ash190489 Member


  • I share all these meals and recipes online and more (exercise routines, gratitude, etc.) on my fitspo Instagram page! Please feel free to follow. I am a 95% of the time clean eater whose goals is to lean down but gain muscle!! I calorie count on here and have been using MFP since January 2012 and also track my…
  • Lovely natural gal :) @shifuyaku
  • Weight training is your new best friend :love: lift heavy and you'll see a difference!
  • I think you need to quickly realise that the only person you're doing this for is yourself. This is your journey. Also know, the people you may have once thought were your friends will in fact show you (like the instance you've shared with us) that they are not the supportive, loving friends you once thought. A lot of…
  • I agree with this guy ^^^ Although I agree also with the topic raised, since changing my diet from a healthy but balanced one with the odd naughty meals here & there to a much "cleaner" diet, not only am I fuller for longer, getting more vegetables, fruits, eggs, seeds, complex carbs into my diet, I am also no longer…
  • Oats! Filling and delicious.:smile:
  • Of course. Depends on how they make you feel though. I feel physically fine during this time, I do however get demanding sugar cravings, so I like working out like normal - especially if I'm indulging in more sweeter things! Gotta burn off any extra calories!!! Especially if they're not clean!! But everyone is different!
  • What ever suits you personally. Your body does not require it at a particular time... as long as it gets done is all that matters!! I truly believe that "I don't have time" is the adult version of "The dog ate my homework". Excuses excuses! Just get it done whenever you can during the day. Personally I prefer late morning…
  • 1. Eat as clean as possible (whole foods, non processed foods) 2. Combination of cardio (fat burning walks, HIIT) & weight training (lifting heavy) 3. Drink lots of water (plus warm water & lemon in the morning) & green tea 4. Eat in relation to calories & MACROS (complex carbs, lean proteins & healthy fats) 5. Learn new…
  • Peanut Butter is great! I only eat/buy 100% natural peanut butter and no more than 1/2 - 1 tablespoon of peanut butter MAX per day! I love it in my overnight oats, drizzled over my desserts & on my multigrain & quinoa crispibread :-) ohh or by the spoon! Plus peanut butter protein balls are delicious!
  • LINKIN PARK when lifting weights :-)
  • No, I highly doubt it. Depends on how much exercise you do and what you do day-to-day. But they say you need 1200per person on average to only get your basics done daily like breathing etc. anything more you need to eat more to support your body.
  • If I was single, the nice button up shirt & neat & tidy look would definitely be date worthy ;-)
  • Go out and watch a sporting match!
  • djwife03 - I originally found it difficult to up my protein but now I find it quite easy. I try and have protein at every meal (and a decent amount at that approx 20g + if possible! Breakfast: Overnight Oats (I add vanilla or choc protein powder (20g - 2/3 scoop) to my oats overnight and sometimes add some peanut butter.…
  • It looks like a program that's not too bad... I mean its not using shakes and crap for meal replacements and using more real foods, you could definitely use bits and pieces that you learned from this program last year (like recipes etc.) but it's amazing how much you learn when you take on this journey on your own...And…
  • Just from looking at your food diary perhaps lower carb intake to less than 120g and up your protein to a minimum of 100g. Your sugar (even though lots of it is natural from fruit etc) looks to always go over and sodium is quite high. After a plateau of 12 months (and I'm a teacher too!!!) I finally made some…
  • Set achievable short term & long term goals. Look at how far you've come so far and ask yourself why your happy so far with what you've achieved. Think of the reasons you wanted to begin this journey in the first place. Remember food is fuel and short term satisfaction isn't worth it if you want long term satisfaction.…
  • See a PT at your current gym. They can assess you and your goals and match them properly with the best possible exercises to help you achieve these goals. They can show you how to use the equipment too. That's your best bet. They can also give you advice or an eating plan to guide you to achieving your goals.
  • If you don't really want to lose weight or improve your aerobic fitness, you don't really have to do very much cardio at all. Your goal is definition,.. But that also depends on how much body fat you currently have... If you don't have any real fat to lose, you won't need cardio...
  • You really should change to a PT that can understand you and give you what you're asking for, if they're not or you just don't really get along with them, change to someone else. Obviously to get some definition all over, you'll need to not only lose body fat to see it but you'll need to lift heavy and work all muscle…
  • I did this last night big time! Worse than you!! But felt physically ill and soooo crappy after :explode: but today I woke up back on track, did a crazy big work out And ate really well lots of water!!!! Feeling ok again now. Damage is done so move on and you'll be fine if your back on track!
  • I burned 1000 calories today!!! First time ever!!!!! 60 min Body Attack high intensity class 40 min fast paced walking 75 min strength & weight training So basically took 3 HOURS all in one go! Crazy= yes. I've never done this before though. I usually burn between 300-700 depending on what I do & my intensity levels whilst…
  • If he truly cared about his son he would care about his health and well being. I would give him the statistics of the outcomes of childhood obesity and the risks of it, if it continues I would assume he is neglecting his sons needs to live a healthy life and therefore doesn't care about his son and personally I would say…
  • 3 weeks, that's nothing!!! I was on plateau for 12 months :grumble: The only way I changed this was by changing my already pretty healthy diet to a much "cleaner" diet and adding HIIT into my already 5-6 day per week training sessions.
  • Your body will start using your muscle for energy which therefore means you lose not only fat but muscle as well... And anything you do eat your body will hold on to because its fearing its next meal won't come. Nothing worse then being "skinny fat" - look it up. Keep going with this if you want no body tone or shape and…
  • Meal replacement shake meals? Do you mind sharing which ones? I only ask because if you look at he nutritional information you'll probably find that they're just full of sugar and crap. Eating healthier cleaner foods will drop the weight off quicker and more healthily :-) My day goes something a lil like this: Brekkie:…