

  • 8 oz is a cup. I have no idea what that is in grams (you'll have to do the math :) )
  • BBQ Beef (Not sure about the calorie count but this is absolutely delicious) 3-4lb roast 24oz catsup 1/3c bbq sauce 1/2c chopped onion 1/4c brown sugar salt & pepper to taste chili powder to taste Trim fat from roast. Put roast in crockpot. Mix all the other ingredients together and pour over roast. Cook on low for 10-12…
  • First, you are not rubbish. You are just beginning. Give yourself some time. Check out Walk away the pounds with Leslie Sansone. These are great beginning exercise videos. Don't let the title fool you, you will be working up a sweat :)
  • Here's a recipe from the Biggest Loser that we eat all the time. It is so easy and DELICIOUS! Hoisin Glazed Pork Chops: Olive oil in a sprayer (not store bought that contains propellant) 4 trimmed boneless pork loin chops about 3/4" thick (4 oz each) 1 tsp garlic powder Salt, to taste Freshly ground black pepper to taste…
  • DirecTV has FitTV. You may be able to find kickboxing workouts on demand.
  • It took me 8 years to drop the weight! Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • When I have days like this, I make myself get dressed and just do it. You will feel so much better once you do. Getting started is half the battle :wink:
  • Lowfat yogurt and some fruit is what I eat most days.
  • Walk away the pounds is how I started my weight loss journey. I have lost about 60 lbs so far (40-45 of them on MFP). I always worked up a good sweat with the 3, 4, and 5 mile walks. It's also a good way to get into exercise if you haven't ever exercised or if you haven't exercised in a while.
  • CONGRATS!!!!
  • I've had mine for 3 years and haven't had any problems.
  • You know all the words to the Spongebob Squarepants theme song
  • I have a Nordic Track that I love. It sat unused for a year before I finally decided to buckle down and get serious about weight loss. I find the Nordic Track to be a smoother "ride" than some of the others. My advice is to go to the store and try them out. Some seemed to be very jerky. You could feel when your feet were…
  • Have you tried The Most Decadent Diet Ever by Devin Alexander. She also wrote the Biggest Loser cookbooks. I really enjoy the recipes from this book.
  • That's AWESOME! Congrats! Often times we do not give ourselves enough credit for what we HAVE accomplished. We spend too much time focusing on what we haven't accomplished. Be proud of yourself for not only breaking the 17 minutes but for making a lifestyle change for the better.
  • No. My trainer like free weights better because of the free range of motion. You don't get that from machines.
  • Nestle makes a 60 calorie chocolate stick. They come in different flavors: dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and milk chocolate with caramel.
  • Have you tried pilates? It's supposed to be good for the love handles. .
  • Ratna I LOVE the boxer pic. I have one too. Her name is Sula and she is CRAZY but that's what I love about her :love:
  • Have you looked at collagevideo.com? They have 100s of videos and you can preview a 30 second clip of the video. Also, if you don't like the video, you can return it within 30 days. I buy all my videos from this site. I recommend LaloFit. It's a kick butt workout. He uses a freeze technique. You do a move and then hold it…
  • I like working out with kettlebells. It is an all over workout. It's amazing what swinging a weight can do. Check out collagevideo.com. You can watch clips of the different kettlebell videos. This may give you an idea of what you want to try. I have the Gin Miller Kettlebell workout. Hope this helps.
  • Have you tried Bootcamp videos? I like the Crunch Bootcamp. It's fun and challenging. You will do some weights with some cardio. Hope this helps :happy:
  • Coffee is a necessity. My day is not complete without it. Has anyone tried Cremora's 0 carb creamer? It's really nice and creamy (like liquid creamer).
    in coffee Comment by vstarcher May 2009
  • CONGRATS!!:drinker: Keep up the good work!
  • I've heard of doctors putting their patients on glucophage (metformin is the generic name) for weight loss. Here's an article I found on metformin and weight loss. I hope it helps. http://www.drmirkin.com/nutrition/N117.htm
  • Survivor, Big Love, Biggest Loser
  • Muscle and Fat weigh the same. One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat. Fat just takes up more room. Muscle is active tissue that burns calories around the clock even as you sleep, kind of like an engine running in neutral. When you move around, you burn more calories, just like a car will consume more gas…
  • Check out collagevideo.com They have every workout known to mankind. I too started out walking using Leslie Sansones "Walk Away the pounds" videos. I am now up to intermediate/advanced kickboxing. Hang in there it will get easier! Good luck.