Ignorant Newbie to Paleo/Primal

Yes, I know I can search the forums and find answers eventually but I'll be honest, I'd rather be doing something active than scrolling through page after page of info, so I'm posting a question I am sure has been asked 1000 times.

I’m embarking on a type of Paleo/Primal eating plan. This is for digestive reasons not just weight loss as I'm doing ok in that area eating as I have been. I have read in several places amongst the internet’s that it may be necessary to take supplements while eating this way. I'm curious about what to take.

To save a lot of time, I'd really just like to hear straightforward answers from those who eat in this way and what they take specifically....oh who am I kidding? This is MFP, of course I'll have trolls...so troll and answer away!

Thanks in advance to those of you who are helpful.


  • ultraplop
    Calcium is the main one. The most significant source of it is milk products which is not considered a paleo food, (although some paleo diets will allow for it.) Many of the paleo advocates feel that calcium isn't as important as common wisdom states and that other nutrients are more important for bone health.

    Also since vitamin d is added to many milk products, if you don't eat things like salmon or certain fish, you may be lacking in that as well if you skip the milk.

    If you are skeptical and want to play it safe take calcium and vitamin d supplements
  • LemonMint6
    Almond milk has lots of calcium, so you could drink that instead. (I do.)

    I'm not quite paleo yet, but I am headed that direction, I take a multivitamin, fiber, and omega 3 fish oil daily.

    Also check out marksdailyapple.com

  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member

    I would suggest you divert your questions here. May just get some better information, with far less trolling.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks yall!