Anyone on a (Semi) Non-Processed Diet?

wish21 Posts: 602 Member
I have been thinking about this lately. I know people say how expensive it is, but to me I think it would be worth it. I have heard that eating like this is very healthy and it gives you a ton of energy. I think this would be the best route for me (not just for weight loss, but forever). People say that you can eat anything you want as long as its in your calorie range. That might be true for some, but for me its not so much. I am losing inches but not weight. I want to get the most of my workouts. Anyone went this route and had success?


  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Hi! I avoid processed foods as much as possible. They kinda gross me out :/ if I can't pronounce the ingredients I don't want it in my body. I also don't eat meat. Sometimes when I get off work at 2am if I am feeling lazy I will have a boca chick N patty, thats about as processed as I get, and even that I don't like eating but after a long shift at work, cooking is not always a option! :) feel free to send me a add, I am ALL about healthy eating.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Hi! I avoid processed foods as much as possible. They kinda gross me out :/ if I can't pronounce the ingredients I don't want it in my body. I also don't eat meat. Sometimes when I get off work at 2am if I am feeling lazy I will have a boca chick N patty, thats about as processed as I get, and even that I don't like eating but after a long shift at work, cooking is not always a option! :) feel free to send me a add, I am ALL about healthy eating.

    Has it helped you lose weight?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yes, I am also a Non-processed food eater...................I tend to get a tad bit anal about eating clean foods.

    We do eat meat, but we purchase meat, eggs and raw dairy from local farms. We purchase our fruits and vegetables from a local Coop group and through a CSA membership.

    There are very few things that we purchase from a regular grocery market.

    Also, we actually spend way less on groceries now than we did before.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I have gone this route and have had success. It's amazing what eating real food can do for you. Like they say, if it had a mother, or grew on a stalk.. EAT IT! If not, consider carefully.

    I'd say I'm at about 95% unprocessed. I do occasionally have red wine, dark chocolate, well made unsweetened applesauce with very few ingredients and "Ezekial bread" but that's really it as far as processed stuff.

    I didn't make EVOO myself but I don't really consider that "processed" as it has only one ingredient. I also buy manufactured butter. Things like that I don't consider a problem as far as processing goes.

    I never buy boxed or canned stuff with tons of ingredients anymore.

    A couple examples: breakfast for me today was Ezekial bread toast with avocado spread on it. Dinner was a half of a sirloin steak and fresh cooked cauliflower with butter and spices, and a small salad.
  • ShawtyLatina
    ShawtyLatina Posts: 160 Member
    There's a whole group of us about to embark on this non-processed food journey together. Under GROUPS, check out the Crazy Sexy Cleanse. We're 37 strong so far. I heard cutting out the processed stuff does amazing wonders for allowing your body to heal itself and revving up the metabolism. But I also heard that getting rid of the sugars and all the additives is like weaning yourself off of drugs. I'm buckling down for quite the detox experience. Lawdy help us. lol.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    its actually cheaper to not eat crap
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I try to eat mostly non-processed stuff. I can't always stick to it bc of my busy schedule, but I definitely think it helps me lose weight. One of the bad things about processed food is how much sodium it has. That's actually the main reason I try to avoid it, because I have to watch my blood pressure. When I stopped eating processed stuff for a while, and then eat it again, it seems really bland and too salty. If you don't already, keep track of your sodium (you can adjust it in your settings). Cutting it out will help you not retain as much water and will probably kick start losing a few pounds.

    ETA: I think the hardest part about starting to cut processed foods out of your diet is that it feels like there is nothing left to eat, lol. There are lots of blogs, websites, and books that can help with that. It takes a while, but it will definitely get easier if you keep at it!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    I've been doing this for 7+ years.
    It's my way of life and definitely not a diet for me.
    I find it's way less expensive to eat this way. I get my apples 2lbs for a dollar, onions 4lbs for a dollar, bananas 2lbs for a dollar, etc.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Avoiding processed food has worked out for me quite well. It isn't convenient or cheap, but i've noticed the digestive system seems to be a lot more efficient and I have lost weight. Good luck.
  • RCSimmonds
    Yep, I'm a non-processed food eater. Easy once you get into it. Jillian Michaels has a really excellent book that promotes this type of eating - have a read if you can get hold of it, you'll be shocked at what the things that are in processed foods do you your system! I have eaten this way for approx a year. At one stage I started eating a few potato chips and crackers again and after a few days of that my mind was wanting me to eat all the time even though I wasn't hungry! I went back to non-processed and never have that issue. It requires a bit more work, and organisation, but is definately worth it. I have gone back to eating butter and eggs, and my cholestorol has dropped. I believe it is all the processed food that is causing the obesity problems.... You will definately loose weight and feel better for it!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Hi! I avoid processed foods as much as possible. They kinda gross me out :/ if I can't pronounce the ingredients I don't want it in my body. I also don't eat meat. Sometimes when I get off work at 2am if I am feeling lazy I will have a boca chick N patty, thats about as processed as I get, and even that I don't like eating but after a long shift at work, cooking is not always a option! :) feel free to send me a add, I am ALL about healthy eating.

