

  • No way!! You are not obese! Check your calculations.... You look great.
  • They are really delicious roasted. Quite a sweet taste.
    in Beetroot Comment by RCSimmonds July 2012
  • Wow, big difference. Keep up the good work!:smile:
  • Far out Cindy311!!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!! :smile: You don't even look like the same woman! You look amazing!!!!!!!!!!
  • That's an amazing amount of weight to lose in 12 months!! Good work! You look 15 years younger too!!!
  • I have been on the weight loss journey for 4 1/2 years and have just got to my goal weight after losing 53kg. I have had a number of strategies for weight loss but now try to eat un-processed foods as much as I can. I still cook etc but try not to eat packaged and processed foods. I find now that I don't want the "junk"…
  • It's good to get one that tells you your calories as gym machines are mostly really wrong, and much easier than trying to calculate it. I always use mine when interval training to make sure I leave enough time to get my heart rate down again. If you haven't done interval training find some info about it and give it a go. I…
  • I was doing cardio last year, and got up to 20 mins jogging on the treadmill. However, this year after letting the fitness slide a bit I have taken to interval training - I now do it on the treadmill and spin bike. On the treadmill I walk at about 6km/hr for approx 1.5 mins then run at 11km/hr for 30 secs, and back to…
  • slowing down a bit is okay, but I read that if you chew too much it takes a much shorter time to digest the food, and therefore you feel hungrier sooner.
  • You know you need to try things 10 times so you get used to them - thats what they say for kids. Give things a serious go. Your tastes will change.
  • Eat yoghurt with your fruit - it's really filling and the protein in it slows down the absorption of the carbs from the fruit.
  • Good for you. Now throw out those clothes that are too big for you because it's that much harder to ignore any potential weight gain when you don't have any bigger clothes to wear! (Talking from experience)!!
  • I would say you are eating a lot of packaged and processed foods, and very little veges and fruit. Get back to basics - eat your fruit and veges as the biggest portion of your daily intake, then add protein in the way of meat, fish, eggs, etc, and milk/ yoghurt etc. I found that eating grains and grain products (cereal,…
  • Yep, I'm a non-processed food eater. Easy once you get into it. Jillian Michaels has a really excellent book that promotes this type of eating - have a read if you can get hold of it, you'll be shocked at what the things that are in processed foods do you your system! I have eaten this way for approx a year. At one stage I…
  • I find the eliptical gives me sore knees, whereas biking and treadmill are fine. Generally I do not have sore knees, but do have problems with eliptical and lunges. I am 2kg off goal weight, so I would imagine that if you are further from goal then it would be even worse. Stick to something that doesn't cause the pain...
  • I notice that you do eat quite a lot of grain products and this may be what is holding you back... I lost 40kgs over 2 yrs and then for the last year 1 put back on 7kg. I found that for me eating grains (cereal, bread etc) is what has been holding me back from losing weight. I have cut all those foods and over the last 3…
  • Carbs are used to power the brain so that is probably why you feel dumb. I lower my carbs by not eating any grains / potatoes / rice etc - get my carbs from fruit and veges, and that works well for me. I also stick to 1200 calories per day (which is the BMR for the weight I want to be).
  • My calorie goal is 1200. When I first started on this I was hungry for a lot of the day, it took 11 weeks to really get used to it (I think that I had probably been eating closer to 1800 calories per day prior to this - no wonder I only lost 200g each month!). I very rarely eat any bread / cereal / potatoes / rice etc -…
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