

  • I don't make mine unless people are coming over. Complete waste of time for me.
  • I eat any salad dressing I want. Instead of putting it on my salad though, I order it on the side and dip my fork in before I spear the veggies. Instead of 2 or 3 tablespoons, I usually eat about a teaspoon (25-35 calories). You'd be surprised how littel it takes to get the full flavor.
  • Juicing removes all the fiber from food so if he's not adding the pulp back in he's wreaking havoc with his blood sugar which is probably part of why he's tired. He'd be much better off eating the whole ingredients raw if he's determined to "eat" like this. He needs to practice food combining to get complete proteins and…
  • Hmmm. If you can't give 'em up, make 'em skinny is what I always say. Do without them for a week or two (to forget the full-fat version's flavor). Try oven baking the fries brushed with a little olive oil instead of frying. Use fat free ranch and fat free cheddar and mozzarella blended. At least it's lower cal!
  • It's hot here in Texas and I don't like hot cereal in hot weather. I found you don't even have to cook oatmeal! Measure out 1/2 c. oats, 1 tsp. vanilla and scant 1/2 c. water in a bowl the night before. Depending on what fruit I'm using, I add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and 2 tsp. brown sugar or honey. Next morning, add 1/2 c.…
  • Back around the holidays I was walking 6-10 miles per day and was supposed to eat 1800-2300 calories per MFP. I had lost steadily on 1200-1500 calories. Everybody was freaking out and kept telling me I was starving myself. I felt fine but I bumped up my calories and gained 5 pounds in two months of eating like that. And…
  • I love this bread! It has 18 amino acids, is high in fiber and protein and a little lower in carbs. The seeds and grains are organic which is important to me. That's the main reason for the higher price (along with refrigerated shipping). There's evidence that sprouted grains have some health benefits but I couldn't find…
  • ...when you make your lunch and snacks in the morning and walk off leaving them on the counter.
  • I have found them to be generally high.
  • I have to eat out a lot entertaining with work. If you don't have time to check beforehand on the nutritional info, ask your server for it. Most restaurants either have a printed sheet or will zip off a copy from their website. Most servers are happy to bring it to you in anticipation of a good tip for the extra service.…
  • Tea and coffee do NOT dehydrate you as so many posts claim. CAFFEINE dehydrates you. There's enough water in tea and coffee to more than offset the dehydrating effects of the caffeine. That's why some people count tea and coffee as part of their water intake and it's perfectly legit. I don't but I log all my drinks and try…
  • Sure I'm logging! Why not? I need to know how I eat on holidays, at parties, on no restriction days, etc. to get a handle on how I can make better choices. Besides, there's some evidence that suggests a calorie "spike" can "trick" your body into continuing to lose whereas if you eat the same thing all the time you can…
  • Feel free to add me. I had 52 pounds to lose and just hit halfway. It seems like a lot but you can do it!
  • Sure! I've got 25 pounds to go...
  • P.S. You can also use Bob's Red Mill 5-grain cereal in place of oats for even more fiber and a variety of grains. Soak for at least an hour prior to baking though...
  • Here ya go! Be sure and watch the muffins--products with honey brown faster than sugar. These will last longer too--honey is a humectant and keeps baked goods fresh longer. Ingredients • 1 cup lowfat milk • 1 cup quick cooking oats • 1 egg • 1/2 cup blueberries • 1 cup all-purpose whole grain flour • 1/4 cup honey • 2…
  • 1200 or less is the only way I lose weight. If I eat 13-1500, I maintain. I know because I did this for four whole months this summer and stayed at 160/161 pounds the whole time even though supposedly I would lose weight at 1630 calories/day. More than 1500 I gain. What works for a 20 year old does not work for a 50+ year…
  • I do give eggs to my dog but no more than once a week. Makes her coat super shiny. You can make an egg facial mask...tightens the skin. Also egg "shampoo" which makes YOUR hair super shiny. Just whip them with a little water and massage into wet hair. Leave for 3-5 minutes while you shower, then shampoo as normal. Great…
  • The best advice I have is: baby steps. Don't take an all-or-nothing approach. If we had done that when we were learning to walk, we'd all still be sitting around on our diapers. Eliminate one thing at a time. Choose the one that gives you the most grief. For me it's gluten. Week 1: Eat only whole grain wheat or choose…
  • Very scary...I would pop if I ate 4500 calories in one day. I think the most I ever ate was about 3700. Thanks for posting!
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me...
  • Your calorie deficit for last week was enough to lose half a pound. How accurate are your scales?
  • Skinner's Raisin Bran has very little added sugar (13 gms) but 7 grams of fibler. These are the folks who invented raisin bran. It uses the whole wheat grain as well. Kroger has it.
  • Have you tried signing up with medical temporary staffing? One of my friends stays as busy as she wants with them....are you following up after you send in your resume with a call? Don't be afraid to hand-deliver resumes to a place where you really want to work. Hang in there and don't give up. In Texas, our state…
  • I love my Nikon D5000. You can let the camera figure everything out if you want or go totally manual controls. The DVD is easy to understand and if there's a good camera shop near you that's a licensed retailer, Nikon conducts classes a few times a year. I've got a lot of my nature pix on FB if you wanna check 'em…
  • Good for you! Good luck with your plan!
  • Second hand shops. You can get nice clothes for not much $$$ while you're shrinking. I get my pants altered 'cause they're too expensive to just ditch. My tailor charges $14/pair but dropped it to $8 if I brought them all in at once. Belt the tops.
  • Stress DOES affect weight. Elevated blood cortisol levels (cortisol is the so-called stress hormone) is, along with genetics, largely responsible for the spare tire effect. Cortisol tells your body "hey, we're threatened. Carbo-load to get ready to run (or fight)." We gobble carbs and pretty soon we've taken in a calorie…
  • That's GREAT!!!! Congratulations!