Eating Calories

I am just looking for some advice. I have just joined on here and have been allocated goal calories of 2617. I am finding it hard to eat this amount without stuffing myself. Its too many calories sometimes i may be under by 300. Where do i stand if i don't eat that amount. Will it cause problems. I can assure you all that i am eating breakfast lunch and dinner along with snacks and am at no point hungry. Any advice would really be appreciated.



  • tashie1990
    tashie1990 Posts: 31 Member
    Thats really high... The average amount of calories to MAINTAIN your weight is usually 1800-2000
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I hope some of the guys can answer that for you. It does sound like a lot but I am not familiar with all of your specs. Maybe include height, weight, goals etc.

    Bumping this along so it is noticed.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Did you set up your goal to lose or gain weight? Or is this your calorie goal after you enter exercise, if so how many calories do you typically burn?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Thats really high... The average amount of calories to MAINTAIN your weight is usually 1800-2000

    For a man 2000-2500 is normal maintenance, I weigh 140 and my maintenance is 1900 cals, most men are larger than me therefore require more calories
  • kmstars
    kmstars Posts: 17 Member
    If it gives you that amount of calories to eat (to loose weight). You should probably stick to that amount if you want to loose weight. Its not going to be easy, but then noone ever says it is. Try foods that are lower in calories, then you can eat more!
    I love the Michellina's Lean Gourmet meals. They are very low in calories! I eat them for lunch, but that could also be a good snack for you! And they are usually only $1 at the store and they range from 100-350 calories!!
    Good luck, and don't give up!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    That sounds really high. Did you set up the system to gain weight or to lose weight? You may need to double check that, and your other entries as well. Did you put your daily activities as high or low.

    All of those factors, helps the system determine your daily calorie need.
  • james3302
    james3302 Posts: 119
    The amount of calories you are shown to eat depend on your weight, activity level and how much weight you want to lose(or gain). If you are having trouble eating the number of calories I have two words for you.

    Peanut Butter!

    It's a high calories food that's good for you. Make sure to eat multiple times a day and not have three big meals a day. You can make a high calorie protein shake too

    1 scopp whey protein 140 calories
    1 cup 1% milk 110 calories
    2 tbsp natural PB 190 calores
    Total 440 calories

    Maybe add some ice to make it more it thicker.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I am just looking for some advice. I have just joined on here and have been allocated goal calories of 2617. I am finding it hard to eat this amount without stuffing myself. Its too many calories sometimes i may be under by 300. Where do i stand if i don't eat that amount. Will it cause problems. I can assure you all that i am eating breakfast lunch and dinner along with snacks and am at no point hungry. Any advice would really be appreciated.


    I am 6'4" and 190 lbs. I am at maintanace now and my cal allocation is 2,310. it seem like your may be a little high, but it will depend on your weight and activity level. relook at your goals and see if that make any diffrence
  • breckmc
    breckmc Posts: 30
    This all depends on your weight, height and age. If you are a 30 year old, 6 ft tall, 400 lb man then you burn 3340 calories a day without exercise. In this case a reasonable caloric intake goal to lose a pound a week would be 2600.