Toning.. Everywhere.

Hey guys, I'm just looking for any one who can friend me and give me tips on how to tone. I'm nt trying to loose weight I just want definition, and I really am just after tips on how to do it and how to stay motivated.
Thanks in advance.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    what are you currently doing to tone?
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    It has been a while since I trained.. Quite a while. I'm going back to the gym Monday for a pt session and a new program, but I am hesitant to take what the trainer says at face value after the last guy refused to give me anything for legs or butt and had me doing an hours worth of arms and back with no cardio, I'm
    Really pretty new to this. I'm not sure what I should be doing is all, I would like I tone everywhere but I would particularly like to target abs and legs.
  • To get tone or definition, you need to lose fat. like the saying, 'abs are made in the kitchen', to get muscle definition you need to reduce the layer covering them!
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm cool with loosing the fat but I need more muscle before or at the same time. I really look unhealthy when I get smaller than I am, but I'm not sure how to build those muscles, I'm cool with loosing the fat and eating clean it's just that like I said I am hesitant to take everything the trainer says at face value.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you were right not to trust a trainer that had you doing nothing but arms and back. what you want is a full body program, like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or New Rules of Lifting that you will do 3x per week while eating at a slight (300-500) calorie deficit. Cardio is optional.
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    I would assume that adding some cardio in would get results slightly faster than not though? I don't by any means expect it to be quick and easy to get the body I want, but the sooner the better right? Are they books or workout plans or what? Where could I get them?
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    You really should change to a PT that can understand you and give you what you're asking for, if they're not or you just don't really get along with them, change to someone else. Obviously to get some definition all over, you'll need to not only lose body fat to see it but you'll need to lift heavy and work all muscle groups... Some people I know split their training into "upper body" and "lower body" weight training days (I did too to begin with) but now I spend more time focusing on one or two areas each training session. I do weight training 5 times per week.

    - back
    - chest
    - legs
    - arms & shoulders
    - all over body workout (Body Pump weight class or 2-3 exercises on each muscle group either over approx 75mins doing it myself)

    I do abs in between super sets on multiple days during another specific workout I.e. on back day I will also do ab work in between maybe the lat pull down and bent over rows (during that "rest" period. I also do lots of cardio classes at my gym and they all have a 5 minute ab workout track.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    If you don't really want to lose weight or improve your aerobic fitness, you don't really have to do very much cardio at all. Your goal is definition,.. But that also depends on how much body fat you currently have... If you don't have any real fat to lose, you won't need cardio...
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    Ash: I have a new pt starting Monday, but the last experience has made it a bit ****ty, if I wasn't so vain I wouldn't bother to be honest. I could stand to loose some body fat, in all honesty I'm a bit squishy in the stomach, bum and thighs, but no would like to build muscle so I don't look to skinny if you know what I mean? I have a pretty small frame I think.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    you were right not to trust a trainer that had you doing nothing but arms and back. what you want is a full body program, like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or New Rules of Lifting that you will do 3x per week while eating at a slight (300-500) calorie deficit. Cardio is optional.

    Another vote for this. And if you want to add cardio in, I would keep it light. Maybe 15-20 minute HIIT sessions on days that you don't lift, or something like walking, or light swimming.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I would assume that adding some cardio in would get results slightly faster than not though? I don't by any means expect it to be quick and easy to get the body I want, but the sooner the better right? Are they books or workout plans or what? Where could I get them?

    cardio can make it easier to get into a deficit. depends on your eating habits more than anything else. for the small amount of fat you need to lose (judging by your profile pics) a large deficit would be counterproductive.

    you can find all the information on the programs by following this link
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    Does chasing super energetic kids count?
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks :) I do eat a lot of junk, I'm going to try and cut out most of the junk though, but I eat a lot of lean red meat so I have a wired high protein intake.