

  • I call BS, You don't need a team of scientists. I can show you this really cool program called called My Fitness Pal that is free and calculates calories when you enter a recipe, it only takes a minute and you don't need scientists. You don't need lawyers either to handle nutritional information issues, at least not any…
  • The problem is you never know how much oil or other dense food is in there. you can be off by quite a bit without knowing that.
  • aka they are getting away with not telling the consumer what they are getting. If people don't want higher calorie food why is it ok for people to secretly sell it to them? I think people have a right to know.
  • Even at home you will never be %100 accurate. Calorie counting is always estimation I think you are missing the point
  • I agree on the grounds that the consumer should know what they are purchasing. If it was up to me, all food producers and sellers would be required to divulge every single ingredient in the food they are selling. For example, if there is beaver urine in my food, I would really like to know that and personally I don't think…
  • I'd have to look a few of those morning star ingredients up but there are a couple that are enough for me to not eat it on a regular basis: Autolyzed yeast extract is a very suspect ingredient in my book (msg), as is anything with "Natural Flavors" on its list. When a company puts that on there, it basically means that…
  • I would just experiment with the protein powder if I was you. There are a lot of recipes out there, many of which I think are horrible, my favorite is protein powder pancakes, but you should try a few and see if you like it. Also try a few different protein powders some of them are better than others. If you don't eat…
  • Calcium is the main one. The most significant source of it is milk products which is not considered a paleo food, (although some paleo diets will allow for it.) Many of the paleo advocates feel that calcium isn't as important as common wisdom states and that other nutrients are more important for bone health. Also since…
  • The yeast in beer is quite healthy for you, unfortunately for most beers, this is filtered out. There are only very few select breweries that leave it in and they can be difficult to find. I make my own beer though and never filter. The yeast has a lot of vitamin B, Chromium among other things.
  • You could try this: http://www.ehow.com/how_5021922_measure-calories-burned.html
  • Well your description makes it truly impossible to tell, face sized? Thats pretty big. Is this something that a normal person could even eat in one sitting? My advice is to compare it to something from a chain restaurant that does post nutritional information, or even just going by how full you feel.
  • Greek Yogurt is good when you need something quick.
  • Generally to gain muscle you will want to eat maintenance plus 100 - 300 calories so that your body has enough energy to grow your muscles. Although I would recommend ramping up slowly. Increase calories slowly until you are at maintenance, then slowly increase them a bit more to begin bulking.
  • I would suggest just using an existing item in the database that is as close as possible in description of what you ate. Unless you get the exact recipe or the restaurant can provide a calorie count, its going to be guesswork anyway.
  • My fav would be the broil method mentioned above, or general roasting. (bake at 350 for 30 minutes with a little oil). I also grill them in a grill basket which is pretty good too.
  • I agree with most of it, but there are some inconsistancies: Quote: Potato Chips This is a triple threat snack if there ever was one. Not only are potato chips high in fat, calories, and sodium (threat No. 1), they are a high glycemic vegetable (threat No. 2), which can spike blood sugar. And finally (threat No. 3), when…
  • I would say don't log the low cal veggies. If you really like being exact go ahead, but the strategy to eat more greens can be very effective. The more of them you eat the more insanely full you will get, and they are usually chalked full of nutrition.
  • Yep, you have to be careful sometimes. People enter all kinds of crazy things. There is also a confirmation flag you will see, it will give you the number of confirmations. Usually if has at least 1 confirmation, then it is much more likely to be correct. Most people do not confirm those crazy submissions.
  • Try putting some kumquats on a salad if you can find them, they are kind of intense on their own, but on a salad they give it a pretty nice citrusy kick.
  • Obviously depends on the veggie, but you could easily be having to eat 5 lbs of non starchy veggies to get 500 calories. Like others mentioned, would be tough to eat all that. Juicing would make it easier though.
  • Try raw honey if you want more health benefit from it. I generally go for natural stuff over processed, but if you are cutting calories, using artificial sweetener for a while can make it easier to hit your calorie goals.
  • I'd only do more carb if I was doing a lot of cardio. Personally I would say more fat and a little less protien. Even if you are doing a lot of lifting, you probably don't need that much.
  • Sorry, the USDA recommends only 5 animal crackers per day, you better cut back or you could have serious health consequences! J/K Obviously, but as long you eat other food that is decent health wise, a few crackers can fit in just fine in a weight loss diet. Grapes, while higher calorie than other fruit, are generally…
  • Like the previous poster mentioned, you can mix them into foods you do like. Puree the vegetables and you can add them to things and you won't even taste it. You could also consider getting a juicer. I find they generally taste better that way, you can also mix in fruits with your veggies for more sweet flavor. That being…
  • So you are saying, you have a tough time eating all that protein? I would say switch to half pound meat patties and just eat more meat in general, but if you have a tough time maybe add more variety. Maybe try mixing it up with different kinds of meat like shrimp (getting cooked shrimp with cocktail sauce is an easy…
  • I just put them in as is. Its a lot easier that way. I only juice vegetables and the calorie add is not significant, but technically you could subtract 4 calories per gram of fiber. For example you put 200 grams of apple (one of the highest fiber fruits), which would be ~ 104 calories. It has 4 grams of dietary fiber so…
  • Here is a a 20/20 investigative video on it: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video?id=5500964
    in Sensa Comment by ultraplop April 2012
  • Of course a lot of people are going to say don't eat junk food, however if you are saying that you are under your calorie goal and normally with less junk food you lose more weight with essentially the same calorie consumption, it would leave me to believe that you are burning less calories when you eat more junk food. It…
  • I think God created arsenic too.
  • Probably because you didn't workout hard enough ;) Actually, you just need to enter it in as a cardio exercise in order for it to count for calories expended.
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