but how do you remember "I had a bit of a cookie, or half of something" etc...How would you record that?

    I have a notepad in my purse and take it with me wherever I go so I can at least write down what I ate and look it up later... the notebook has really help me keep myself accountable! I will be honest though, i sometime forget how many drinks I've had after a certain number...oops!
  • I also let weekends be my free time. I still log in food just so it doesn't start my Log in days over. I don't go crazy on the weekends but if I want to eat a juicy burger, fries and coke then I will. I just don't do it every weekend and as long as I'm still focused and lossing weight then who cares?
  • Been using MFP since Monday and it's been great at keeping me accountable. However, the weekend is fast approaching. Normally I try to be very good Monday through Friday and then the weekend I let go a little (or a lot). So if you are at parties, taking bites of this and that, or going out to eat, what do you log for food? Wild guesses or just blow it off?

    Also, Read up on Zig Zag dieting. I did horrible last week. I worked out 3 days instead of 5 and went over calorie count more days than usual. I lost a pound that week. I usually lose a few ounces or 1/2 a pound.
  • You might want to try a "pig out" night instead of a "pig out" weekend. While i just started on this website, my previous weight loss was successful wtih the following plan...

    BEFORE going to a party, BBQ or thing like that, i'd eat a healthy lunch, dinner or something like that at home. That way, my body was already "full" on the same schedule as my regular diet. When i got to the outing, i wasn't really that hungry and would just have a few chips, or have a portion of whatever dessert everyone was having. Rather than blowing the whole day (or weekend) i'd have an indulgence without going crazy.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    You can always go back the next day and log most of it. I try to. I think it's interesting to see the pattern emerge from the graph of when my heavy eating days occur.

    My stomach has shrunk since I started MFP. Even when I stuff myself to bursting now, it's less than half of what I used to be able to eat. Travel is the worst. 'Cause then it's eating out 3x's a day and one meal can be 1,000 cals.

    I agree about only having one "pig-out" meal on a weekend. Otherwise, a pig-out weekend can turn into 3 or 4 binges!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I try to preplan for my extra calories. I might work out extra or eat less at breakfast and lunch (not skip!) if I know I'm going out. I make healthy choices and I keep a little notebook in my purse at all times to write down what I ate and how much. My goal is to not go over maintenance on my extra calorie days, because then you get into dangerous territory due to negating your prior deficits. I worked too damn hard for them to erase them with one night of indulgence. It's worked just fine, except my birthday, and I did go over maintenance by a few hundred that day (dadgum ice cream shop!)
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I log everything to the best of my ability even when I go over alot.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Been using MFP since Monday and it's been great at keeping me accountable. However, the weekend is fast approaching. Normally I try to be very good Monday through Friday and then the weekend I let go a little (or a lot). So if you are at parties, taking bites of this and that, or going out to eat, what do you log for food? Wild guesses or just blow it off?

    I make an educated guess and log what I ate. You can easily undo an entire week's worth of effort in a day if you don't. I'm not saying don't enjoy yourself, but if you know the damage, you know what you need to do (exercise and cutting back other days) to undo it.
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    If I Do Have An Off Day I Log What I Eat Anyway. I Find That Seeing The Amount Of Calories I Consume Helps Keep Me In Line And Lets Me Know How Much I Really Am Eating Instead Of Just Ball Parking It. For Instance I Have A Weakness For Pizza But Once I Logged That Eating A Digiornio Pizza By Itself [As In Nothing Else For The Day] Was More Than 2000 Calories, It Deterred Me From Wanting To Constantly Eat It Because I Know What The Consequences Are.
    wow! i'm impressed that you can type with all of those upper cause letters!! lol
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Log it all but maybe increase the exercise on weekends. Weight training would be an excellent choice for exercise if you know that you're going to let loose a little, because it will keep your metabolism elevated for up to 48 hours afterward.
  • Sat and sunday is usually hard for me to. I do good M-F but when weekend comes I try to stay within calories but sometimes go over...But all the good work you do M-F its a shame to pig out on weekend so I try to control it as much as I can.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I exercise like a fiend on the weekends. This is a lifestyle and food has to work for you. i never go into a weekend thinking I'm going to pig out or drink though. It's best to get out of the way of thinking. I am committed to losing weight, not just interested in the idea of losing weight.
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes, I do think I'll need to be more careful on the weekends if I want to improve, not just maintain, my fitness/weight. Two days of full-out binging can definitely undo the weeks' work. This weekend my husband's 30th birthday is Saturday night, so I'll limit my extras to just that, rather than the whole day. Sundays are hard because everyone comes to our house to watch football - and bring beer, food etc...but tracking everything will hopefully make me way more thoughtful when it comes to this.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I just try to remember and log what I have. I don't go crazy nuts over the weekend about logging. i just do my best and move on. It's important to take this seriously, but at the same time not drive yourself nuts. I mean, this is a lifestyle, we are doing what we can to control our calories, but man, i'm not going to go freakin' nuts if I can't remember a bite of a cookie I take.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I still log. I do have one day a week where I let myself go over my calories - it's actually recommended so your metabolism doesn't get too complacent and settled with a calorie count. I don't go overboard, but if I'm over my calories by a few hundred I'm not beating myself up.

    So far it's working.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    If i have a pig out day... i take a picture with my camera phone so i can log it later!!!! If you just estimate it, you will probably guess too low.... i know this now from experience (you dont realize how many calories are in just a little bite of something until you log it)! Anyways, i usually go over by a little on the weekends but still try to stay within my maintenance calories... that way i dont gain any weight.... if you blow it on the calories every weekend you are just hurting yourself in the long run!!! You can stay strong on the weekends too... just takes a little time to get use to it... im getting better at it everyday!!!

    Oh and people sometimes think im crazy taking a picture of the things i eat (when its not planned meals).... but it keeps me accountable and knowing that im going to have to go log that picture of food sometimes keeps me from eating it!!!
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Oh and people sometimes think im crazy taking a picture of the things i eat (when its not planned meals).... but it keeps me accountable and knowing that im going to have to go log that picture of food sometimes keeps me from eating it!!!

    Haha. I was picturing taking out a notepad and writing down every time I take a bite of something at a get-together with friends. They would think I was certifiably nuts.
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