    Has it helped you lose weight?

    I would say so. I have lost about 13 pounds for some reason my mfp ticker doesn't show it. But eating better has made me feel better & have more energy, so I think its definilty a good move in the right direction for weight loss!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    its actually cheaper to not eat crap

    It really is!!! Getting lots of fruits/veggies & cooking your own food, its cheaper & better. I love knowing whats in my food, and being able to change ingredients to make things lower calorie!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My processed foods include tortilla/breads that are usually whole grains and laughing cow or weight watcher cheese wedges. I cook a lot from scratch and living in California with all the fresh veggies and fruits we have here makes it easier. I did just buy some cereal though bu often have steel cut oats and egg white sandwiches. Portion control and keeping to natural sugars has helped me tremendously!

    I have lost 93# to date.
  • leanmachinedream
    I'm not strict about it but I don't buy anything with HFCS. Aside from my indulgences with vanilla coke zero, I obstain from all soda and other sugary beverages. I don't drink any juice, just water.

    I'm with other people. If I can't pronounce the ingredient, I don't eat it! When I feel like making mac n cheese for the kiddo I do it myself in the crock pot.

    Sometimes I get lazy and buy boxed/packaged/fast food items but that's maybe 4 times a month.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I do my best to avoid processed foods. Even if I buy pre-packaged food (vegetarian protein sources like tofu and veggie dogs) I'm a label reader and avoid chemicals and sweeteners. I absolutely avoid high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. I've eaten like this for a while really...but it's only when I got stricter about it and counted calories that I began loosing weight.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    I went completely clean a month ago and have never felt better. I am full of energy and no longer have that sluggish feeling I often had after eating a bunch of processed crap. As far as cost, I feel that it all kind of evened out....we probably spend a bit more at the store on fresh ingredients, but we no longer eat at Subway, or grab a snack at the gas station when we're on-the-go, so that cost has disappeared. Yes, it does take a bit more time to make things, and it would be easier to just open a package, but this is a choice one has to make, and part of it is making a little bit of time to prepare those healthier foods. As far as weight loss goes, I wouldn't say all my weight loss was because of being clean, but I am sure it didn't hinder it! Good luck!!
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    I am doing great got some advice months ago on Jillian Michaels site. I don't eat meat other than turkey. If I am out somewhere then I will have a little bit of chicken. But usually if I have a burger I remove the meat. My diet is basic and yes it "it can" cost more. I could get junk food for a fraction of what I pay for healthy foods sometimes. But some healthy foods don't stay good as long as you know. For me I eat lettuce, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers every single day, I buy them every 3 days. As far as fruit goes, I don't much like it, so I avoid it here and there when I can. I eat 100% natural grain bread and that runs me around $6.00 a loaf. I can read whats in it and see there is no crap added to it. I also gave up all soda, I do miss my diet pepsi, but I will never go back. The only thing I drink now is water. No juice, no coffee no nothing.

    So for the most part since I been eating all these veggies I have a ton of energy and I feel the best I have ever felt, no joke! Do I miss take out foods? Yes and no. I tried eating out 3 times since I been on this kind of eating deal. None of it stayed down "TMI" I know. So be careful about that. When your body is clean and your eating clean, watch out for greasy foods, and other way over processed foods. Did I lose weight? Yes but not like a ton or anything, my body is just now actually getting used to all the changes and the shock I just got done putting it through. But I do believe it's helping in my weight loss diet.

    Sometimes I will have one of those special 100 calorie packs of whatever, but that's rare if I'm on the go I will pick one up. I do stick with special K here and there. Here is why, since I am not really a meat eater. Just eating veggies alone, It would take me forever to reach my calorie goals. So I need some help. We got a health food store coming in. When they are done building all my food will come from there. They carry a ton of natural foods, I can't wait.

    My food bill alone for just me for the week, I'm guessing is around $40-50 a week. So I do not in anyway think that's bad. It's cheaper than what it was when I was eating out all the time, and buying junk food at the store. It really depends on what you buy. Eating healthy can cost you!
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    :smile: This is a lot of great information!! Very helpful