Is it possible to lose a sweet tooth?



  • teachertmb
    teachertmb Posts: 2 Member
    After I had gallbladder surgery I developed a real aversion to any fake sugar. It actually made me nauseous. As a result, of course, I completely stopped drinking diet soda and any and all Products made with any of the various kinds of fake sugar.

    For some reason I have since noticed a real decrease in my craving of sweets. It is certainly not gone. But I find that I am very satisfied with a very small sweet item instead of wanting a huge sweet dessert. I am satisfied with a single piece of mini candy or one cookie. My advice: try not consuming any of the fake sugar products. Maybe it will help.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I lost mine after 2 weeks of phase 1 of the South Beach plan.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have lost mine. The only sweet I desire is Yoplait Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt, it's on my daily diary… but I did switch to a high protein low fat diet - The Dukan Plan. It also killed my desire for bread , pasta, rice or potatoes…. I don't use artificial sweeteners either. Raw Apples feel like a sugar rush when I eat one. ( I am on the stabilization phase of the diet now). I can tell you I use to never pass up a cupcake or chocolate, now they look and smell wonderful, but Ihave a visualization in my head that if I eat one the fat will reappear - like a popcorn kernel exploding puffed up! - so I pass on actually eating one.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Cake. I love cake. Eat one piece and I want another. It's a trigger. Don't eat sugar and eventually the craving will go away.
  • alexandra0690
    I haven't lost my sweet tooth at all... the only thing I can do is not buy any sweets otherwise I will just gobble them all up. I eat a lot of fruit, and I also make myself a chocolate/banana smoothie every day and I count that as my treat. Today I also made frozen banana 'ice cream': slice and freeze 2 medium bananas, then chop up in the food processor. Then add 2T of natural peanut butter and 1T dark chocolate chips, then process again until smooth. Tastes so yummy, and with the peanut butter I use it makes 3 servings of 153 calories.

    ETA: I posted before I saw that you're allergic to bananas! Another frozen treat I've been making this week is making flavored greek yogurt into popsicles - the lemon flavor tastes just like sherbet!


    Just try and eat more fruit. Pineapples, oranges, pomegrante, green apples, strawberries, cantelope.....YUM!
    Thats what I do.
    P.S. I cant have any sweets in my house.
    I will binge eat it all in a day.
    I almost have zero self control.
    The easiest thing for ME is just walking past all the cookies ect. at the store.
    Anyway goodluck,
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    I found that when I cut out diet soda and artificial sweeteners (diabetic) and other sugars in general my satisfaction started to be met by spicier foods. I really enjoy spice or heat in my food and it seems I just enjoy flavorful foods. Sweets i often enjoy now are things like berries or yogurt. Also my calcium chews are sweet and delicious. :smooched:

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I am working on cutting out the diet soda (I can see where it def triggers cravings!) and I realized that sweetened cereal for breakfast also triggers cravings. I'm trying out a few new breakfast foods to see how they help since that is a trigger for me. I don't eat a lot of fruit (mostly because my kids eat it before I can get some. LOL!) but I think I will try to include fruit into a daily snack and see if that doesn't help the sweet tooth a bit. I love the idea of fruit and yogurt smoothies too.
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    I had the worst sweet tooth EVER. I would have stashes of chocolate hidden away. Once I broke that habit my weight started coming off but I found my secret sweet snack that I have almost every single night and it's less than 200 calories.

    1/2 cup fiber one cereal
    1 sugar free pudding cup.
    Mix that all together and add sliced strawberries.

    I'm telling you this has SAVED me.

    I might have to try this ~ it sounds yummy! Plus, it has the carbs that I'm supposed to eat before bed to keep my blood sugar levels stable during the night. My wheels are def. thinking here...
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Sounds like a sugar addiction and the only way to break it is to quit cold turkey. I have heard if you cut out all processed sugars that you will eventually quit craving them.
  • angiezturn
    angiezturn Posts: 49
    I had a physical a few months back. One of my main issues was my cholestorol being very high. The doctor said sugar is a big contributor of cholesterol (which I didn't know!!). I told him I had an issue with sugar and my sweet tooth. He advised more 'clean eating, and start to eliminate bad carbs from my diet. I guess "bad" carbs your body can become addicted to. The addiction to these carbs leads to a 'sweet tooth' meaning your body is wanting these carbs. So, short story. I started eating cleaner and pretty much eliminated most processed foods. My sugar cravings have gone down by probably 80%.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    in ketosis on a low carb diet, my sweet tooth disappears completely - within a week.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I was a 100% certified sugar addict! I could down a bag of mini candy bars in less than 10 minutes easily, craved sweets all day long, would make bowls of frosting to eat plain! But I was also working out hard and was tired of putting all that effort and intensity into it and not seeing the results I wanted. So in March, I quit - cold turkey. I won't lie to you, those first 3 weeks or so were a living hell. It took a lot of willpower, but I did it, and now - the cravings are totally gone.

