Protein Pills

i know i have a lot of questions about protein lately, but thats because before i came here i honestly never worried about it much!

I've tried the protein powders (a couple diff kinds) and wasted my money. i have a weak stomach and ended up either feeling sick, or actually getting sick because i couldn't handle the taste.

are there protein pills?

does anyone know how much, if any, protein is in flax seed oil pills?

help lol!


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    yep, look for amino acid pills. But I have no idea how effective they are. Nutrients absorbed in pill form is always less effective than real foods.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Pills are great for delivering tiny quantities of something like drugs. Milligrams. Less than a grain of rice.

    Protein isn't a drug, it's just food. We're talking about large quantities. I'm eating close to 200 grams a day of the stuff. Even my wife on her teeny little 1200 calorie a day program is eating 54 grams a day. That's 54,000 milligrams. That's close to 2 ounces. Just a large quantity of stuff - and that's hard to deliver in pill form. If you bought 1000mg (1 gram) protein capsules you'd be gobbling a whole bottle every day, and that's just silly.

    The best source of protein is food. I like chicken and tuna, as a veg you're going to have to look a little harder, but "protein pills" are gonna be tough.

    Here's some recommendations:

    One cup of cooked soybeans (29 gms of protein),
    lentils (18 gms of protein),
    black beans (15 gms of protein),
    kidney beans (13 gms of protein),
    chickpeas (12 gms of protein),
    veggie baked beans (12 gms of protein),
    pinto beans (12 gms of protein),
    black-eyed peas (11 gms of protein),
    peas (9 gms of protein),
    spinach (5 gms of protein)
    broccoli (4 gms of protein)
    Four ounces tofu (11 gms of protein)
    1/4cups sunflower seeds (4 gms protein)
  • breckmc
    breckmc Posts: 30
    How much are you taking at one time that makes you sick? I've always relied on protein powders to get my 180-200g a day and love the taste of the chocolate powder in a big glass of milk. That said I've had friends who didn't care for the taste. Somethings I've recommended are hiding smaller portions into different foods. Sometimes I'll throw a half a scoop in my oatmeal or cereal in the morning and mix it with some frozen berries. You can hide a little bit in some heavy soups too and not notice it. I did once sprinkle some on a salad and that turned out to be a bit extreme so don't go that route. But do be creative.

    I also like to make smoothies out of it. I'll mix the powder with milk, a banana, some frozen raspberries, a spoonful of peanut butter, some uncooked oatmeal and a bunch of ice and mix it up in the blender. i can't even taste the protein powder through the other stuff.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    breckmc - i'm using the 1 scoop that it says to use. i've tried it a few different ways but still can't seem to handle it. ever since i got prego with my son (he's 2.5 now) i've had the weakest stomach. if something smells or tastes weird i cant eat/drink it or it makes me gag, and sometimes throw up.

    my only problem with beans is that they seem to be so high in carbs, and i'm trying to avoid a lot of carbs
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    What about nuts:
    This is grams of protein per 1oz
    Almonds 6.03g
    Brazil Nuts 4.07g
    Cashew Nuts 4.34g
    Hazel Nuts 4.24g
    Macadamia Nuts 2.21g
    Pecans 2.6g
    Peanuts 6.71g
    Walnuts 4.32g
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    It could be the brand of protein powder too. I'm vegetarian (mostly.. I recently went back to seafood as well).. But I found I couldn't stand most of the protein powder shakes until I found Spirutein's brand... they use a blend of soy, pea and rice proteins, and I think that happily counteracts the problems I would have with most other soy based proteins (upset stomach) and I could never stand anything whey based - it also tended to make me sick in that kind of concentrated dose - as a super awesome bonus, the flavors are wonderful, and the shakes include about 100% of most of the vitamins and minerals required in a day - so it bypasses having to worry about taking vitamins (I hate taking pills).

    If you haven't tried the Spirutein brand, I would heartily recommend it... taken with milk, I get about 22 grams of protein - and coupled with my eating for the rest of the day, according to this site's food log, I'm always over on my protein intake (and this counts the days I don't touch seafood).