
Good morning!

I have a question about fruits... I'm looking at my every day food intake and fruits proably are the most caloric food I eat in the day. I know they hold fibers and a bunch of good vitamins (plus I simply couldn't live without them) and I remain within my calorie allowance but was wondering if you guys limit yourselves when it comes to fruit.

I would never have more than 3 a day and I do remember my dad's cardiologist telling him that the worst mistake people make when trying to lose weight is to eat fruits after 5 p.m. at night... so I tend to have mine for breakfast or maybe lunch and none afterwards.

How do you guys feel about fruit?

Which contain less calories?

Thank you!


  • mrdalton
    Just curious why the doctor said no fruit after 5pm?????
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Love fruit. I don't worry about the added sugar that comes from them either. I try to stick to a primarily whole food, flexitarian diet.
  • NakedLunchTime
    I love fruit and usually have an apple, grapes, and some strawberrries a day, some times an orange in place of other things..you get the idea. I feel that if I want an apple at 7pm..I will eat the apple and not have to worry about weight gain.
  • karenkay25
    karenkay25 Posts: 24 Member
    I have to have my fruit!! It might have more calorie than a slice of diet bread, but it fills you up and is much better for you.
  • butterfly10398
    I agree about the fruit for breakfast or lunch... I NEVER eat fruit at dinner or after... I have noticed that grapes are one of the fruits that are higher in calories so I limit my intake of grapes DRASTICALLY... Apples are very low in calories and super yummy! Try cutting up the apple and putting it in lemon juice.... it gives it a different sort of tang thats really yummy! :-)
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Bunk, its all Bunk!!!...if God made it, then I can eat it!!! No one will ever convince me that fruit is bad!!! Obviously EVERYTHING in moderation but I will Never cut out fruit!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    A piece of fruit is the most caloric thing you eat in a day? There's something wrong with that. Fruit has a vast amount of vitamins and water to help hydrate you. Most fruits are roughly 100 cals or less (I know some are a tad more). A 100 cal snack is actually very good. This post kind of confuses me. Most people are concerned witht he sugar content of fruit...Anyhoo, I love fruit and it seems you do too. So enjoy it!! :)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Just curious why the doctor said no fruit after 5pm?????

    I don't understand that either. I often have an apple, pear, pineapple, grapes before bed.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Bunk, its all Bunk!!!...if God made it, then I can eat it!!! No one will ever convince me that fruit is bad!!! Obviously EVERYTHING in moderation but I will Never cut out fruit!

    Just because God made it doesn't make it fit to eat. There are many varieties of mushrooms and such that God made that are very poisonous to humans and other life.

    I am finding I have an ever mounting list of fruits that I am allergic too.

    The newest find is kiwi. The other night I ate 2 small organic kiwi, mouth started stinging and burning, lips and tongue got swollen and felt like I had little cuts all over the inside of my mouth.

    Bananas do something similar.
  • Chickie0999
    Oh I love my fruits and could never give them up... I eat tons of veggies and lean meats in many little portions so yes, when I scan over my food intake at night, I notice that the fruit calories pop out...

    The cardiologist had said that to my dad because as a snack at night, he would have a bowl of fresh fruit salad and was wondering why he wasn't losing weight and that's what the doctor had told him... because of the sugar and the fact that they are starchy.

    But yes, they are natural and wonderful but I do agree that moderation is the best policy. :)
  • ultraplop
    I think God created arsenic too.
  • jadedjade24
    At night if I am hungry I have a protein shake with 4 chunks of fruit. It fills me up and is pretty good for me. But during the day, I love having fruit for snacks and lunch. Quick and easy and oh so tasty. And I don't worry about the sugar in them. I stay away from processed food and dont concern myself with things that are naturally sweet.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    If you're concerned about the number of calories in fruit, but don't want to cut back, fresh raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are all very low in calories and full of micronutrients. Other good options are half a pink grapefruit (30), a kiwi fruit (30), tangerines (20), fresh figs (20) and most melons.

    I'm not sure if these calorie values are the same as those on mfp.
  • Chickie0999
    If you're concerned about the number of calories in fruit, but don't want to cut back, fresh raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are all very low in calories and full of micronutrients. Other good options are half a pink grapefruit (30), a kiwi fruit (30), tangerines (20), fresh figs (20) and most melons.

    I'm not sure if these calorie values are the same as those on mfp.

    Figs!!! Never think of those! Thank you for the recommendations... looking forward to summer when the berries are oh-so delicious!
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    You can check the calories in a piece of fruit and compare that number to your calorie target, but there are other things to consider as well.

    Some fruits (oranges ?) give up their sugar immediately, whereas others (apples) put up a noble fight. After you eat an apple, it takes quite a while for your digestive system to break down all that fiber and get at the sugar. Result : you feel full longer.

    Fruits that are canned, cooked, dehydrated, or chopped to smithereens or otherwise processed also tend to give up their sugar more readily.

    By the same reasoning, if you're going to eliminate *anything* from your diet, fruit juice is probably #2, right after soda.

    Another thing about fresh fruit is that, IMO, its a lot less addictive than other forms of sugar. I'm sure nearly everyone here has said something along the lines of "OMG, did I really eat *all* those chocolate chip cookies in one sitting ???!!!" But with, say, apples, its pretty easy to stop at just one.

    (You may notice that I'm partial to apples : I eat 2 every day.)

    I think the term "addiction" should be taken seriously when it comes to sugar. Concentrated, sugarry snacks hit your pleasure response pretty darn hard, and as a result your body compensates. Ordinary foods no longer trigger the same response they used to. So in order to get pleasure, your only choice is to go back to the real sugarry stuff.

    I've noticed that since I quit drinking soda and fruit juice (completely) that I can really notice and enjoy the sweetness of beets, carrots, etc. in a way I never did before.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm learning to love fruit and its helped to wean me away from things I used to devour like cookies, chocolate, candy on a regular basis. Usually include strawberries and tangerines on a daily basis.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I only usually have a few berries in the morning, or I'll have 1/2 an apple, or on a splurge I'll go overboard and eat 7 or 8 clementines (they might go bad, plus they're small & delicious!), or 1/2 a small watermelon. That's definitely only a few times a year though. I do have plenty of lemons though--either with soda water, or if I'm having vodka drinks with soda & lemon. Otherwise I pretty much steer clear.
  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    I would normally have enough of apples/ oranges/ berries or any damm fruit (TBH).
    Personally I would rather be obese and eat fruits compared to not having fruits and be slim.
    In other words, when I was obese, I had no fruits for years but now when I am doing the transition, I am having fruits and I dont regret.

    Just ask one question to yourself, have you ever seen a person who is obese and eat a lot of fruits :huh:

    In my opinion, Fruits and vegetables are the food items that nature has created for us and these are perfect food for us.
  • Chickie0999
    Oh I hear what you're saying!

    Nobody will be obese living on fruit, that's for sure... It's just that now that I'm adjusting my feeding habits, I'm really trying to assess everything I put on my plate.

    Even when I'm not 'dieting' I'm a fruit and veggie maniac, couldn't live without it and I'd take a fresh pineapple over a chocolate bar any day! :)

    Thank you for the info about the sugar release capacity of different fruit... good to know!