Stressed Out

Does it seem to anyone else that their Stress level has an impact on their weight loss? Do you tend to lose more or less?


  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    I was JUST thinking the same thing! I tend to gain more when I'm stressed...for one, I'm an emotional eater and tend to gravitate towards the snacks to help calm me down (or at least, I used to!). Second, I believe your metabolism slows down when you're under stress. I try to grab a glass of water when I feel like helps with the calming factor as well as flush you out.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Sadly it is proven that stress DOES affect weight loss. :( You would think it would make you lose more weight, but it is shown that it slows metabolism down.
  • margurithrt
    It depends on how you handle the stress. For some people, they turn to food as a comfort to help them deal with it, so they gain weight. For others, they stop eating for a wide variety of reasons (perceived lack of time to eat, lack of hunger/desire to eat, etc). It ultimately depends on how you've handled stress in the past and whether you can use the opportunity to change those cycles.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I have been feeling AnXIouS and I lose my desire to eat. It's like getting the flu.... I'll lose a few pounds and as soon as the brick in my stomach goes away and I eat normal again, I regain those few pounds. I don't even count them.
  • kantone999
    Stress DOES affect weight. Elevated blood cortisol levels (cortisol is the so-called stress hormone) is, along with genetics, largely responsible for the spare tire effect. Cortisol tells your body "hey, we're threatened. Carbo-load to get ready to run (or fight)." We gobble carbs and pretty soon we've taken in a calorie surplus.

    STRENUOUS exercise reduces cortisol. Caffeine also stimulates the production of cortisol so watch the cokes, coffee and tea if you have high blood cortisol.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Interesting question.

    I used to deal with stress by eating. Usually anything I could get my hands on! Mostly things like McD's, chips, dip, coke etc., etc.

    Now my stress relief is a trip to the gym. A few rounds of skipping or a few rounds hitting a heavy bag reduces most of my stress and being healthier is allowing me to deal with the rest.

    Although I still love to eat. Food is no longer my security blanket when I am feeling down.