

  • Die Xmas movie ever....and Bad Santa
  • bumpy bumperson
  • I like ligers...pretty much my favorite animal
  • Do the machines prompt you to enter your weight? The calories burned calculation is based upon your weight. If you do not enter it the machine will use a base weight to caculate calories burned. Just a guess.
  • laab. Spicy boiled chicken, beef or pork salad with mint leaves, cliantro, onions and traditionally served with lettuce leaves (I wrap the meat in them) and cucumbers. Delicious and healthy.
  • My girlfriend is from Thailand so I eat Thai frequently. I recommend Laab which is a spicy, minced, boiled pork with lime and basil. Some restaurants will also make it with beef. I love it. You will probably be served steamed white rice but some restaurants will offer brown. The rice typically comes on the side so you can…
  • In that case, I'd go in the middle.
  • This all depends on your weight, height and age. If you are a 30 year old, 6 ft tall, 400 lb man then you burn 3340 calories a day without exercise. In this case a reasonable caloric intake goal to lose a pound a week would be 2600.
  • Hot green tea. Full of anti-oxidants and caffiene, zero calories. I drink it all day at work.
  • How far off are you from your goal? If it's just a hundred or so have glass of milk before bed or add a piece of fruit. I often don't meet my calorie goals M-F because I'm working out heavy and eating clean. Then I hit maintenance on the weekends with the lack of exercise and some eating out. Some people are against…
  • My boy Reilly is my avatar. He's three years old now and the best exercise motivator I have. Needs a run around the park every day or he brings me toys until I get off my butt and play with him.
  • I started going in at 5 when I was in my senior year of college and carried it for several years. It was my favorite time to work out. Another plus is many studies have shown the benefits of doing fasted cardio (working out on a empty stomach) for burning fat. I work at 6 am now, so it's easier for me to workout after work…
  • I'm gonna have one today myself. But it's gonna be too many drinks at happy hour. Oh, well. I figure I workout and eat right 90 percent of the time so I can go out once a month and have some fun. Your binge sounded a lot more healthy than mine.
  • bump to my topics. sounds awesome.
  • Someone posted an article from Ment's Health about the worst foods you can eat at a restaurant a couple of days ago and I think that sandwich was on it. In fact the article said they could write the whole thing about cheesecake factory. It's a shame you can hardly go out to eat without packing in a days worth of calories.
  • I've always been told abs are made in the kitchen. Good advice.
  • I love Man Vs. Food. Aall that food that is terrible for you looks awesome as he's stuffing his face with it.
  • Maggiano's Lasagna or blackened catfish appalousas from Papadeux. Awesome and equally unhealthy.
  • I used to see this a lot when I'd go out and have a few drinks. Drinking alcohol forces your body to retain water. Drink plenty of water after a night of boozing and the water retention should go away. I wouldn't get caught up in one weigh-in.
  • If the treadmill doesn't ask for your weight then it is probably making an assumption based upon an average weight. I would definitely go with the HRM.
  • Tossed a pork roast in the crock pot this morning with some vegetables. Not the leanest protein but not too shabby.
  • shaking my head...smh?
  • I've been sick for three days. I've stayed out of the gym just because I know how annoyed I get when i see someone get off the machine I'm about to use and they're coughing and hacking all over the place. I agree it is frustrating not being able to work out when you're feeling so motivated.
  • How much are you taking at one time that makes you sick? I've always relied on protein powders to get my 180-200g a day and love the taste of the chocolate powder in a big glass of milk. That said I've had friends who didn't care for the taste. Somethings I've recommended are hiding smaller portions into different foods.…
  • It's cheesy, but when I'm running I like to throw on a little Eye of the Tiger, Chariots of Fire and the Rocky theme.
  • I burn 400-600 on my running days (T, Thu, Sat) and about 250 on lifting days(M, W, F). I think I freeze (reverse of burn?) about an extra 1000 on my off day on Sunday when I park myself in front of the tv and watch football for 12 hours. Seems to work out.
  • I'm also of the mindset that more protein is better when trying to lose fat and maintain muscle mass. If you are concerned about the additives in traditional protein powders try a whey protein isolate. The isolate powder is more expensive but it is 90-98% pure protein. Typical protein powders are whey or soy concentrate…
  • Well thanks guys. The av pic is my baby boy who forces me to get off the couch everyday and go for a jog, walk or just toss the ball around. My goal is another 25 pounds which would put me at 180 (i'm 5'11) which has historically been a good weight for me. Going to mexico next year so I need to be in shape for the beach.…
    in New Guy Comment by breckmc October 2009
  • I just did the second run of week 7 an hour ago. This is my second time through it. I did it 5 years ago all the way through and got in excellent shape. I let myself go over the last few years so I started over a couple of months ago and couldn't run 2 minutes straight. Back up to two miles again. You'll enjoy it.