    What helped me -

    Since you can't get the sweets out of the house, buy the ones that the kids like and YOU don't. My hubby loves licorice and I can't stand it, so I made sure to buy that for him. It's just for 3 weeks, they can do without some things, like your biggest triggers.

    Gum! I went with sugar free juicy fruit. It didn't intensify my cravings any and it was something to take my mind off of things.

    Ditch the diet drinks entirely. I went with plain water or iced tea sweetened with Stevia. That's all.

    One of the interesting things I've found since losing the sugar is how sweet everyday foods taste! Raw almonds taste like candy to me now, strawberries are sweeter, I can actually taste the honey in my flaxseed honey bread. I never noticed those things before!

    Going sugar free isn't for everyone, obviously. But it did make a difference for me - I wasn't able to get flat abs ever while on sugar. Now I have them - and eliminating sugar is the only change I made in the past few months.
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    You read my mind! - I do this with about 2/3 of a smallish frozen banana, a teaspoon of natural peanut butter, and a couple of squirts of vanilla extract in my food processor. This makes a single serving for about 100 calories and is really yummy. My husband loves this too. Sometimes on top, I'll add a half-square of 72% dark chocolate(Trader Joe's) that's been chopped up into tiny bits. This makes a low-cal equivalent of Double Rainbow ice-cream It's A Goody which I found out has 305 calories per HALF CUP - yikes! That's the problem with premium ice-creams - they are way higher in calories than stuff like the neapolitan ice cream sandwiches with which if one cuts that in half, it gets down to 110 calories. I got the frozen banana idea quite awhile ago from raw food sites that had frozen treats recipes. Check out some raw dessert recipes - the ones that don't have too many nuts in them can be very reasonable in calories, yummy, and a lot better for one!:) Another great frozen banana combo is it with some chopped up mango and a few frozen raspberries. One can get creative with this. Hey, even some frozen mango processed up this way would be great, and low-fat too! Anyhow, these guys come out soft-serve style, which is great, but if you want it a bit firmer, just stick your dish with it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Did I say, yum!? If one makes single serve, and keeps it to around 100-120 calories or so, one can have dessert every day - what's not to love about that? and still lose weight as long as it's figured into one's daily calories
  • brenna15
    brenna15 Posts: 4 Member
    I suffer from the ultimate sweet tooth!!!
    Filling up on protein, getting alot of sleep, and staying hydrated are definitely key! A couple things to try...

    I have found that if I eat a semi-sweet breakfast (flavored greek yogurt mixed with either a banana or strawberries then topped with some fiber cereal), keeps me from craving sweets later in the day. I also have found that the less carbs I eat, the less sweets I crave.... I'm talking carbs from bread, rice, pasta, etc. I eat plenty of natural carbs in real fruit & veggies!
    There's alot of nights when I get those cravings too! I'm a chocoholic, but I've started eating a greek yogurt with splenda for dessert and just one or two pieces of dark chocolate.

    But, I have found that the biggest factor is sleep... the more tired & cranky I am, the more carbs & sweets I want!
  • RCSimmonds
    RCSimmonds Posts: 22
    Cake. I love cake. Eat one piece and I want another. It's a trigger. Don't eat sugar and eventually the craving will go away.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I do have a sweet tooth and binging on large amounts of biscuits, cake , chocolate etc has made me very overweight. Now I try to eat better, less processed, healthier food. Use your MFP calorie allowance wisely. Choose lean protein, wholegrains, beans and pulses, fruit and vegetables and low fat dairy foods. These foods eaten regularly through the day will keep your blood sugars on an even keel so you don't dip and then crave the instant sugar rush you get from sweets and chocolate. Its also partly habits which you have to break. I have not conquered my sweet tooth completely, and I don't always follow my own advice but I do eat much less of the sweet stuff now. If you do have something sweet have it at the end of a meal rather as a between meal snack. Your teeth will thank you too! A word about white bread, pasta and rice too. These foods are broken down quickly in to sugars. Better to try seeded bread, wholemeal pasta and brown basmati rice which are broken down more slowly.
  • ang83
    ang83 Posts: 21 Member
  • amandawithey
    I have a huge sweet tooth. It's one of the things I find the hardest to cope with.

    Recently tho, I was directed to watch the 60 Minute session below, I found it to be a bit of an eye opener and definitely explains why we have so many issues curbing sugar cravings. I thought I'd post this as it might also help some of you